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Mlm fick mitt nummer genom arbetsförmedlingen. kan

Skapad av Mindgimmet, 2022-10-13 21:15 i Livet

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Antar att svaret är nej men kan fråga ändå.

Idag fick jag ett sms från en gubbjävel som sa att han heter Anders Hedlund och skickade sin pitch om att gå med i en MLM även om han inte kallade det det.

Det var enkelt att klura ut att företaget var Herbalife som han sedan bekräftade.

Han sa att han hittade mitt nummer genom Arbetsförmedlingen.

Är reklamen ivägen? Logga in eller registrera dig så försvinner den!

1 Göteborg Hjälte 2 526 inlägg Online

Svar till Mindgimmet [Gå till post]:
Så vad är din fråga?

I feel like a cello, lost somewhere over the rainbow

Hjälte 99 inlägg

Svar till Guud [Gå till post]:
Om det går att göra något. Tex anmäla hit eller dit.
Tycker inte de ska kunna gå igenom af och kontakta folk för deras scam?

1 Göteborg Hjälte 2 526 inlägg Online

Svar till Mindgimmet [Gå till post]:
Har du bevis för att det är scam? vad jag kan se så har det ett aktivt svensk AB med en omsättning på över 100 miljoner. Och vore det illa så skulle de knappast fått vara kvar i landet.

Så oavsett vad du tycker så blir det nog svårt att komma åt dem. Nu vet jag inte hur AF fungerar om man kan spärra sig för vissa företag/branch som är oetisk, men jag har mkt svårt att se det. Du är ju trots allt där för att hitta jobb. Om det så är försäljare eller borra olja i norska havet.

I feel like a cello, lost somewhere over the rainbow

Hjälte 99 inlägg

Svar till Guud [Gå till post]:
Men snälla, säg att du skämtar?

Vet du vad en MLM är? Mer eller mindre en pyramid scheme.
Ja MLM och pyramid schemes har stor omsättning, fortfarande en scam. Tror du pyramid schemes har låg eller hög omsättning? Hög. Men det är en scam då det enda som gäller är recruiting recruiting recruiting.

"Om de vore en scam skulle de inte få vara kvar i landet" det är för att MLM säljer produkter för att försöka undvika att bli stämplad en pyramid scheme.

Men faktum är att majoriteten av pengarna kommer från att rekrytera folk, inte genom att sälja.

Herbalife är ett amerikanskt företag tror jag som öppnade i Sverige och andra länder. Så du kan kolla upp information om det. T.ex.


(1) -

Kvinnan i videon var nära toppen i ett annat scam MLM företag (itworks) och är väldigt insatt och vet hur MLM fungerar.

Fastän det finns många olika MLMs så fungerar de nästan alla på exakt samma sätt.

(2) -

95.2% av folk som jobbar med Herbalife tjänade alltså MINDRE än 10,000 GBP under hela 2017.

92% tjänade mindre än 5000 gbp under året.

Detta är ett jobb????
76.9% tjänade mindre än 1000 gbp

(3) -

Här är en video från en insider som pratar om hur det är en scam

(4) -

* What makes herbalife a pyramid scheme?

Few people who join Herbalife will ever make any money from the company.

Those who do, make money primarily from recruiting new Herbalife distributors, convincing them to buy product, and getting them to recruit even more distributors. Simply put, because Herbalife’s incentive structure rewards recruiting as opposed to retail product sales, Herbalife is a pyramid scheme. It lures in new distributors by promising riches and preying on entrepreneurial dreams but the truth is that 89% of Herbalife distributors will never earn a penny from the company.

* Herbalife CEO Michael Johnson has said that “recruiting is the fundamental part of the growth of this company” and “We’re still a recruiting company, and we’ve got to never not be”

* Pyramid schemes eventually implode when they run out of new victims to recruit. For large multi-national pyramid schemes, like Herbalife, which operates in more than 90 countries, the scheme continues as the company expands to new markets. As a result, it can take some time for the company to implode. Right now, Herbalife needs roughly 2 million new recruits per year to sustain its growth since so many people quit each year.

(5) -

* What makes herbalife a pyramid scheme?

Few people who join Herbalife will ever make any money from the company.

Those who do, make money primarily from recruiting new Herbalife distributors, convincing them to buy product, and getting them to recruit even more distributors. Simply put, because Herbalife’s incentive structure rewards recruiting as opposed to retail product sales, Herbalife is a pyramid scheme. It lures in new distributors by promising riches and preying on entrepreneurial dreams but the truth is that 89% of Herbalife distributors will never earn a penny from the company.

