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Färger till orbs

Skapad av Borttagen, 2011-12-06 16:33 i Mellan Himmel och Jord

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Visa spoiler

-- oUF_Diablo

-- A unitframe layout for oUF 1.5.x
-- by zork - 2010


--get the addon namespace
local addon, ns = ...

--object container
local cfg = CreateFrame("Frame")

-- // CONFIG // --

-- orb animation system

--make this value true to enable the animation system
--animations use preset colors, so class and stance coloring is not possible, but you may change the animation based on class in the charspecific.lua
cfg.useAnimationSystem = true --true/false

-- defines the animation used in the orbs, following animations are available
-- 0 = red fog, 1 = purple fog, 2 = green fog, 3 = yellow fog, 4 = turquoise fog
-- 5 = red portal, 6 = blue rune portal, 7 = red ghost, 8 = purple ghost, 9 = water planet,
-- 10 = swirling cloud, 11 = white fog, 12 = red glowing eye, 13 = sandy swirl, 14 = green fire
-- 15 = purple swirl, 16 = white tornado, 17 = blue swirly, 18 = orange fog, 19 = pearl
-- 20 = red magnet, 21 = blue portal, 22 = purple portal

--health animation
cfg.animhealth = 20 --default 7
--power animation
cfg.animmana = 21 --default 8

--set your class specific settings here, you can even activate automatic class and powertype coloring
--BEWARE enabling class or powertype coloring will disable the selected animation, instead always the pearl animation is used internally
--it is the only animation that can be colored in some kind of fashion
--muliplier: is a setting that will be multiplied with the alpha value of the animation (to make it a bit less attracting)
--decrease alpha on value: by default the alpha of an animation is multiplied with the value (to make it fade once you loose hp or mana) but in some cases you don't want that, so that value can disable that
cfg.animClassOverride = {
["DEATHKNIGHT"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 13, animmana = 4, classcolored = true, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier = 0.5, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },
["DRUID"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 18, animmana = 9, classcolored = true, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier = 0.4, manamultiplier = 0.4, healthdecreasealpha = false, manadecreasealpha = false, },
["HUNTER"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 20, animmana = 6, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 0.13, manamultiplier = 0.13, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },
["MAGE"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 4, animmana = 6, classcolored = true, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier = 0.4, manamultiplier = 0.4, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },
["ROGUE"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 3, animmana = 22, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier = 1, manamultiplier = 0.3, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = false, },
["PRIEST"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 19, animmana = 11, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },
["PALADIN"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 1, animmana = 17, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },
["SHAMAN"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 16, animmana = 15, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 1, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },
["WARRIOR"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 2, animmana = 0, classcolored = true, powertypecolored = true, healthmultiplier = 0.4, manamultiplier = 0.4, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },
["WARLOCK"] = { enable = true, animhealth = 15, animmana = 22, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 0.2, manamultiplier = 0.4, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true, },

-- orb color settings

-- healthcolor defines what healthcolor will be used
-- 0 = class color, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 = runic
cfg.healthcolor = 0

-- manacolor defines what manacolor will be used
-- 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 = runic
cfg.manacolor = 1

--automatic mana detection on stance/class (only works with glows active)
--this will override the manacolor value (obvious)
cfg.automana = true

-- orb texture settings

--the texture of the health orb. you can choose between 11 different textures.
--0 = random, 1 = moon, 2 = earth, 3 = mars, 4 = galaxy, 5 = jupiter, 6 = fraktal_circle, 7 = sun, 8 = icecream, 9 = marble, 10 = gradient, 11 = bubbles, 12 = woodpepples, 13 = golf, 14 = dmars, 15 = diablo3
cfg.healthtexture = 1 --default 15

--the texture of the mana orb. you can choose between 11 different textures.
--0 = random, 1 = moon, 2 = earth, 3 = mars, 4 = galaxy, 5 = jupiter, 6 = fraktal_circle, 7 = sun, 8 = icecream, 9 = marble, 10 = gradient, 11 = bubbles, 12 = woodpepples, 13 = golf, 14 = dmars, 15 = diablo3
cfg.manatexture = 3 --default 15

if cfg.useAnimationSystem == true then
--rewrite to a more plain texture (better for animation models)
cfg.healthtexture = 14
cfg.manatexture = 14

