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Är en zombie-apokalyps möjlig?

Skapad av Anonym-55, 2012-11-17 12:53 i Samhälle & vetenskap

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Ja, vi vet alla att epidemier kan bryta ut (kolla bara på Digerdöden). Vi vet även att det finns folk på mentalsjukhus som är sjuka i huvudet. Jag kan tänka mig att de allra värsta fallen kanske har fått för sig att döda allt och alla samt kanske knapra lite på levande människor.
Så om ett virus eller en bakterie smittar oss och symptomen helt enkelt är att vi går in i ett sinnestillstånd som liknar de tidigare beskrivna mentalsjuka, kan det möjligen bli så att en liknande zombie-apokalyps bryter ut?

Frågan är alltså, kan en zombie-apokalyps (eller liknande) bryta ut?


363 röster - Skapa egen poll

Är en Zombie-apokalyps möjlig?

Är en Zombie-apokalyps (eller liknande) möjlig?

Är en Zombie-apokalyps möjlig?

Svara gärna varför och berätta även gärna er så kallade "Zombie-plan" (dvs den planen ni har OM det blir så att världen skakas av en epidemi som gör människor till zombie-liknande varelser)

Min Zombie-plan är ungefär såhär: Visa spoiler
Jag kommer så snabbt som möjligt ta ett flyg (hoppas att flygplanet är fritt från Zombier) till något varmare land, sedan ta en båt ut till en obebodd ö (kanske ta med mig mina närmaste vänner/familj) och helt enkelt försöka överleva där och kapa all kontakt med "verkligheten" under ett antal månader. När jag tror att läget är lugnt åker jag tillbaka med min båt och checkar läget, om allt är fint kan jag ta med mig mina närmaste och leta efter andra överlevande för att sedan bilda en ny civilisation :)

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P 32 Linköping Hjälte 2 698 inlägg

Svar till Anonym-55 [Gå till post]:
finns massvis teorier om du googlar lite lätt.

Men undersökte det själv en tid tillbaka, men kommer inte ihåg allt.

Dock kort och gått finns det en parasit, som lever i katter, dock för att ta sig dit så "tar dem över" sinnet på möss och nästan leder dem rakt in i katternas famn för att bli uppätna så att dem på så vis kommer in i katten. Vilket är ett liknande "zombie-stadie" hos musen.

Sen finns det några sorts svampar med som tar över myrors kroppar och får dem att ta livet av sig har jag för mig.

Lång text om just det ämnet för de som inte orkar klicka på länken

Själv, finns säkert en möjlighet för något liknande, men säkerligen inte som vi alla upplever zombie-filmer. Men risken för det är nog något så otroligt liten så vi lär inte uppleva det ändå.

Visa spoiler
One is a brain parasite, the brain parasite currently is not manifested in humans. It works in rats. The parasite reproduces in a cat's stomach, so when it enters a rat, the rat has an urge to get eaten by a cat to that the parasite can re-produce.

Most people think it is absurd the parasite could evolve to humans, but it actually possible. Humans test their medicine on rats, the evolution (although a little bit of a gap) is entirely possible. Granted, we don't know how it would effect a human, and what it might do, but a zombie-like creature would be possible. But science found subjects had much higher chances of just going insane and becoming violent.

In Cambodia, a strain of Malaria broke out in a town. It killed all its victims and then resurrected them for two hours, where they would then act very violent from severe chemical imbalances. The victim would then die again, this time for good.

The strain has been contained though.

Certain types of neurotoxins can also be the result of zombie-like creatures. The poisons slow the pulse to scarily slow rates, that even some un-suspecting doctors would pronounce the subject dead. They lose memory, and most logic and brainpower.

Their movements become simple, and slowed. They even lose the ability of speech (they can however moan and make noises of sorts). Like the others mentioned above, they are still vulnerable to gunshots and psychical injuries, but have somewhat reduced senses of pain.

The only flaw in this one is that the victims show no signs of tendencies towards aggression or violence, although it may be instigated through lack of brainpower/common sense. In Haiti, there was an outbreak of this. However, it was not natural, but man-made. One man was even declared dead by two doctors and then buried. He was found wandering the village...eighteen years later. He had managed to claw his way out of the grave.

The epidemic was caused because they did this to get people to work for free on some sugar plantations.

There is also certain brain disorders and Mad Cow Disease. The diseases cause stumbling and lack of coordination. They also cause significant aggression, but can vary per subject. Victims can hallucinate. They experience dementia and seizures.

There is also no wonderful cure for this disease. But like others, it lacks in one certain field. The victims will take much less notice to pain, but once again, are still subject to bodily harm. They could bleed to death, and if shot, they would not keep walking around for the next few years without at least seeing the effects. The subject could bleed to death. Or they could die from infection.

The other bad effect of this one is that it is not contagious.

The next possibility is a process called Neurogenesis. It is a type of stem cell research. They can re-grow very simplistic brains. The brains can revive subjects. However, they have no personality and no logic or any significant source of brainpower. This is your traditional zombie. They are subject to bodily harm, but at much higher levels than most people.

They do have a higher tendency to aggression, but not always. So they most likely will just wander around and keep falling all day.

