Filmen heter "draw with me" och hittas här:
den handlar om en pojke och en flicka som är på var sin sida en oförstörbar skiva av glas, utan möjlighet till verbal eller fysisk komunication, bara genom att rita och skriva på glaset.
It's about a girl and a boy separated by an unbreakable glass.
Story and Animation: Mike Inel
( )
Music and Sound: Daniel James
( HybridTwo: )
Inspiration: A friend before
Since the original was using a copyrighted music, I commissioned Daniel James (from HybridTwo) a track for this.
In this newer version, I decided to add/improve a few things. They're not so noticeable, but I feel much more contented with them.
There are those that are left unedited, but I feel like it's best to leave it that way.
Download Video:
Download Music:
Author's Note:
Thank you everyone for giving the original 'Draw with Me' a million views!
I'm sorry i'm not able to reply to all of the messages, because there are so much of them and I am pretty busy with work and other needs.
Everyone is permitted to reupload the video (perhaps edited to however your kick desires) anywhere, as long as you won't claim you own/made it, and credits both to me and Daniel James (if his music is still in use) are present...
Detta är alltså inte min film och länkar int för att få fler tittare, vill ändast skapa en diskussion om filmen och dens betydelse.
Bjuder på diverse gramatiska fel och stavfel.
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