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Skapad av Borttagen, 2010-09-22 00:20 i Fritid

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bib / li / o · ho · lism: (bib' lē ə hôl' iz' əm)
[<Gr biblion] n. [BIBLIO + HOLISM] book, of books: the habitual longing to purchase, read, store, admire and consume books in excess.

Are You a Biblioholic? (test utarbetat av Tom Raabe)

1. When you go to a bookstore with a friend, are you usually carrying more books when you leave than your friend is?

2. Do you wake up the morning after, unable to remember how many books you bought or how much you spent on them?

3. Do you, inexplicably, yank down a volume from the store shelves, open it, and shove your nose deeply into the binding, hungrily inhaling the ink and paper smells?

4. Have you ever bought the same book twice without knowing it?

5. When you go to a bookstore after work, thus arriving home late at night, do you lie about where you have been, telling your spouce you were at a bar?

6. At Christmastime, do you buy your loved ones books that you want to read?

7. Have you ever given up on a book before you started it?

8. Are you unable to walk through a mall without stopping at a bookstore?

9. Do you have a personal library on an entire subject, none of which you have read?

10. Do you ever buy books simply because they were on sale?

11. Have you ever bought a book because you liked the cover design?

12. When at a garage sale, is the first thing you look at the books?

13. Have you ever been fired from a job, or reprimanded, for reading?

14. Have you and your immediate family ever “discussed” your book-buying and reading habits?

15. When you watch TV, do you always have a book in your lap for slow parts and commercials?

16. Do you “watch” television sports with the sound off?

17. Does panic set in when you find yourself in a barber’s chair or under a hairdryer with nothing to read?

18. Have you ever become suddenly deeply interested in an obscure topic and immediately bought six or more books on that topic?

19. Do you ever lie about how many books you’ve bought?

20. Do you devise grand and devious strategies for getting your books into the house to avoid your spouse’s or family’s scrutiny?

21. Has your book buying ever embarrassed your family or friends?

22. When a stranger walks into your house or apartment, are his or her first words usually a comment about your books?

23. If someone asks you for a reading list of the twenty most influential books you’ve ever read, do you happen to have such a list on your person?

24. Do you have at least six books next to your bed?

25. When a bookstore clerk has been unable to locate a certain book in the stacks, have you ever been able to find that book?

Count up the number of yes answers.

If you answered yes to more than four questions, you are looking down into the deep and woeful pit of biblioholism.

If you answered yes to more than eight, you are hanging by your fingernails on the edge, your legs kicking in the emptiness and your eyes imploringly turned heavenward for rescue.

And if you answered yes to more than twelve questions, you are in space right now, a full-throated scream careening off the canyon walls, and it’s only a matter of time until you splat onto the canyon floor with a puff of dust and a heartly yelp à la Wile E. Coyote of cartoon fame. But then, you already knew you were kind of weird.

"But then, you already knew you were kind of weird."

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P 35 Stockholm Hjälte 7 344 inlägg
Hm, ja på alla utom typ.. tre eller fyra.

I'm back, with blazing arrows

F 30 Hjälte 6 138 inlägg
Nej på alla förutom nummer 7 :>

I'm practically floating in English.

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