Emmanuel Swedenborg pratade om "New Church/New Jerusalem" etc som den världsomspännande religion som kommer att ta över världen efter domedagen. Alla tecken tyder på att han menade Falun Dafa som presenterades i Kina 1992 och därefter spritt sig över hela världen.
Dessutom kom Swedenborg från staden Falun och hans släktgård står där på den östra(gudomliga) sidan av staden än idag..
Legenden säger ju att Falu å skall dela staden Falun i en ljuvlig och en gruvlig sida och det är ju precis så i Falun att på gruvsidan växer ingenting alls och allt är kalt och dött medan på östra sidan är allt vackert och blomstrande... Myten "Brorslotten" i boken Nils Holgersson är ju en intressant legend i detta fallet...
www.falundafa.se - mer info om Falun Dafa som baseras på Sanning-Godhet-Tålamod i vardagslivets handlingar.
I islam kallas Mästare Li Hongzhi(presenterade Falun Dafa för allmänheten 1992) för ImamenMahdi och i kristendomen för Elias(som skall komma innan Jesus och sprida sin lära). I Eddan kallas han för Slidr. Överallt finns namnet "Li" med i profetiorna.
Privata tolkningar under varje stycke(sorry, engelska):
“I have spoken with spirits and angels who came from there, and they said that they possess a Word, and have from ancient times; and that their divine worship is performed according to this Word, which consists of pure correspondences... They said that they worship Jehovah, some as an invisible, and some as a visible God. Moreover they said that they do not permit foreigners to come among them, except the Chinese, with whom they cultivate peace, because the emperor of China is from their country... Seek for it in China, and perhaps you will find it there among the Tartars.”
”Arcana, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1995)”
Here we can see that Swedenborg predicts Falun Dafa to originate from China.
“He persecuted the woman that brought forth the male, signifies that those who are meant by "the dragon" would from hatred and enmity reject and revile the church which is the New Jerusalem, because it has the doctrine of life. This is evident from the signification of "persecuting," as being, in reference to those who are meant by "the dragon," to reject and revile from hatred and enmity (of which presently); also from the signification of "the woman," as being the church that is called the New Jerusalem (of which above, n. 707, 721, 730); also from the signification of "the male," as being the doctrine of that church, which is the doctrine of life (see above, n. 724, 725). From this it is clear that "the dragon persecuting the woman that brought forth the male" signifies that those who are meant by the dragon will from hatred and enmity reject and revile the church which is the New Jerusalem, because it has the doctrine of life.”
“Apocalypse Explained”
The CCP will persecute Falun Dafa. The CCP has the form of a dragon. Rhw CCP started persecute Falun Dafa in july 1999 just like Nostradamus predicted.
“He will not come to destroy the visible heaven and the habitable earth (ibid., n. 768 seq.); but to separate the evil from the good.”
“Invitation to the“New Church”
Evil people will be weeded out when the apocalypse arrives, just like all orthodox religions tell us.
Miracles are not done at this day, because they seduce men, and make them natural. They close the interiors of their minds, wherein faith ought to be rooted; wherefore mere falsities proceed thence
“Invitation to the New Church”
Nobody is allowed to interfere with the Fa(law)-rectification and seduce men away from the Fa(law) as the end times draw near.
It is an absolute necessity that God should manifest Himself, and thereby cause Himself to be acknowledged, and after acknowledgment should inspire man with His Divine influence, and by this, received in the heart, lead him at length even to Himself in heaven; all which cannot possibly be effected except by instruction. Must not also an emperor, and a king, first cause himself to be acknowledged and crowned, before he enters on his government?
“True Christian religion”
“This coming of the lord which is his second coming, is taking place in order that the evil may be separated from the good, and that those who have believed and do believe in him, may be saved, and that from them a new angelic heaven and a new church on earth may be formed; and without this, no flesh could be saved.”
“True Christian religion”
Fa-rectification disciples form the new heaven and assist Master to save the sentient beings on earth.
“This second coming of the lord is effected by means of a man to whom the Lord has manifested himself in person, and whom he has filled with his spirit, that he may teach the doctrines of the New Church from the Lord by means of the word.”
“True Christian religion”
In these quotes we see Master being incarnated as a man of flesh and blood for the Fa-rectification.
“He will do this by means of a man, who is able not only to receive these doctrines in his understanding but also to publish them by the press.”
“True Christian religion”
The Fa will be published for the common man in the press so as many people as possible can see it.
Som vi ser ovan kan man med ren uteslutning och jämförelse med en rad profetior sluta sig till att det finns en spirituell rörelse som vuxit snabbare än någon annan religion/rörelse i världshistorien, den heter Falun Dafa och fick 100 miljoner utövare på 7 år i Kina innan kommunisterna slog ner på den.
Swedenborg säger att elaka människor skall sorteras bort och goda människor skall räddas under domedagen. Enkel logik.
Principen för Falun Dafa är också enkel: följ Sanning, Godhet, Tålamod i vardagslivet - vilket sägs vara universums högsta lag.
Transformera även kroppen(eliminera din karma) via ett antal fysiska Qi Gong-övningar. Medfödd kvalitet avgör mycket men man kan ta igen det även om man har mycket karma. Alla genuina utövare öppnar tredje ögat och många ser andra dimensioner under träningen. Vissa är låsta(blinda) för att kunna kultivera uppåt snabbare.
Ett säkert tecken på bra medfödd kvalitet är att man kan göra dubbellotus utan träning. Då har man mycket dygd och mindre kroppskarma. Tankekarma(mörka tankar) kan man fortfarande ha...
Jämför man FD med alla världsreligioner innehåller den kropp och själs-kultivering, den har dygd i centrum och den har en riktig Mästare som skrivit alla texterna på egen hand. Dessutom inget behov av att bli munk för att nå höga nivåer.
Minns i religionerna att andra skrivit texterna, inte grundaren. Över årtusendena har det mesta blivit feltolkat av präster etc, därav dagens kaos inom religionerna.
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