Jag spelar ganska mycket TF2 och är en liten noobig F2P player :D Fast jag har 137 Timmar spelat. Jaja, nu äre så att för lite mer är tre veckor sedan åke jag på semester med familjen, kom tillbaka en och en halv vecka senare, och då började jag PGa TF2 igen. Men jag får inga random drops längre? Det står på wiki att man från 8 - 10 drops i veckan, jag har spelat kanske 3 timmar varje dag nu i en och en halv vecka men inga random drops. Det enda drop'et jag har fått var milstolpe 3 för medic.
Visa spoiler
On April 20, 2010, the item drop system was changed. Instead of rolling randomly at intervals to see if you got an item drop, now the system rolls to determine when your next item drop will occur. With this change, players are guaranteed to find items at fairly regular intervals. This was made because many players had unlucky streaks, where they didn't find any items for weeks. That isn't possible anymore. The drop rate was also increased, but now players have a limited playtime per week when they can receive drops. Playing beyond that amount won't find any more items, but some of the unused time will rollover to the following week; speaking of that, the item cap resets at Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. pacific standard time(this test was experimented and needs more input). The current DAILY drop limit is unknown, although it has been speculated among players that the total drop limit PER WEEK is between 8 and 10. (This has not been confirmed by Valve). Also another thing about the current item drop system is that sometimes players will have 'lucky' streaks, whereby they will receive several item finds at once (even up to 6). Unfortunately, this will ultimately mean a reduction in item drops for the remaining gaming time allocated for such item drops.
Jag fattar inte det här... Varför får jag inga drops?! får ni?! WTF?
"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world." - Richard Dawkins