"Dear 'Laser' 'Lasersson',
My name is John Doe and I am your brother Jake's lawyer. I am sorry to announce Jake has deceased in a horrible accident. The first of February Jake was out walking when he was hit by a bus. He died instantly so there was no pain or suffering to speak of. However, there is a reason for you getting this mail from me, his legal advisor, instead of the authorities. As the bus hit your brother, his intestine was smeared over the front window and covered the sight of the bus driver who accidently drove over another pedestrian. Also this hit was fatal. I understand this must be overwhelming already, but the bus driver is traumatized for life and feels he needs some kind of compensation. As your brother’s closest relative, he is suing you for 200,000 US dollars. It may seem odd to you living in Sweden, but he will probably win this and you will have no choice but to pay. Not doing so is a serious felony and because of the extradition treaty between the United States and Sweden, your country must make you stand trial here in the US. There does not seem to be any way out of this I am afraid.
I am very sorry for your loss. As your brother's lawyer I would be more than happy to represent you if, or rather once, you face your charges. I am sending some information with this letter so you can contact me and claim your brother’s properties. His dog has been sent to you in advance and should arrive in a couple of days depending on when this letter arrives. Shipping information can also be found amongst the attached documents.
Again I am very sorry for your loss.
John Doe"
Vad FAN ska jag ta mig till?
Min bror är död, jag blir stämd på 200000 dollar, Sverige har utlämningsavtal med USA och som grädde på moset får jag en gammal jävla hund på posten när som helst! Och vem fan skriver så här i ett brev till anhöriga? Det är hur hemskt som helst.
Har självklart sett till så att det inte är ett skämt och pratat med mina släktingar där. Jag vet inte vad jag ska ta mig till.... :(