Hey! My accout have been hacked
My Battle.net accout name was:
and i had a lvl 85 paladin named Thyxiz
a Rogue lvl 85, i dont remember the name
and a few alts, All my lvl 85 was on Darksorrow horde,
when the paladin was around lvl 83 or 84 i was alliance but i faction changed it to horde.
My Secret Question was ***** and this is the cataclysm cd key =
Before this hacker changed Email and Password i used this to log in:
Account name:
My paladin was Tauren and my rogue was Goblin, i also had a undead mage in lvl 50 or something
I send you a picture on my pass / indentity to show you that im the real owner.
Det skrev jag + skickade 2 bilder på mitt id-kort.
1. tror ni dom ger tillbaka accet?
2. om dom gör det kommer jag behöva göra ny email o skit då?
3. hur lång tid kan det ta för blizzard att svara?
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