Reinfeldt sa under en paneldebatt vid World Economic Forum igår att Europa borde öppna sina gränser för mer invandring från Asien och Afrika för att ta hand om dessa kontinenters födelseöverskott som beräknas bli två miljarder människor. Han nämnde dessutom att invandrare från Afrika och Asien arbetar mer och hårdare och är viktigare för välfärden än de europeiska urinvånarna.
"My experts now tell me that the seven billion people of our world will now be nine billion. But the increase will come in Asia and in Africa and not really in Europe. So we can not rely on more people on our continent, well then, this should be the continent open for people to come from other parts of the world being better to integrate them into our labour markets. That is actually the knowledge we already have, the ones that come to Sweden, comes to our countries, they work more than the people actually that are very often in place in that country, because they come in mid-life. We talk to little about this. We talk to much about pushing away people, sheltering ourselves."
Han blundande dessutom för problemen som exempelvis Sveriges huvudstad fått under den senaste tiden med romska tiggarligor och kåkstäder.
"We took this decision to not have these special regulations from citizens coming from Bulgaria and Romania. We have not seen any of these negative effects that were related to in the debate"
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