DELETE FROM creature_proto WHERE entry='190000';
INSERT INTO creature_names (entry, name, subname, flags1, type, rank, male_displayid) VALUES
('190000', "Global WoW Teleporter", "", 4, 7, 1, '26499');
INSERT INTO creature_proto (entry, minlevel, maxlevel, faction, minhealth, maxhealth, mana, scale, npcflags, attacktime, mindamage, maxdamage, respawntime, armor, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, auras, boss, walk_speed, run_speed, fly_speed) VALUES
('190000', 71, 71, 35, 13700, 13700, 6540, 1, 1, 100, 10000, 10000, 1000, 13700, 99999999, 99999999, 99999999, 99999999, 99999999, 99999999, '0', 1, 2.5, 8, 14);
DELETE FROM npc_text WHERE entry<'300000'+5 AND entry>'300000'-1;
INSERT INTO npc_text (Entry, text0_0, em0_1) VALUES
('300000'+4, '$BWhere would you like to be ported?$B', 0),
('300000'+3, '$BBe careful with choosing raids,I wont be there if you wipe.$B', 0),
('300000'+2, '$BUp for some dungeon exploring?$B', 0),
('300000'+1, '$B For The Alliance!$B', 6),
('300000', '$B For the Horde!$B', 6);
delete from creature_spawns WHERE entry = '190000';
ALTER TABLE creature_spawns AUTO_INCREMENT=200000;
INSERT INTO creature_spawns (entry, map, position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, displayid, faction, phase) VALUES
('190000', 0, -13180.5, 342.503, 43.1936, 4.32977, 21572, 35, 1),
('190000', 530, -3862.69, -11645.8, -137.629, 2.38273, 0, 694, 1),
('190000', 0, -4898.37, -965.118, 501.447, 2.25986, 0, 694, 1),
('190000', 0, -8845.09, 624.828, 94.2999, 0.44062, 0, 694, 1),
('190000', 1, 1599.25, -4375.85, 10.0872, 5.23641, 21572, 83, 1),
('190000', 1, -1277.65, 72.9751, 128.742, 5.95567, 21572, 83, 1),
('190000', 0, 1637.21, 240.132, -43.1034, 3.13147, 21572, 83, 1),
('190000', 530, 9741.67, -7454.19, 13.5572, 3.14231, 21572, 83, 1),
('190000', 571, 5807.06, 506.244, 657.576, 5.54461, 21572, 35, 1),
('190000', 1, 9866.83, 2494.66, 1315.88, 5.9462, 0, 694, 1),
('190000', 0, -14279.8, 555.014, 8.90011, 3.97606, 21572, 35, 1),
('190000', 530, -1888.65, 5355.88, -12.4279, 1.25883, 21572, 35, 1);
SET RUNE := 200000;
delete from gameobject_spawns WHERE entry=@RUNE and id>199999;
ALTER TABLE gameobject_spawns AUTO_INCREMENT=200000;
INSERT INTO gameobject_spawns (Entry, map, position_x, position_y, position_z, Facing, orientation3, orientation4, Scale, phase) VALUES
(RUNE, 1, 1601.08, -4378.69, 9.9846, 2.14362, 0.878068, 0.478536, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 0, -14281.9, 552.564, 8.90382, 0.860144, 0.416936, 0.908936, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 0, -8842.09, 626.358, 94.0868, 3.61363, 0.972276, -0.233836, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 0, -4900.47, -962.585, 501.455, 2.03055, 0.849626, 0.527386, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 1, 9869.91, 2493.58, 1315.88, 5.9462, 0.167696, -0.985839, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 530, -3864.92, -11643.7, -137.644, 2.38273, 0.928875, 0.370392, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 530, -1887.62, 5359.09, -12.4279, 4.40435, 0.758205, 0.652017, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 571, 5809.55, 503.975, 657.526, 5.54461, 0.360952, -0.932584, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 530, 9738.28, -7454.19, 13.5605, 3.14231, 1, -0.000358625, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 0, 1633.75, 240.167, -43.1034, 3.13147, 0.999987, 0.00506132, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 0, -13181.8, 339.356, 42.9805, 1.18013, 0.556415, 0.830904, 1.25, 1),
(RUNE, 1, -1274.45, 71.8601, 128.159, 2.80623, 0.985974, 0.166898, 1.25, 1);
vart skall jag stoppa in Level road och Mall ?
JesseH Music Prod album ute 2012