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Tibia elf bot crack 8.55 by evolution

Skapad av Borttagen, 2010-04-14 18:19 i Dator- & TVspel

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I have free cracked version ELfBot NG, have next options:

Healing through potions is now doable from the interface just like it was for UHs and spells (though the old way of healing by writing ghealth/shealth in the spell fields works still (see the news post below)).

Diagonal Movement
As requested by several people that wanted to be able to still walk diagonally and have binds on the numpad keys, 8 movement commands have been added: moven, moves, movee, movew, movene, movenw, movese, movesw.

Navigation Server now updates friends/allies 10 times per second instead of 1 time per second as before.

Combo Fire:
The combo fire became buggy with the update and was fixed; on that occasion, it was also improved.
Also, additional options have been added to "Aim Type" for better combo support for specially paladins and knights.

Those are :

Attack + Sd Target
Attack + San Target
Attack + Hur Target

Mana estimation
To effectively fight mages in the war, the Player Info feature now estimates the current/max mp of every mage on screen to the best amount of information available. Every mage that you encounter will have his amount of mana assumed to be at his max mp and displayed in orange on him.

Prioritize mages with least mp
This is a useful option in the Aimbot Core section that works together with the mana amounts approximation. When you select this option, every instance of enemy selection will prioritize targetting on the mage that has the least amount of current mp (often, this will be the lowest level mage in your enemy list so be cautious who you add, unless a higher level was getting spammed and has lower mana).

Sparkling Rings
Lastly, there is a new command that fixes a small issue with equipment of sprkling rings, which need 2 ids to operate because the sparkling ring has a different id then the neutral version.

This is link to download cracked version this bot for tibia:

Enjoy the cracked.

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