Kollade wikipedia snabbt, hittade detta:
"During his early career, Caesar had seen how chaotic and dysfunctional the Roman Republic had become. The republican machinery had broken down under the weight of imperialism, the central government had become powerless, the provinces had been transformed into independent principalities under the absolute control of their governors, and the army had replaced the constitution as the means of accomplishing political goals. With a weak central government, political corruption had spiraled out of control, and the status quo had been maintained by a corrupt aristocracy, which saw no need to change a system that had made its members rich.
Between his crossing of the Rubicon River in 49 BC, and his assassination in 44 BC, Caesar established a new constitution, which was intended to accomplish three separate goals. First, he wanted to suppress all armed resistance out in the provinces, and thus bring order back to the empire. Second, he wanted to create a strong central government in Rome. Finally, he wanted to knit together the entire empire into a single cohesive unit. The first goal was accomplished when Caesar defeated Pompey and his supporters. To accomplish the other two goals, he needed to ensure that his control over the government was undisputed, and so he assumed these powers by increasing his own authority, and by decreasing the authority of Rome's other political institutions. Finally, he enacted a series of reforms that were meant to address several long neglected issues, the most important of which was his reform of the calendar."
Kort sagt kan man väl säga att Caesar ville säkra stabiliteten i republiken. Han ansåg att det dåvarande styrelsesättet var för ineffektivt och korrupt och ville ändra detta genom att genomdriva ett antal reformer.
Dock hann han inte genomföra alla sina planer innan han år 44 f.kr mördades i senaten, knappt ett år efter att han segrat i inbördeskriget mellan honom och Pompejus.
Det skulle dock dröja till 27 f.kr innan Rom fick sin första kejsare, när Octavianus (Caesars adoptivson) blev av senaten tilldelad titeln Augustus.
Ur vägen, moskoviter! Frisk mod, I gossar blå!