* Herbalife CEO Michael Johnson has said that “recruiting is the fundamental part of the growth of this company” and “We’re still a recruiting company, and we’ve got to never not be”

* Pyramid schemes eventually implode when they run out of new victims to recruit. For large multi-national pyramid schemes, like Herbalife, which operates in more than 90 countries, the scheme continues as the company expands to new markets. As a result, it can take some time for the company to implode. Right now, Herbalife needs roughly 2 million new recruits per year to sustain its growth since so many people quit each year.

* 89% of new recruits will earn nothing from the company and 90% will drop out in the first year.

* One of the hallmarks of a pyramid scheme identified by the SEC is: “Complex commission structure. Be concerned unless commissions are based on products or services that you or your recruits sell to people outside the program. If you do not understand how you will be compensated, be cautious.”

* How long would it take for you to explain to someone how much you get paid – and for what?

For most people, it’s pretty straightforward. But, if you are an Herbalife distributor, the answer isn’t so easy. In fact, a lot of people who have signed up with Herbalife can’t explain how they make money. New recruits often get a lot of misinformation. As Herbalife distributors buy product from the company and get others to do the same, they move up in this complicated plan. As distributors advance, they gain access to product discounts and commissions that are paid when distributors in their downline (those who they’ve recruited and their recruits’ recruits etc.) make purchases from the company. The recruiting distributor, or sponsor, often doesn’t explain how difficult and expensive it is to advance in the plan. Instead, recruits are told that with hard work, they can make a lot of money from Herbalife. Sadly, too often they are not told the most important pieces of information any new recruit should know: that 89% of new recruits will earn nothing from the company and 90% will drop out in the first year.

(6) -

* In the end, Herbalife’s compensation and commission structure works to benefit those at the very top of the pyramid, and usually to the detriment of those new recruits at the bottom. It is complicated, structurally designed so that the only way to make any real money from the company is to sell others on becoming Herbalife distributors. They, in turn, can really only make money by recruiting their own downline and getting them to do the same. The confusing scheme obfuscates the probability of success and makes it easier for the company to recruit.

Because the compensation plan is complicated – and rarely thoroughly explained – millions of people every year sign up for an opportunity that will rob them of time and money and leave them far short of becoming the millionaires they thought they might be.

(7) -

* FTC Sends Checks to Nearly 350,000 Victims of Herbalife’s Multi-Level Marketing Scheme

(8) -

* Every MLM case the FTC has brought to date has alleged – among other things – misleading money-making representations. Some MLMs use limos, luxury, and lavish lifestyles as the bait to lure consumers, but their pie-in-the-sky promises turn out to be half-baked. Others try a subtler approach, appealing to consumers’ desire to be their own boss, spend more time with their children, or secure their families’ financial future. Regardless of whether it’s hard sell or soft soap, deception is deception.

(9) -

* Federal Trade Commission charges that the companies deceived consumers into believing they could earn substantial money selling diet, nutritional supplement, and personal care products.

* the FTC also charged that the multi-level marketing company’s compensation structure was unfair because it rewards distributors for recruiting others to join and purchase products in order to advance in the marketing program, rather than in response to actual retail demand for the product, causing substantial economic injury to many of its distributors.

* According to the FTC’s complaint, Herbalife claims that people who participate can expect to quit their jobs, earn thousands of dollars a month, make a career-level income, or even get rich. But the truth, as alleged in the FTC complaint, is that the overwhelming majority of distributors who pursue the business opportunity earn little or no money.

* The small minority of distributors who do make a lot of money, according to the complaint, are compensated for recruiting new distributors, regardless of whether those recruits can sell the products they are encouraged to buy from Herbalife.

Finding themselves unable to make money, the FTC’s complaint alleges, Herbalife distributors abandon Herbalife in large numbers. The majority of them stop ordering products within their first year, and nearly half of the entire Herbalife distributor base quits in any given year.

(10) -

* In 2004 Herbalife settled with 8,700 former and current distributors in a class-action lawsuit that accused the company and other distributors of “essentially running a pyramid scheme,”

(11) -

* Multi-level marketing schemes are scams.

* The Securities and Exchange Commission notes three hallmarks of a pyramid scheme: There's heavy emphasis on recruitment, a promise of high rewards in little time, and an insistence that the participant can quit their day job to "work from home."

* More often than not, "investors"—who usually pay to participate—make money not from their product revenue, but from getting others to participate as well

* As the Federal Trade Commission reports, less than one percent of MLM participants make a profit. That's right: More than 99 percent of participants lose money instead of making it.

* Most of these companies target vulnerable women like stay-at-home moms and military wives who don't tend to be financially independent anyway. The 2011 report states that out of 350 MLMs analyzed, every single one was recruitment driven and top-weighted. Those at the top made the most profit "at the expense of a revolving door of recruits."