-- colorswitcher define your color for healthbars here

--color is in RGB (red (r), green (g), blue (b), alpha (a)), values are from 0 (dark color) to 1 (bright color). 1,1,1 = white / 0,0,0 = black / 1,0,0 = red etc
cfg.colorswitcher = {
bright = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.9, }, -- the bright color
dark = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, }, -- the dark color
classcolored = true, -- true -> override the bright color with the unit specific color (class, faction, happiness, threat), if false uses the predefined color
useBrightForeground = true, -- true -> use bright color in foreground and dark color in background
-- false -> use dark color in foreground and bright color in background
threatColored = true, -- true/false -> enable threat coloring of the health plate for raidframes

-- frame movement

--setting this to false will use the default frame positions, true allows moving
cfg.framesUserplaced = true

--setting this to true will lock the frames in place, false unlocks them
cfg.framesLocked = true


cfg.units = {
player = {
show = true,
width = 150,
height = 150,
scale = 0.82,
power = {
frequentUpdates = false,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = -260, y = -9 },
icons = {
pvp = {
show = false,
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", x = -95, y = 42 }, --position in relation to self object
combat = {
show = false,
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", x = 0, y = 86 }, --position in relation to self object
resting = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", x = -72, y = 60 }, --position in relation to self object
castbar = {
show = true,
latency = true,
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
scale = 1/0.82, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
color = {
bar = { r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 180.5 },
soulshards = {
show = true,
scale = 0.45,
color = {r = 150/255, g = 135/255, b = 200/255, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 280 },
alpha = {
ooc = 0.7, --alpha value out of combat
ic = 1, --alpha value in comat
hidenotarget = false, --hide if no target is found
holypower = {
show = true,
scale = 0.45,
color = {r = 200/255, g = 135/255, b = 190/255, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 280 },
alpha = {
ooc = 0.7, --alpha value out of combat
ic = 1, --alpha value in comat
hidenotarget = false, --hide if no target is found
eclipsebar = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 280 },
scale = 1,
runes = {
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 170 },
altpower = {
show = true,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, },
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 0 },
vengeance = {
show = false,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, },
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 0 },
expbar = { --experience
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 10 },
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
scale = 1,
color = {r = 0.8, g = 0, b = 0.8, },
rested = {
color = {r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, },
repbar = { --reputation
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 10 },
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
scale = 1,
art = {
actionbarbackground = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 1, y = 0 },
scale = 1,
style = 0, --0 = automatic bar detection, 1 = 12 button texture fixed, 2 = 24 button texture fixed, 3 = 36 button texture fixed
angel = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 270, y = 0 },
scale = 1,
demon = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = -265, y = 0 },
scale = 1,
bottomline = {
show = true,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = -5 },
scale = 1,
portrait = {
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = -100, y = 0 },
size = 150,
show = false,
use3D = true,

target = {
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 250 },
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:hpval]",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "", --more tags see oUF/elements/tags.lua | example: "[curpp] / [perpp]%" or "[diablo:ppval]"
auras = {
show = true,
size = 20,
onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
desaturateDebuffs = false,
buffs = {
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOMLEFT", a2 = "TOPRIGHT", x = 0, y = -15 },
initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT",
growthx = "RIGHT",
growthy = "UP",
debuffs = {
pos = { a1 = "TOPLEFT", a2 = "BOTTOMRIGHT", x = 0, y = 15 },
initialAnchor = "TOPLEFT",
growthx = "RIGHT",
growthy = "DOWN",
castbar = {
show = true,
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
scale = 1/1, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
color = {
bar = { r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
shieldbar = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1, }, --the castbar color while target casting a shielded spell
shieldbg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, }, --the castbar background color while target casting a shielded spell
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 350 },
combobar = {
show = true,
scale = 0.43,
color = {r = 0.9, g = 0.59, b = 0, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 560 },
portrait = {
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = 100, y = 0 },
size = 150,
show = false,
use3D = true,

