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ett citat från tiden då man trodde att medvetandet satt i hjärtat. Så kul, om det nu är gud som inspirerade koranen borde han väl ha vetat att det är hjärnan? nu måste jag ge dig shack-mate med detta uttalandet
vet du inte att sensqate forskning säger att man tänker också med hjärtat, visste ni inte om det, Koranen visste detta för 1400 år sedan, och du som är ateists och kämpar mot Gud och koranen, visste inte om det.
kollla detta
The Miracle of the Heart and its Thinking and Processing Capability - Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and confirmed by Science:
God says in quran:
[022:046] Have they not moved about in the land?
They are endowed with hearts to reason, and the ears to hear. Indeed, their eyes are not sightless. Rather, what is blind are their hearts within their chests.
Arabic (from right to left):
22:46 افلم يسيروا في الارض فتكون لهم قلوب يعقلون بها او اذان يسمعون بها فانها لاتعمى الابصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور
Allah Almighty described the heart of having the functionality and the capability to calculate, feel, decide, guide, think and has emotions. He also Said that it is the hearts of the disbelievers that are blind, not their eyes. Allah Almighty also Said that they have "hearts that do not understand (the Truth)" (63:3, 6:25, 9:87).
قلوب means hearts.
يعقلون means to learn, to be guided, to reason, to calculate.
What does science say about this:
Neurocardiology: The Brain in the HeartWhile the Laceys were doing their research in psychophysiology, a small group of cardiovascular researchers joined with a similar group of neurophysiologists to explore areas of mutual interest. This represented the beginning of the new discipline of neurocardiology, which has since provided critically important insights into the
nervous system within the heart and how the brain and heart communicate with each other via the nervous system.
After extensive research, one of the early pioneers in neurocardiology, Dr. J. Andrew Armour, introduced the concept of
a functional "heart brain" in 1991. His work revealed that the heart has a complex intrinsic nervous system that is sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a "
little brain" in its own right. The heart’s brain is an intricate network of several types of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells like those found in the brain proper. Its elaborate circuitry enables it to act independently of the cranial brain –
to learn, remember, and even feel and sense. The recent book Neurocardiology, edited by Dr. Armour and Dr. Jeffrey Ardell, provides a comprehensive overview of the function of the heart’s intrinsic nervous system and the role of central and peripheral autonomic neurons in the regulation of cardiac function. The nervous system pathways between the heart and brain are shown in Figure 2.
The heart’s nervous system contains around 40,000 neurons, called sensory neurites, which detect circulating hormones and neurochemicals and sense heart rate and pressure information. Hormonal, chemical, rate and pressure information is translated into neurological impulses by the heart’s nervous system and sent from the heart to the brain through several afferent (flowing to the brain) pathways. It is also through these nerve pathways that pain signals and other feeling sensations are sent to the brain. These afferent nerve pathways enter the brain in an area called the medulla, located in the brain stem. The signals have a regulatory role over many of the autonomic nervous system signals that flow out of the brain to the heart, blood vessels and other glands and organs. However, they also cascade up into the higher centers of the brain, where they may influence perception, decision making and other cognitive processes.
Dr. Armour describes the brain and nervous system as a distributed parallel processing system consisting of separate but interacting groups of neuronal processing centers distributed throughout the body.
The heart has its own intrinsic nervous system that operates and processes information independently of the brain or nervous system. This is what allows a heart transplant to work: Normally, the heart communicates with the brain via nerve fibers running through the vagus nerve and the spinal column. In a heart transplant, these nerve connections do not reconnect for an extended period of time, if at all; however, the transplanted heart is able to function in its new host through the capacity of its intact, intrinsic nervous system." (Source)
"Neuroscientists have discovered that the heart has it’s own independent nervous system, a complex system referred to as the “
brain in the heart”. There are at least 40,000 neurons (nerve cells) in the heart, this can be as many neurons as are found in some parts of the brain. And this “
brain in the heart” has the ability to relay information back to the brain creating a two-way communication system between the heart and brain.
Physiologists John and Beatrice Lacy discovered that when the heart sends messages to the brain the brain not only understands the messages but also obeys them."
http://www.wellspher....e-heart/268635The Heart Has Its Own “Brain” and Consciousness Posted on March 30, 2012 Almighty's description of the heart's functionality in the body as it being able to do the work of calculations, emotions, feelings, decisions, guidance and thinking was indeed proven to be 100% perfect and accurate with what scientists today have discovered and confirmed. And as Allah Almighty Said in the same Noble Verse:
لاتعمى الابصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور
Indeed, their eyes are not sightless. Rather, what is blind are their hearts within their chests.
Indeed, the coming to understand and accept the Truth of Allah Almighty is not for everybody. People who don't have "diseases in their hearts" (47:29, 2:10, 5:52, 8:49, ....) are the ones whom hearts are capable of understanding, comprehending and ultimately accepting the Truth of Allah Almighty. The Scientific Miracle about the heart and its functionality in the Glorious Quran is indeed a stunning one, because Allah Almighty Spoke about the actual functionality of the heart and its vital and essential role in guiding the individual and enabling him/her to make the right decisions. Again, يعقلون is a key Word here, because it is referring to the actual activity of thinking and processing of data, and making decisions in the heart and by the heart. This is a Scientific Miracle that only Science today was able to confirm, and only very very recently.
detta är bästa situationer när man sysslar med relgion :) när ateister som inte kan vetenskap attackerar koranen med deras okunskap och koranen slår de på käften med en intelektuell järnhammare , så jäkla bra.
vet du vad mannen, du borde lite öppna dina ögon mer , vara lite öppen mot nya saker, vara analytisk inte kritiker hela tiden, då kommer du upptäcka massor av nya saker.