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5 favorit delar i sånger (verser)

Skapad av Sameriksson, 2012-06-01 20:52 i Musik

5 914
9 inlägg
1 poäng
P 26 Hjälte 780 inlägg

HejHej, liten random tråd bara, skriv era 5 favorit verser ur olika sånger? 5 olika sånger då, eller 2 ur samma, osv. :)

1: Why should I care
Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
You, you need to listen I'm starting to trip,
I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone

2: I coulda been the one you noticed ,I coulda been all over you ,I coulda been like all the others ,Is that what I'm supposed to do? It woulda been really stupid, If I woulda went home with you To give you everything you wanted , It woulda been way too soon. You're my daydream, you know
that I've been thinking about you... lately, And everytime I look at you
I can't explain I feel insane, I can't get away

( avrils låt, hon gav dock iväg den. )

3:See I got a little bit of a problem
back where I come from,
feels like five people in my population
and no one ever leaves there
Im gonna be the first one
I guess my papa always told me the way it wasn't
and my mama think she knows me, I know she doesnt


4: Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time?
Did you think that it was somethin I was gonna do and cry?
Don't try to tell me what to do,
Dont try to tell me what to say,
You're better off that way

5: When I was feeling down, you'd start to hang around, you filthy rotten hound, It's badder than it sounds, believe me.

Ja, Det var det.

Tillägg av danielahedblom 2012-06-02 14:32

Avril - Tomorrow

And I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,
Ya I try to believe you,
But I don't

When you say that it's gonna be,
It always turns out to be a different way,
I try to believe you,
Not today, today, today, today, today...
It's always been up to you,
It's turning around,
It's up to me,
I'm gonna do what I have to do,
just don't

Gimme a little time,
Leave me alone a little while,
Maybe it's not too late,
not today, today, today, today, today...

Veronica Maggio. <3

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P 28 Hjälte 3 858 inlägg
1. Architects - These Colours Don't Run

Life time slave
Living in a suburban grave
If there was a god
Was a god
You would be the death of him

2. Architects - Follow the water

I've lost count of how many times I've tried to get out of this routine
But it's holding so tight

I just can't handle another day of this
I just can't win

Get me out alive

3. Bring me the Horizon - Crucify me

I am an ocean, I am the sea,
There is a world inside of me.
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep,
No set of lungs could salvage me.
Save yourself, save your breath,
The tides too strong, you'll catch your death.
So breathe for me, just breathe.

Live, såklart!

Kan inte komma på mer, det vore lättare att svara om du kunde ha valt favorit refränger istället. :p


P Ordningsvakt 3 803 inlägg
Förlåt mig om jag misstar mig, men du gillar Avril Lavigne va?


1. If you know your history,
Then you would know where you coming from,
Then you wouldnt have to ask me,
Who the heck do you think I am.
- Bob Marley (Buffalo Soldier)

2. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
- The Beatles (Yesterday)

3. Börja sluta tro och låta vansinnet gro
Jag vill sparka bakut och göra nåt sjukt
Släcka fyren på berget som räddade liv
och smita från smällen med sjumilakliv
- Martin Stenmarck (sjumilakliv)

4. I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars
On a collision course
I am a satellite
I'm out of control
I'm a sex machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to oh oh oh oh oh explode!
I'm burning through the sky yeah
Two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
- Queen (Don't stop me now)

5. Well I won't back down, no I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I won't back down
- Johnnny Cash (Wont back down)

Dessa jag kommer på spontant.

Earth, you don't have to be crazy to live here, but it helps.

P 26 Hjälte 780 inlägg

Svar till Kanelbullen [Gå till post]:
Hahha, Ja, Jag avgudar avril.

Veronica Maggio. <3

P 27 Hjälte 504 inlägg

Pessimist, Terrorist targeting the next mark
Global chaos feeding on hysteria
Cut throat, slit your wrist, shoot you in the back fair game
Drug abuse, self abuse searching for the next high
Sounds a lot like hell is spreading all the time
I'm waiting for the day the whole world fucking dies.