targettarget = {
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = -195, y = 250 },
auras = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns

pet = {
show = true,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 10, y = -140 },
auras = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
altpower = {
show = true,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, },
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
pos = { a1 = "CENTER", a2 = "CENTER", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 0 },
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,

focus = {
show = true,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 10, y = 40 },
aurawatch = {
show = true,
size = 20,
auras = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
showBuffs = true,
onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false,
showBuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
castbar = {
show = true,
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
scale = 1/0.85, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
color = {
bar = { r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
pos = { a1 = "BOTTOM", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "UIParent", x = 0, y = 420 },

pettarget = {
show = false,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 140, y = -140 },
auras = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,

focustarget = {
show = false,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "LEFT", a2 = "LEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 140, y = 40 },
auras = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,

party = {
show = true,
alpha = {
notinrange = 0.5,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "TOPLEFT", a2 = "TOPLEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 10, y = -80 },
aurawatch = {
show = true,
size = 20.1,
auras = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:misshp]",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
attributes = {
visibility = "custom [group:party,nogroup:raid] show;hide", --show this header in party
showPlayer = true, --make this true to show player in party
showSolo = false, --make this true to show while solo (only works if solo is in visiblity aswell
showParty = true, --make this true to show headerin party
showRaid = false, --show in raid
point = "LEFT",

raid = {
show = true,
hideManager = false,
alpha = {
notinrange = 0.4,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = "TOPLEFT", a2 = "TOPLEFT", af = "UIParent", x = 5, y = -5 },
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:misshp]", --tag for the second line
aurawatch = {
show = true,
auras = {
--put every single spellid here that you want to be tracked, be it buff or debuff doesn't matter
--maximum number of icons displayed at a time = 1
--this is for important boss mechanics only, this is not for tracking healing HOTs etc
whitelist = {
92980, --ice bomb
77786, --red phase consuming flames
89084 , --skull icon chimaeron <10k life
show = true,
disableCooldown = true,
showBuffType = false,
showDebuffType = false,
size = 10,
num = 5,
spacing = 4,
attributes = {
visibility1 = "custom [@raid21,exists] hide;[group:raid] show; hide", --use "party,raid" to show this in party aswell
visibility2 = "custom [@raid31,exists] hide; [@raid21,exists] show; hide", --special display for raid > 20 players (lower scale)
visibility3 = "custom [@raid31,exists] show; hide", --special display for raid > 30 players (lower scale)
showPlayer = false, --make this true to show player in party
showSolo = false, --make this true to show while solo (only works if solo is in visiblity aswell
showParty = false, --make this true to show raid in party
showRaid = true, --show in raid
point = "TOP",
yOffset = 15,
xoffset = 0,
maxColumns = 8,
unitsPerColumn = 5,
columnSpacing = -20,
columnAnchorPoint = "LEFT",

boss = {
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = "TOP", a2 = "BOTTOM", af = "Minimap", x = 0, y = -80 },
health = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[diablo:altbosspower][perhp]%",
power = {
texture = "InterfaceAddOns
tag = "[perpp]%",


-- player specific data

--player stuff
local playername, _ = UnitName("player")
local _, playerclass = UnitClass("player")
local playercolor = rRAID_CLASS_COLORS[playerclass] or RAID_CLASS_COLORS[playerclass]
cfg.playername = playername
cfg.playerclass = playerclass
cfg.playercolor = playercolor

-- other

--galaxy color stuff
cfg.galaxytab = {
[0] = {r = playercolor.r, g = playercolor.g, b = playercolor.b, }, -- class color
[1] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.3, b = 0.1, }, -- red
[2] = {r = 0.25, g = 0.9, b = 0.25, }, -- green
[3] = {r = 0, g = 0.35, b = 0.9, }, -- blue
[4] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.8, b = 0.35, }, -- yellow
[5] = {r = 0.35, g = 0.9, b = 0.9, }, -- runic

