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"5: Using data from a large series of cross-sections on the alcohol and marijuana consumption of high school seniors, we find that the legal drinking age did indeed have an impact on the consumption of both alcohol and marijuana. As in previous studies in the epidemiology of alcohol use, we find that higher minimum legal drinking ages reduced the prevalence of alcohol use. We also find, however, that this decrease in the prevalence of alcohol use was accompanied by an increase in the prevalence of marijuana use.
Alcohol, Marijuana, and American Youth: the Unintended Consequences of Government Regulation
6: Three UCLA researchers later conducted a study of marijuana users to see what impact, if any, Operation Intercept had on the consumption of marijuana and other drugs(McGlothlin, Jamison and Rosenblatt1970). Of the 50 percent of students and clients to the “Free Clinic” who reported that the operation led to a decline in their normal consumption of marijuana, over 50 percent reported that they increased their consumption of alcohol. Additional evidence comes from a clinical study of 16 subjects by Mello and Mendelson (Mendelson and Mello 1985). Young men were at different times allowed to earn money that they could devote to marijuana only, alcohol only, and then alcohol and marijuana in combination. In 14 of the 16 cases, the subjects consumed significantly less alcohol when both alcohol and marijuana were concurrently available.
Alcohol, Marijuana, and American Youth: the Unintended Consequences of Government Regulation
7: To Peter Reuter, an economist at Rand, this conclusion is most interesting for what it implies about marijuana policy in the 1980's. If marijuana is a substitute for alcohol, he notes, alcohol is, by definition, a substitute for marijuana. Thus tough marijuana enforcement must increase drinking.
Economic Scene; Less Marijuana, More Alcohol?
8: To those who focus on the risk of accidental injury and other medical crises, heavy drinking seems a more serious worry than marijuana. Ms. Model found that other factors equal, states decriminalizing marijuana reported lower overall rates of drug- and alcohol-related emergencies."
Och 18, siffrorna för prevalens de senaste 30 dagarna (som egentligen är det intressanta, dvs de människor som använder cannabis regelbundet. 2001 var det förbjudet, tilläts 2002, men siffrorna är desamma för 2001 som 2007. Intressant är även att läkemedelsmissbruket minskat).