Poverty in their kitchens
Held hostage by oil-for-food
Yet their own plates are full off the fat of their lands
There's no blood on their hands, right Kojo?
They promised to tell the truth
Without leaving a fingerprint,
They will lose the U.N. one way or another
The victim, I fear will be us, sisters and brothers

What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"?
I talk to him every day.
What do you mean, "I don't support your system"?
I go to court when I have to.
What do you mean, "I can't get to work on time"?
I got nothing better to do
And, what do you mean, "I don't pay my bills"?
Why do you think I'm broke? Huh?

Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land.
Killing for religion
It's something I don't understand.

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds, oh lord yeah!

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad, I got sunshine, in a bag

P Hjälte 537 inlägg
1. KMFDM - Dogma

So what do you want?
You want to be famous and rich and happy
But you're terrified you have nothing to offer this world
Nothing to say and no way to say it
But you can say it in three languages
You are more than the sum of what you consume
Desire is not an occupation
You are alternately thrilled and desperate
Skyhigh and fucked
Let's stop praying for someone to save us and start saving ourselves
Let's stop this and start over
Let's go out - let's keep going
This is your life - this is your fucking life
We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside
Quit whining you haven't done anything wrong because frankly
You haven't done much of anything

2. Stuck Mojo - Open Season

I speak peace when peace is spoken, But I speak war when your hate is provoking, The season is open 24-7-365, Man up yo time to ride, No need to hide behind slogans of deceit, Claiming that you're a religion of peace, We just don't believe you, We can clearly see through, The madness that you're feeding your people, Jihad the cry of your unholy war, Using the willing, the weak and poor, From birth drowning in propaganda, rhetoric and slander, All we can say is damn ya.

3. Alice in Chains - Nutshell

My gift of self is raped
My privacy is raked
And yet I find
And yet I find
Repeating in my head
If I can't be my own
I'd feel better dead

F 30 Halmstad Hjälte 832 inlägg
The Fanstasy - 30 seconds to mars

Maybe tonight we can forget about it all
It could be just like heaven
I am a machine
No longer living, just a shell of what I dreamed
Do you live, do you die, do you bleed
For the fantasy

Iridescent - Linkin Park

You were standing in the wake of devastation
And you were waiting on the edge of the unknown
And with the cataclysm raining down
Insides crying "Save me now"
You were there, impossibly alone
Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope, but failure’s all you’ve known
Remember all the sadness and frustration
And let it go. Let it go

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
And now that I'm strong
I have figured out
How this world turns cold
and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find
deep inside me
I can be the one

I will never let you fall(let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all(though it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

All Roads Lead Home - Golden State

A million tears
A million codes
No way to go
You point your finger
To the moon
It looks like rain
Coming soon
I figured all
My worst fears
Believe in
childlike heroes
But I don't want to go
That way
Surrender hope
I don't want to go
that way
Surrender hope
And faith

Your blood, your fire
Your kiss good night
Your words, and touch
They might be mine
I feel this love
could cross the sand
I want to feel
that way

The challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else.

P 33 Västra Frölunda Hjälte 6 659 inlägg
Äh, detta är inte på något sätt i rangordning och jag glömmer av ett flertal låtar här. I vanlig ordning...

Tool - Vicarious

Don't look at me like
I am a monster
Frown out of your one face
but with the other
stare like a junkie
into the TV
Stare like a zombie
while the mother holds her child
Watches them die
Hands to the sky crying "Why, oh why?!"

The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Picture yourself on a boat in a river
With tangerine trees and marmelade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Cellophane flowers in yellow and green
towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
then she's gone...

All Shall Perish - There is no Business to be done on a Dead Planet

Depleting the need for thieves to care
They ride on degradations wings
I've seen - we've all seen
We have seen the coming price for our selfrighteous greed

Lamb of God - Now You're got Something to Die for

Bombs to set the people free
Blood to feed the dollar tree
Flags for coffins on the screen
Oil for the machine
Army of liberation
Gunpoint indoctrination
The fires of sedition
Fulfill the prophecy

Tool - Stinkfist

Something has to change
Undeniable dilemma
Boredom is not a burden anyone should bear
Constant overstimulation numbs me
'Til I would not want it any other way

Som sagt den enda ordningen är den ordningen jag kom på dem i. Finns en massa låtar att nämna som inte fick plats eller som jag inte kommer ihåg. Håll till godo.
P 26 Hjälte 780 inlägg
Kul att läsa, hittade många nya sångare jag aldrig hört talas om :O

Veronica Maggio. <3

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