Another issue with all of these ones is that the bodies will not decompose, like a "mythical" zombie would. Injuries would still heal, but in some cases, due to weakness, malnutrition, and other reasons, would heal considerably slower.

And the next possibility is nanobots. Nanobots are currently being developed, but already are able to re-animate dead bodies for already up to a month.

This is expected to lengthen to even longer. This is your most traditional zombie here. They intercept brain signals and bring back different areas of the brain back to life. They control the brain. This could not be natural, but someone would have to start it. They can be train to re-produce by themselves though, so once its started, there is no stopping it (at least not by pressing a button). They might just farm or do working tasks, but the nanobots could be programmed to turn them into violent raging killing machines.

Since the body is dead, it will continue to decompose. Wounds and injuries will not heal. Bodily harm will not take the victim down unless it damages the body so badly, it cannot perform tasks anymore, so a stab wound to the stomach will have no effect. It doesn't need blood, so it can't bleed to death.

The victim would stumble and not be able to speak since the nanobots cannot take good control of a dead body. The nanobots are programmed, but perform as individuals, and they do not receive "orders" or "commands" from some center. The nanobots can be in drinking water, or just about anywhere.

There is also a disease called Sleeping Sickness which is ravaging many African countries. The disease has many zombie-like characteristics. The disease can be cured, but in poorer countries this is a diffuclty. Victims become dis-orientated. Their speech becomes slurred. They even have one more "classical" zombie charatceristic! Their sleeping systems switch, so they cannot sleep during night, but find it diffucult to stay awake during day.

The victim will eventually die by falling into a coma.

Mental tasks such as drawing a straight line even become impossible. However, the disease has not been known to have victims go around in mobs, or even become aggresive towards others. They do however stop eating, which although isn't eating brains, is a little closer to it. Sleeping Sickness is also even a very wide-spread disease, and like cancer, once in its latest stages it not curable. Estimates put 50-70 thousand people die from this per year.

Another one of the diseases that mimics zombies can be Rabies, but mostly under certain cirumstances. There have even be known cases of Rabies patients developing an urge for the human brain. Granted, there is no known cases of the victims acting under these urges, but they were there.

Rabies has a vaccine, but 55 thousand people a year still die from it. Those who fall sick are almost always from Africa or Asia. And the greatest problem with these diseases causes a zombie apocalypse is, like in Nazi Zombies on Call of Duty, there would have to be Zombie dogs or such. Becuase the only way rabies can transfer from human to human is organ transplants. So the zombies would most likely just go instinct without the humans even doing anything.

The condition reffered to as Necrosis is also a common way a zombie could be formed. Unlike Neurotoxins, the victim actually partially dies. And unlike the specific strain of Malaria, the victim does not die and come back to life. Most the areas of the brain actually dies. This is not just a form of brain damage though. Cells all around the body die. This does happen as a regular part of the human circle. But up to half the bodies cells just die, and the survivors are badly damaged. This does led to sometihng that can be like a zombie. The brain cannot function properly. Coordination goes down the drain because of all the damaged and dead cells.

Then, they have bruises and all sorts of psychical damage appear all over the body. And they don't heal, because they are dead. Now, the condition is not contagious and does not make them aggresive. But it absolutely kills the appearance and looks of a zombie.

And the other disease that can make people look like zombies is Leprosy. Although it is under control at the moment, Leprosy not only allows decomposition, it speeds it up. Victims basically look as if they have been dead for some time. At side effects cause them to walk in a shuffle-like fashion. Agression is missing, and although it is contagious, there is a cure. And the cure is cheap and readily available. And it was found that 95% of people of people are immune to it, naturally.

The military even developed some diseases that manufactred zombies. The United States Army and the CIA in a joint action tried to make zombies. They were soldiers who would follow instruction without questions. So the Center for Disease Control wasn't the first to check the idea out (read below for the Center for Disease Control and zombies). However, the viruses failed completely and instead interrupted peoples brain transmittions and made them attack each other.

Some scientists even concluded zombies suffered from a disorder known as Consciousness Deficit Hypoactivity Disorder. It is simply the loss of rational though and voluntary movement, replaced by stimulated aggression. Not only did the psychologists diagnose it, they did research on their brains and found they would have much more dead brain tissue in their consciounce area of their brain.

Another one of the many issues is that none of these make people want to eat other people, although some make people aggresive. Although this is a traditional zombie charazteristic, it is not necessary for a zombie apocalypse or for a zombie as long as you allow changes.

There are a number of alleged or mythical zombie diseases. Some have claims and old fairy tales of them, but have not yet been proven. Even if one of them is real, it would be EXTREMELY rare. The most common one is supposedly of the same family as the virus for vampires. The disease is not a hundred percent confirmed, but is by far the most likely of the bunch. And they have treated people for it in the past aswell. In 1911, a "vaccine" was created. The virus supposedly worked as follows:

The infection supposedly arrives via ticks on rats. Accordingly, the virus begins to act up in 1-2 hours. From this point, the victim stays awake and sane for 3-6 hours. In this time, they experience flue-like symptons. And this is the last time in which the vaccine has full effectivity.
The victim then falls into a coma. The coma lasts 4-6 hours. The vaccine can still be administered, but there is apparently no guarantee it will work. The longer the victim has been in the coma, the less likely it'll work.
And then they basically just get up and do what zombies do.

