Okay, this is my plan:
I've been thinking of making a HNS-cup now for a while, so here comes my plan:
It will be a 3on3-5on5 cup.
The matches will be played at maps such as de_dust2, de_nuke, de_train, de_inferno_final and cs_italy_remake (please give more suggestions).
The timelimit for every match is 1 hour and if it's draw after 1 hour, both teams get 1 point (except in the play offs). Otherwise the team who have won the most rounds as terrorist is the winner of the match.
Here's come main-rules for the cup:
Running is allowed.
"Lameflash" or flash in air is allowed.
Blocking as team terrorist is NOT allowed.
Blocking as team counter-terrorist is allowed.
Scripts/Hacks that gives you an advantage is NOT allowed.
Whining or insulting another team/player is NOT allowed*.
*Will result in a red card. Which means that you are out for 2 matches.
Here's some main-cvars for the cup:
hns_noflash 0
hns_semiclip 0
mp_roundtime (Depending on how many "player vs. player" it will be)
mp_forcechasecam 2
Group play:
8 teams (hopefully some more teams)
2 groups, 4 teams / group.
All teams meet eachother once.
Play off:
1 from group 1 vs. 2 from group 2
1 from group 2 vs. 2 from group 1
And so on.
Here's my questions to you guys. If there would be a HNS-cup on maps like this (de_dust2, de_inferno_final and maps like that):
Would you sign up a team?
Would you help us/me with the cup (Cup admin for example)?
Please write what you think and give me some feedback/ideas.
*Note that the cup will be played on airaccelerate 100*
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