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Skapad av smexet, 2013-07-21 18:28 i Dator- & TVspel

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31 Hjälte 5 inlägg
Vilket spel e bäst ? LoL eller HoN ?

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P Hjälte 2 423 inlägg
Personligen föredrar jag LoL, då jag spelat det sedan 2011. "Bäst" och "bäst", det är nog mer en smaksak. Fattade tycke för LoL första gången jag spelade det, första gången jag spelade HoN blev det mer ett: nje :/
F 25 Hjälte 206 inlägg
Jag tycker att LoL är bättre pga att jag inte kan HoN men jag skulle tro att HoN är bättre om någon bara ville lära mig att spela HoN!

Ingen status

P 31 Trollhättan Hjälte 334 inlägg
Har spelat båda spelen och tycker att LoL har en bättre spelkänsla..
Men det är ju en smaksak så..

Meh, fuck it.

P 31 Linköping Hjälte 6 237 inlägg
"Vilken färg är bäst, blå eller röd?"

Jämför spelen själv, LoL är inte lika mycket utav DOTA som HoN är, men är ju inte på grund av det ett kasst spel. Det har helt enkelt en annan spelarbas (och en stor sådan).

Finns en massa listor som visar skillnaderna mellan spelen, som här:

Visa spoiler

- Aimed at being more noob friendly and accessible to new players
- Several dota aspects intentionally removed because of this
- Denying removed, xp range higher. This seems to be to help new players find their footing without punishing them too much due to harassment.
- No gold loss on death. Similar reasons to above. This is made more balanced by making it significantly harder to tower dive than in HoN. Also, if you do tower dive and die, the victim still gains gold/exp.
- Juking somewhat removed. Brush still provides the ganking/escaping that juking does, but without requiring such a high level of skill. Juking is effectively there, but more predictable to counter.
- Almost all heroes can perform the role of a 'carry'. A mage with high AP items can kill lots of people. A tank with a large amount of money put into tanking items is also able to cause significant damage to a team. It is generally almost equally important for everyone on the team to have large amounts of gold.


- Aimed at DotA loyalists, and in my opinion is a good direct successor to dota.
- The role in HoN of a caster/ganker is significantly different to what it is in LoL. It involves harassing enemies while ensuring that your carries gain large numbers of creep kills. If this isn't performed very well, it compromises the team.
- In HoN, the role of 'tank' isn't one that is generally appreciated as necessary to a team. It is generally important for all members of a team to have some aspect of survivability, or something to counter heavy amounts of CC on the other team.
- A hard carry in HoN is pretty necessary if the game gets to the late game. It is hard to beat a farmed enemy carry without one of your own, except in the early-mid game.
- There is a high amount of skill required to master juking, harassing, and last hitting/denying. This isn't a big issue to those that are already used to the techniques, but if you're trying to learn them at the same time as learning to play the game, it's a problem.

General Differences:

- Warding, while important in both games, is generally more prevalent in HoN in my experience. Teams generally have at least one hero who sacrifices getting any real items whatsoever so that they can ward and counter ward. If your team doesn't do this, and the enemy team does, things go badly. In LoL, warding is also somewhat necessary. If you don't do it and they do, things can get pretty nasty. However, wards are cheap and there's generally no designated hero who should do them. Chucking down a few wards if you're a physical dps is a smart decision, and it is easy to earn back the gold quickly by being able to safely farm creeps.
- LoL's purchasing metagame makes the game somewhat more involving to play. While the concept of needing to purchase heroes may seem like it'd make the game worse if you're a low level, as a compulsive hero changer I don't actually find it to be an issue. Riot have put enough effort into it to make it work.
- There is a significant difference in mana and resources between the two games. Firstly, concerning mana-based heroes:
- In HoN, most strength or agility carries have inherently low mana pools, and spending money on increasing them significantly can decrease the hero's effectiveness. For most low-level carries, it's only possible to cast one or two main spells before running out of mana altogether. Casters in HoN are in a similar situation. In LoL, most designated casters treat their spells as an equivalent to a physical attacker's auto-attacks. Spells are on low cooldowns, and many of them don't have hugely significant effects aside from the damage they deal. In HoN, most spells on any heroes have effects that justify not being able to cast them often. Hard CC spells such as stuns are abundant, and early game it'll only take two or three spells to completely kill a hero. Magic armor exists, but in HoN it is not quite the same as armor is in LoL. it is something purchased specifically to counter a troublesome caster.
- LoL's ability power mechanic serves to make casters very similar to physical attackers but with different buttons to press. While I don't disagree with this conceptually, if someone tries to transition to HoN, they will find casters to be very different to their LoL counterparts.
- HoN's high number of on-use, specific counter items make it much more important to choose wisely what you're going to buy. If you're poor in hon, you're very poor. You may only get one item, and if you choose the wrong one, you can be effectively out of the game.
- Last but not least, the player bases are what i consider to be a large factor in deciding which game to play. In HoN everyone is more serious, and I can see why. If you buy boots first with no regen, you get flamed to oblivion by your team. Add to this the fact that you usually also feed if you make the wrong choices, and it can be very easy to throw away a game. In HoN, opponents are more dangerous, teammates are more hostile, and it is just overall more competitive and challenging to play. It is for this reason that I generally choose to play LoL when I'm not feeling at the top of my game.

Plötsligt hände det!

P 32 Stehag Hjälte 1 746 inlägg

F 31 Arlöv Hjälte 2 984 inlägg
Jag föredrar LoL då jag har spelat det sedan 2011, och har lagt ner väldigt mycket tid och pengar på det, samt spelar de flesta av mina vänner det. HoN har jag testat ett par gånger men jag tyckte inte om det speciellt mycket.

Ingen status

P 31 Hjälte 11 inlägg
Körde HoN sedan betan och de första 2-3 månaderna efter man blev tvungen att köpa det, riktigt kul spel. Slutade pga att mina polare började med SC2.

Kör f.ö LoL då och då sedan S1 nu och tycker att det är väldigt mycket roligare!
P 32 Linköping Hjälte 2 698 inlägg

Svar till smexet [Gå till post]:
Enligt mig HoN.

Men tycker även att det är individuellt. Man får väl tycka om vad man vill sen ska man väl inte bekymra sig över vad andra tänker.

Get ripped or die mirin'

P 32 Linköping Hjälte 7 472 inlägg
Har spelat HoN sedan 2009 och tycker det är ett bättre och intressantare spel. Har dock inget emot LoL, spelar det tillsammans med kompisar lite då och då och med tanke på att spelet har typ 40 bazillioner spelare så måste Riot ju ha gjort något rätt!

Det finns inget mer älskvärt än Moldavien |

31 Hjälte 5 inlägg

Svar till WhiteWidow [Gå till post]:
Jag tycker själv oxå att LoL är roligare o spela :) bara intresserad av vad andra tycker :) !
P 33 Luleå Hjälte 201 inlägg
Var väldigt längesen sen jag körde HoN, så vet inte om känslan är den samma som den var när jag körde.

Men skulle nog välja HoN före LoL.

People don't always tell you what they are thinking. They just see to it that you don't advance in life.

P 32 Göteborg Hjälte 4 004 inlägg
Smite är spelet som gäller.

Knope 2012

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