Svar till SandorX [
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nice, då vet du att de finns, då blir det inte lika svårt för dig att acceptera fakta om dem.
they ask experienced architects from both side of the perspective, and provide only raw facts.
> this video, if still in doubts, watch this.
> watch it. Judge for yourself afterwards.
Here are the other parts.>
Aliens tampering with our dnaátimasaucer in front of 40 000 people, proves the vaticans involvement in freemasonic luciferian rites, damned jews.
> circles
>the one that arent faked
this is the "solid", or as solid as can get.
If you're with me so far, i will tell you this, its important.
>there are more than one species of aliens
the ones you need to know of now are called the greys, and the annunaki
there are many, many species of aliens, the most prominent in abductions are the greys
then theres the nordics and annunaki, lizard people.
> this for the different species
> starry? a dwarf couple.
> general, dont trust or watch AA (ancient aliens)
but this is a crash course on Annunaki, which is somewhat accurate. AA is a disinfo show that actually presents some parts of truth, but they mix it heavily with lies and show the host as obvious crazy and tinfoil to diminish the people, and shame the ones who believe in this.
I mean please, why would he have that hair?
> (Kapustin Yar) UFO encounters, documented and talked about by several high in staff then.
> to piece things together, and speculate on the greys.
>!this one is really really cool, passed all tests with flying colors, can be considered solid
apparently leaked photo of a anunaki hybrid, worth watching for the information given between the pictures, part 1-4
>>>> information posted after trying to give the picture credibility is very valuable, but as before, nothing solid so dont swallow it whole. however, if you have many pieces of the puzzle, and watch it, you'll see alot of things come together.
> is their language.
Many things can be said and speculated about the Greys, they're workers, they're suborinates of other races, a slave race even.
however, if one if to trust a nurse who spoke to a grey for over two weeks in a military facility. the grey had been picked up from the roswell crash.
> interesting videos
Greys are also described in old texts as "Daemons"
However, the world isnt black and white.
Greys got the dick from the self proclaimed righteous angels&god; because they bred with mankind, something greys do all the time today. And of course the fact that they 'tricked' us into eating the fruit of knowledge (not an actual fruit)
more like the snake people made us smarter somehow.
ALIENS = DEMONS up the Book of Enoch, book of giants, and epic of gilgamesh>Enoch
Book removed from Bible explains the Angels as visitors who brought knowledge of technology from another dimension and corrupted the pure bloodline of man and animal life by gene mixing with their seed and the seeds of man and animal. Hybrids were called the Nephilim and the this knowledge given to Enoch was from God himself who at that time actually walked the earth with Enoch though everything he touched burned.
>Book Of Giants
Also talks about the hybrid off springs of the Angels and earthly life. Both books talk about the Nephilim dying and becoming the demonic entities we deal with today including the demon Asmodeous.
>Epic of Gilgamesh
Oldest book in post flood that talks about the Annunaki (surviving first generation Nephilim or sons of Anuk)
>Reich of black sun
Talks about theNazi involvement of "alien" contacts and the development of UFO tech
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