From: Blizzard Entertainment (
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Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 9:40:39 AM
world of warcraft: Cataclysm Beta Test Invitation!
Get those opt-ins ready for the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm closed beta! The sundering of Azeroth is nigh, and you don’t want to be left out in the cold of Northrend when you could be enjoying the sun-drenched beaches on the goblin isle of Kezan. To ensure you’re opted-in and eligible as a potential candidate, you’ll need a World of Warcraft license attached to your account, have your current system specifications uploaded to the Beta Profile Settings page, and have expressed interest through the franchise-specific check boxes.
Get the Installer - Log in to your account :
Hemsida som inte får skickas för REF länk förbud på hamsterpaj
Enjoy the game!
Är det äkta tror ni?
FülhackaRRRe! Üt uRR Mein HAUS