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kolla i lexikon vad ordet Dahaha betyder Ordet dahaha betyder inte äggformat eller att göra runt/runda.Myten kommer från att ordet dahaha skulle ha stammen duhiya, som sagts vara ordet för strutsägg (som uppenbarligen är runda, eller äggformade som Jorden i viss mån är). Men, duhiya är inte stammen till dahaha, de har samma stam. Och duhiya betyder inte heller strutsägg.
Al-udhy/Al-idhy/Al-udhiyya/Al-idhiyya/Al-udhuwwa - en plats i sanden där strutsen lägger ett ägg. Strutsen
sprider ut jorden med fötterna när den lägger ägg där.
Att "daha" jorden = att sprida ut jorden.
Och nu, från Lane's Lexicon, känt som det allra bästa arabiska-engelska-lexikonet.
1. Daha (., MM_b;,, 1,) first pers. Dahouth aor, yad'hoo inf. N. dahoo
He spread; spread out, or forth; expanded; or extended; (S, Msb, K; ) a thing; (K; ) and, when said of God, the earth; (Fr, S, Mb, 1V; ) As also daha first pers. dahaithu (K in art. daha) aor. yaad’heae inf. n. dahae: (Msb, and K in art. dahae : ) or
He (God) made the earth wide, or ample; as explained by an Arab woman of the desert to Sh: (TA : ) also, said of an ostrich, (S, TA,)
he expanded, and made wide, (TA,) with his foot, or leg, the place where he was about to deposit his eggs: (S, TA : ) and, said of a man,
he spread, &c., and made plain, even, or smooth. (TA in art. dhaha )
Dhahin (act. part n. of 1). Allahumma dhahil Mad’huwwath in a prayer of ‘Alee, means
O God, the Spreader and Expander of the (seven) earths: (TA : ) al Mdhuwwath (properly) signifies the
things that are spread, &c.; as also Al Mudh’hiyyath. (TA in art. dhaha ) _ Al’Matharuddahee The rain that removes (or drives) the pebbles from the surface of the earth. (TA.)
Ud'hiyy (S.K) (Originally od'huwa of the measure Uf’ool from dhahaithu but said in the S to be of that measure from dhahouthu the dial. var. dhahaithu not being there mentioned,) and and id’hiyy and Ud’hiyyath and ud’huwwath (K)
The place of the laying of eggs, (S, K,) and of the hatching thereof, (S,) , of the ostrich, (S. K. ) in the sand; (K; )
because that bird expands it, and makes it wide, with its foot, or leg; for the ostrich has no (nest such as is termed) Ush (S: ) pl. Adahin (TA in the present art.) and Adahee (i. e., if not a mistranscription, Adahiyyu agreeably with the sing.): (TA in art. dhaha and mudhhiyya (likewise) signifies the place of the eggs of the ostrich.
Hela delen, så du kan se att inget annat nämns: verser jag tog ut tidigare tyder på att Jorden skulle vara platt som en pannkaka, och ingen annanstans i Koranen tyder det på att den skulle vara något annat än rund.
"The earth is flat. Whoever claims it is round is an atheist deserving of punishment."
- Sheik Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz, supreme religious authority of Saudi Arabia, 1993Ha en bra dag.