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Den stora katastrofen som sågs under meditation...

Skapad av Borttagen, 2011-04-11 17:42 i Livsåskådningar

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Mycket intressant profetia presenterad i förra veckan från en Falun Dafa-kultiverare på den mycket höga nivån.

Tänk om alla människor kunde memorera fyra ord:"Falun Dafa är bra" samt även fem andra ord: "Sanning-Godhet-Tålamod är bra"...

"Better safe than sorry" som någon sa:

The Huge Catastrophe Seen in Meditation

* Prophecy

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Long Feng Cheng Xiang

[] The Dafa disciple Longlong saw the huge catastrophe during meditation and sending righteous thoughts. One year ago he already saw some scenes. Some other scenes manifested gradually and some were seen just recently. We didn’t write it down because we were afraid of leaking heavenly secrets. But recently we read some articles online about catastrophes. So we thought writing it down might be able to inspire or warn people.

Cultivators know that everything is predestined but meanwhile things are variable, especially now that human history has reached this critical moment between life and death. One thought of “Falun Dafa is good” can determine whether one lives or dies. But this time it is different: a being’s righteous or unrighteous thoughts toward Dafa will determine whether that being gets eternal life or is destroyed forever. Righteous thoughts toward Dafa are just that important!

In meditation, Longlong saw Master keep postponing and weakening the huge catastrophe and large-scale process of weeding out people. One time he saw Master overturned the hourglass, otherwise the huge catastrophe would have begun already. Another time Longlong saw Master move some sands back to the upper container. Master extended the time for us so that Dafa disciples could have more time to save people and more time to cultivate; Master also extended people’s lives so that people could have opportunities to know the truth, break away from the control of the wicked Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and be saved by Dafa. There are so many things that should have already happened but they didn’t happen because Master endured it; there are many things that should have already ended but Master still left chances for beings. We just have no way to know the painstaking care Master has taken for us practitioners and sentient beings.

1. The ground cracking: the ground sinks to form huge holes; buildings and people fall into the holes. This has happened in many countries and it has been reported in the news. But the current scale is only at the initial stage.

2. Mudslides: mud buries houses, villages and people. This has happened in many countries and it’s been reported in the news. It is also at the initial stage.

3. Oil spills: it has already happened, but it’s not the end. It is predestined. The specific numbers can’t be disclosed and meanwhile it’s not necessary to disclose it. The beings in the ocean suffered, and people suffered as well.

4. Loss of direction: the four directions, east, west, south, north become messed up. Those who worship towards the east wouldn’t know which direction was east. Human beings will be lost in the world. GPS won’t work either. The earth will slope steeply in the universe, which will cause the glaciers in North Pole and South Pole to slide and become misplaced. Then the glaciers will melt. The sea level will rise and gush into cities. The deserts will become warm and humid. The forests will become cold and dry. The animals and plants in tropical and subtropical zones will suffer. In other words, hot places will become cold while cold places will become hot; dry places will become humid while humid places will become dry. When that happens many animals and plants will be eliminated.

5. Earthquake and tsunamis: tsunamis as tall as a several hundred meters will beat the shores. With the water melted from the glaciers, it will be enough to inundate many cities. When that happens, a lot of people will be eliminated.

6. Horrible pestilence: human beings, animals and plants will all be under this huge catastrophe. Wherever the pestilence goes, buildings will collapse. Streets, bridges, flowers and trees, as long as their karma is big, will be swallowed by a type of power and turned into sandy soil.

Among those who are infected by the pestilence, some will bleed from the nose, mouth and ears and die; some will pass out while walking. The doctors won’t be able to find out why and won’t be able to cure it. So many people will rush to hospitals in vain. Chanting “Falun Dafa is good” can save one’s life. People, please remember! This is the only way to be saved. Please try!

The death toll will be calculated in millions. It will happen not only in China but also in other countries. Through the third eye one can see viruses penetrate into the human body. One virus splits into two; two split into four, and so on. The splitting is very fast. Some viruses stay in the body and continue to split while others go into other bodies. Currently many people have been infected already. And the virus is still spreading. When the time is up, people around the world will hear the news that millions have died from the infection.

When the virus falls on a human body, that person feels nothing. When the virus passes by Dafa disciples, it is stopped by our energy field. But those sensitive disciples can feel something brushing their fine hair. Curiously, not only ordinary people but also some Dafa practitioners will be infected by the virus. Longlong saw Master take away the virus from the majority of Dafa disciples and lock the virus somewhere, but it didn’t happen for all the Dafa disciples. Here I would like to remind practitioners that cultivation is serious; the Fa rectification is serious. If a Dafa disciple doesn’t change their mind and doesn’t cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, anything that happens to ordinary people will happen to him. One day there will be no more opportunities left. Master is benevolent while Dafa is majestic.

In many dimensions the virus is a black color. But in a deeper dimension, the virus is white and composed of pure high energy gong. Since it is so bright, it looks black in other dimensions. Those people who are eliminated by the Gong are very bad and full of karma. From any perspective, they shouldn’t be saved. Some of them wear a human skin and look human.

Each elimination method is carried out by specific gods. At Longlong’s level, he saw dragons carrying out the heavenly tasks and shrimp soldiers and crab generals cooperating. He also saw a western Dafa practitioner manifest as a dragon in one dimension. In the human world, he was an army officer. But Longlong didn’t know his origin, which only Master knows. When Longlong saw the catastrophe, he felt heartbroken. He saw some scenes in his dreams. He couldn’t bear to see because the scene was so miserable that he cried and woke up. Dafa disciples are saving people. But those dragons make floods and mudslide to bury people. Aren’t the dragons righteous beings? When Longlong saw this, he knelt down and begged to Master that he was willing to shelter the sentient beings from the catastrophe. Master enlightened him: on one hand we need to save more people; on the other hand, those who can’t be saved need to be cleaned out. The universe can’t be polluted by garbage.

In the lectures Master said the large-scale process of weeding out people doesn’t have anything to do with good people or cultivators. Only bad people are weeded out.

My above enlightenment is only from my current cultivation level. So it may not be accurate. I hope ordinary people can wake up; I also hope those Dafa practitioners who still don’t meet Dafa’s requirements can wake up. I hope all Dafa disciples can: “Lose no time and save them, hurry up and tell them” (“Hurry Up And Tell Them”).

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