The rodent-like Jewess Caroline Szyber, a politician in the Swedish government party Christian Democrats, claims in a new article at the site Newsmill that Sweden needs millions of violent and unintelligent immigrants.
Anyway, Szyber, in her article, says that Sweden needs a “generous and rights-based asylum policy” and has a “moral responsibility” to accept millions of immigrants. She is concerned that some people want to lower the rate of immigration, and says that “in the future, there will be more movement over the national borders”. The Jewess says that Sweden must be an “open and tolerant country”.
This is, however, far from the first time Szyber has behaved like a typical parasite Jew. In recent articles at the site she whines about supposed discrimination of criminal gypsies, defends Israel’s constant attacks on Iran, expressed support for homosexual “Pride” parades and claims that allegations of Zionist organ theft were “anti-Semitic” (though the allegations were later shown to be true – Zionist soldiers stole organs from murdered Palestinians).
Hur tusan ska man få stopp på sådana infiltratörer? Vad vinner det svenska folket när dom hela tiden lyder den judiska agendan och motarbetar svenskarnas intressen?
Ni med annorlunda åsikter är varmt välkomna att dela med er i den här tråden...
Visa spoiler
Observera också att även om Szyber är med i KD, så är hon en medlem i det extremjudiska organisationen "Limmud" där deras agenda är att "stärka den judiska identiteten". Dubbelmoral?
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