--orb animation table
cfg.animtab = {
[0] = {displayid = 17010, r = 255/255, g = 70/255, b = 20/255, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- red fog
[1] = {displayid = 17054, r = 1, g = 0.4, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- purple fog
[2] = {displayid = 17055, r = 150/255, g = 186/255, b = 1/255, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- green fog
[3] = {displayid = 17286, r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- yellow fog
[4] = {displayid = 18075, r = 0, g = 0.8, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- turquoise fog
[5] = {displayid = 23422, r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 2.8, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.1, rotation = 0, }, -- red portal
[6] = {displayid = 27393, r = 0, g = 0.4, b = 1, camdistancescale = 3, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.6, rotation = 0, }, -- blue rune portal
[7] = {displayid = 20894, r = 0.6, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.3, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, }, -- red ghost
[8] = {displayid = 15438, r = 0, g = 0.3, b = 0.6, camdistancescale = 6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.3, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, }, -- purple ghost
[9] = {displayid = 20782, r = 0, g = 0.7, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.2, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.22, y = 0.18, rotation = 0, }, -- water planet
[10] = {displayid = 23310, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale = 3.5, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 3, rotation = 0, }, -- swirling cloud
[11] = {displayid = 23343, r = 0.8, g = 0.8, b = 0.8, camdistancescale = 1.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.2, y = 0, rotation = 0, }, -- white fog
[12] = {displayid = 24813, r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 2.4, portraitzoom = 1.1, x = 0, y = -0.3, rotation = 0, }, -- red glowing eye
[13] = {displayid = 25392, r = 0.4, g = 0.6, b = 0, camdistancescale = 2.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.5, rotation = 0, }, -- sandy swirl
[14] = {displayid = 27625, r = 0.4, g = 0.6, b = 0, camdistancescale = 0.8, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = 0, }, -- green fire
[15] = {displayid = 28460, r = 0.5, g = 0, b = 1, camdistancescale = 0.56, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.4, y = 0, rotation = 0, }, -- purple swirl
[16] = {displayid = 29286, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale = 0.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.6, y = -0.2, rotation = 0, }, -- white tornado
[17] = {displayid = 29561, r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 1, camdistancescale = 2.5, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = -3.9, }, -- blue swirly
[18] = {displayid = 30660, r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0, camdistancescale = 0.12, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.04, y = -0.08, rotation = 0, }, -- orange fog
[19] = {displayid = 32368, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.15, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, }, -- pearl
[20] = {displayid = 33853, r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 0.83, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.05, rotation = 0, }, -- red magnet
[21] = {displayid = 34319, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0.4, camdistancescale = 1.55, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.8, rotation = 0, }, -- blue portal
[22] = {displayid = 34645, r = 0.3, g = 0, b = 0.3, camdistancescale = 1.7, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.8, rotation = 0, }, -- purple portal

cfg.powercolors = {
["MANA"] = { r = 0, g = 0.4, b = 1 },
["RAGE"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.00, b = 0.00 },
["FOCUS"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.50, b = 0.25 },
["ENERGY"] = { r = 1.00, g = 0.75, b = 0.10 },
["HAPPINESS"] = { r = 0.00, g = 1.00, b = 1.00 },
["RUNES"] = { r = 0.50, g = 0.50, b = 0.50 },
["RUNIC_POWER"] = { r = 0.00, g = 0.82, b = 1.00 },
["AMMOSLOT"] = { r = 0.80, g = 0.60, b = 0.00 },
["FUEL"] = { r = 0.0, g = 0.55, b = 0.5 },

cfg.happycolors = {
[0] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1},
[1] = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0},
[2] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0},
[3] = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0},

cfg.font = "FONTSFRIZQT__.ttf"

cfg.backdrop = {
bgFile = "InterfaceTooltipsUI-Tooltip-Background",
edgeFile = "InterfaceTooltipsUI-Tooltip-Border",
tile = false,
tileSize = 0,
edgeSize = 5,
insets = {
left = 5,
right = 5,
top = 5,
bottom = 5,


--object container to addon namespace
ns.cfg = cfg

Tillägg av Lurioso 2011-12-06 18:04

Ordnade en spoiler eftersom texten är så förjordat lång!

JesseH Music Prod album ute 2012

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