en kompis gjorde en fråga på Yahoo answer men fick aldrig reda på vilken låt det var, ni kanske kan hjälpa till.
Hans fråga:
I don't remember much about it, except a bit of the chorus (I think it is)
Anyways, it's a kind of metalish song.. All I remember from it
"Show me the rage that burns in your eyes" or something like that.
It's a male vocalist
Oh, and the 'eyes'-part, he pronaunces it like eeeyeeyyeeeees.. If you get what I mean..
Eeeieeeyees.. Like that.. I think.
Han fick ett svar:
Hm welll it's not quite it, but Bleeding Through's "Sister Charlatan" says "I no longer admire you the way you burned them all alive, fire in your eyes"
Not quite ^^ That genre is waaay, I mean.. WAAAAY too hardcore for me, or.. Too deathish / screamish for me..
The one I was thinking of would be more of an '80s-like metal song.. Kind of like an Iron Maiden song maybe?
Någon som har en ide om vilken låt det kan vara?
Crazy Loop - Crazy Loop