Another one of the alleged conditions is called "Othrupillus Masmatus". Its supposed effects are slowing of movements and complete loss of control.

The literal zombie disease (does not IMITATE zombies, it supposedly makes them) suggested by famed zombie apocalypse author Max Brooks is Solanum, it is not proven but he had many alleged cases of it. People close to Brooks even said it was fictional, but since then Solanum has picked up momentum as a supposedly real virus.

So, to answer your question, yes they are. But with certain modifications from the traditional zombie, and in most cases, it is very unlikely to happen. Despite what some people will say, a zombie apocalypse is possible. The above reasons could un-doubtfully result in a zombie apocalypse. And the worldwide famous "Center for Disease Control" even took the threat serious enough to release a zombie-preparadness guide and even though most people still mock their decision to release the guide, the threat must be viable enough for them to commit the resources towards it.

No they aren't. Don't believe what people say about 2012, zombie apocalypses, the end of the world etc. . .
Zombie ants exist, though, they won't go around biting people. They bite, but wont turn you into a zombie yourself, your brains need to be eaten. That won't happen though.
are you watching too much dawn of the dead?
Well it could be a possibility but it all depends on the outcome

Get ripped or die mirin'

P 27 Hjälte 300 inlägg

Voodoo kan lösa allt!


P Hjälte 1 730 inlägg
Grejen är att att jag tvivlar att mänskligheten är så dålig att vi blir överkörda av ett gäng mentalfall.

Jag hette tidigare RosaGlitterPonny

33 Luleå Hjälte 3 543 inlägg

Svar till Grace_Breaker [Gå till post]:
The element of surprise.

Jag tror att det mycket väl kan hända. Hur bryr jag mig inte i, men jag ska stå redo med ett ordentligt svärd när det väl sker.

Typ detta;

Ingen jävla status.

P 33 Hjälte 5 inlägg
De pratar ju om bio-logiska stridsmedel. Jag drömde(?) att jag gick in i EU parlamentet i Stockholm City och fick han högst upp att skita på sig när jag frågade om han var maria wetterstrand. Så jag vet inte vad som menas med bio-logiska stridsmedel, men lukten är ganska äkta iaf.

Jag tror på frihet

P 34 Surte Hjälte 110 inlägg
Svar till Anonym-55 [Gå till post]:
Visa spoiler
Jag kommer så snabbt som möjligt ta ett flyg (hoppas att flygplanet är fritt från Zombier) till något varmare land, sedan ta en båt ut till en obebodd ö (kanske ta med mig mina närmaste vänner/familj) och helt enkelt försöka överleva där och kapa all kontakt med "verkligheten" under ett antal månader.

svar: 1.
haha klockren låter som att sy in sig på psyket under några månader och kapa all kontakt med verkligheten, försöka tvinga in sig i en psykos/hypnos, hehe!!

Visa spoiler
När jag tror att läget är lugnt åker jag tillbaka med min båt och checkar läget, om allt är fint kan jag ta med mig mina närmaste och leta efter andra överlevande för att sedan bilda en ny civilisation :)

svar: 2.
när du är frisk, så behöver du inte va där mer då får du åka hem igen då är allt lugnt med dig :D..

Jag gissar på att du ska införskaffa state of decay, av skaparna undead labs gick under kodnamnet class 3 och online versionen är class 4, släpps på xbox live och games for windows marketplace.


P 30 Härnösand Hjälte 967 inlägg
om alla äter badsalt samtidigt lär helvetet bryta ut, så ja jag tror på de.

Vi hatar varandra min best och jag men den ene är fast i den andres tag. En dysfunktionell symbios som leder till att vi båda förgås

P 30 Hjälte 53 inlägg

Svar till wildnez [Gå till post]:
Alla reagerar inte likadant :)

Alvarligt... Lever vi bara för att känna?

Hjälte 579 inlägg

Svar till wildnez [Gå till post]:
"Badsalt" inte bakom kannibalattack i USA om man litar på expressen :(
Vi får nog hitta en annan drog som fixar det istället XD

Ingen status

P 30 Härnösand Hjälte 967 inlägg

Svar till Anonym-55 [Gå till post]:
badsaltet innehöll mephedrone, så rent mephedrone lär bli bra:=

Vi hatar varandra min best och jag men den ene är fast i den andres tag. En dysfunktionell symbios som leder till att vi båda förgås

F 34 Hjälte 2 019 inlägg
Om världens tas över av Zombies, så kommer jag att ta livet av mig. Ingen zombie ska få tillfredsställelsen att käka upp mig levande.

Gå fort och le, så märker folk inte att du är ful.

P 29 Hjälte 166 inlägg

När zombierna tar över världen försvinner jag in i min strategiskt utplacerade bunker, som inte alls är min garderob, och fördriver tiden med att fundera ut hur jag ska fixa käk.

Sport hejar man på, politik handlar om vilket parti man hatar minst.

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