Så jag gjorde tidigare en ticket angående mitt konto och fick nu ett svar och ett e-mail där det stog följande:
This is the latest response from Customer Support:
You are receiving this message as we have found that your account has become compromised.
- What has happened?
1. Your Battle.net account has become compromised
2. Your e-mail account has become compromised
3. Your Battle.net secret question and answer have become compromised
4. Your computer has been infected with a key logger or trojan virus, or you have visited a scam website or replied to a scam e-mail where you gave your account details
As a result of this, I have temporarily suspended your World of Warcraft account, and disabled your current secret question and answer as a security precaution.
- What's next?
1. For us to change your current Battle.net account name, we'll need you to contact us with a new email address.
2. Secondly, you should nominate a new secret question and answer from the list below.
3. Finally, please make a new support ticket with your Battle.net account, and provide the following information in a text document (.TXT file, e.g. Notepad file) as an attachment:
- Battle.net Account Name: The current account name (email address) you are using to login
- Your new Battle.net account name (email address)
- NEW secret question and answer
- Name: The full name that the account was created with.
- Confirmation that you agree to have your original Battle.net account e-mail changed to that of your newly created Battle.net account (your newly created account will be disabled as a result).
If you cannot access your own Battle.net account please create a new Battle.net account under a new e-mail address at https://eu.battle.net/. In this case, in addition to the mentioned data above, we need a confirmation that you agree to have your original Battle.net account e-mail changed to that of your newly created Battle.net account (your newly created account will be disabled as a result).
The list of available secret questions is:
- First elementary school I attended?
- The high school I graduated from?
- Mother's city of birth?
- Father's city of birth?
- Your city of birth?
- Name of your first pet?
- Best friend in high school?
- Model of your first car?
- Your favorite sports team?
- Your first employer (company name)?
The answer to the question does not necessarily have to be the right one, but can be an answer that only you will know.
For security reasons, we ask that you do not write your new secret question/answer and your account details in the main body of your reply.
We have also removed your recurring subscription details from the account; you will not be billed again on this card unless you enter the details again manually. Once the current subscription is over, if no further payment details are added, your account will become frozen
Once we have received this information, we will be able to process your account further.
Jag är inte 100% säker på vad jag ska göra. Men jag ska väl göra ett nytt battle-net konto och importera en text fil med dom uppgifter som dom nämner, visst? Och sedan så kommer dom flytta över mitt Wow konto till det nya battle-net konto? Om någon kan förklara lite bättre vore jag tacksam!
Tack på förhandddddd
Ær'e hær'e er party