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Love is one of a kinde, that why we love it
Love can appear in many diffrent forms, Love can make you do crazy things just to get it. Love can make you express feelings that you never knew you had. And thats why everybody loves love.
There are many different kinds of love. Some are love to earth, Some are couple and mother love, and some are even love to luxery material things. The combinations of love is limitless.
Love can make you do crazy things that you never could imagine. Some people are prepared to die for love and some are prepared to kill for love. Love stands for love, and even through the darkest hole on planet you will at the end finde it. Love can always appear in many forms.
Every one has a favourite way of showing love. Some are showing love through pain,sweet and tears. And some are expressing it through murder or other crazy ways. Love is a very strong feeling that can make everybody do crazy things just to get it.
Love is one of the best feelings you can have. There are many different forms. It can be expressed in diffrent ways. It can make you feel like you never feelt before. And it can make you do crazy things just to get its attention. No wonder why people say, "Love is one of a kinde, thats why we love it".
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