* "This is after subtracting purchases they must make to qualify for commission and advancement of the scheme," the report continues.

* As Quartz reported in 2017, MLMs only pushed people further into debt because of the pressure to buy inventory. The "buy in" investment for LuLaRoe, for example, will cost you $5,000.

(12) -

Angående en familj, Stockwell, som försökte sig på Herbalife:

* “We realized that we had almost blown through our savings. How could we have made $100,000 in sales since opening, but now we have nothing?”

The Stockstills were spending more than $20,000 on Herbalife products every month.

* Even at 50 percent off, Herbalife’s prices didn’t come close to those of wholesale suppliers of typical teas and drink mixes

* the Stockstills saw posts on social media about the harm of MLM companies like Herbalife. “It was a good moment for us to step back and ask ourselves why so many people were opposed to Herbalife,” she says. “One night, we just stayed up looking at all these claims and we were shocked. We talked to friends who hadn’t been supportive of our business to hear why, and we talked to former distributors about their experiences, and none of them were good. It finally just clicked for us that we couldn’t do this anymore.”

(13) -


* Ethan Mark, a partner at Mark, Migdal & Hayden in Brickell who represents the plaintiff, said Herbalife, which operates as a multilevel marketing company, makes money by recruiting other people

* With her husband, the pair spent over $100,000 on Herbalife, including $20,000 on the so-called “Circle of Success” events.

* Shannon Derouselle, a business law professor [...] who is not involved in the case, said these kinds of events are common in multilevel marketing companies whose business model is premised on the need to recruit more and more people to sell their products.

(14) -

* I simply couldn't sit by and watch as individuals I cared about were being taught very dangerous religious methodologies

* don't come to a nutrition conference to talk about food and then begin to preach your cultish practices and try to convince business members how it's a beneficial practice.

* The final nail in the coffin came when in 2016, I was sitting in one of our monthly business seminars to actually see the guest speaker show an image on the big screen of their dying grandparent with a motivational quote on the image and then go on to say how great of a leader they are because that same day they still went to an Herbalife business event because they didn't want to "let down their team." This disgusted and enraged me

(15) -

* Herbalife, the nutritional shakes and supplements multi-level marketing company, entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice on Friday and agreed to pay $123 million to settle charges it bribed Chinese officials, the third time in four years it's been slapped with penalties by the U.S. government.

- de använder religion för att få folk stanna kvar osv
- De erbjuder "the opportunity" som något du kan göra för att tjäna pengar, till och med en heltidslön och även mycket mer än så. MEN de allra flesta förlorar pengar, endast de vid toppen av pyramiden tjänar pengar

Låter det som en scam nu?
P Hjälte 3 982 inlägg
Inte alls samma sits som du, men arbetsföredlingen verkar allmänt vara väldigt anti pyramidspel. Här är en artikel (visserligen nyheter 24, men...) som handlar om hur en handläggare försökt värva en arbetssökande in i ett pyramidspelsom denne haft som bisyssla.

"Hur ställer du dig till pyramidverksamhet rent generellt?

– Det är inget som Arbetsförmedlingen ställer upp på – det är helt oacceptabelt."

Vart/hur/om du kan anmäla detta har jag ingen aning om, men det verkar allmänt som att de motsätter sig pyramidspel.

Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough

1 Göteborg Hjälte 2 526 inlägg Online

Svar till Mindgimmet [Gå till post]:
Det är inte oss du behöver övertyga om det är ett brottsligt upplägg eller ej utan snarare en åklagare. Alternativt politikerna som stiftar lagarna som berör bedrägeri och pyramidspel.

Och orkar man inte gå så långt så vore det kanske bra att ta reda på hur AF ställer sig till etiskt tveksamma företag, vad de har för policys osv. Någonstans måste man ju dra sin gräns.

Du kan ju även testa och se om någon nyhetsorganisation känner att det är värt att nappa på din story.

I feel like a cello, lost somewhere over the rainbow

Hjälte 99 inlägg

Svar till Guud [Gå till post]:
Af kanske, vet inte om de har nån speciell epost för sånt.

Hur kontaktar man ens nyhetsorganisationer..

Hjälte 99 inlägg
Arbetsförmedlingen frågar mig efter organisationsnummret för personens "företag", men jag kan inte bli "validerad medlem "(kan ej välja mobilnummer som valideringsmetod), är det någon som är medlem på ratsit? det är gratis.

Jag behöver organisationsnummret för Atimne, men eftersom det är ett enskilt företag så är org. nummret samma som personnummret

Tillägg av Mindgimmet 2022-10-20 01:18


1 Göteborg Hjälte 2 526 inlägg Online

Svar till Mindgimmet [Gå till post]:
Jag är medlem där och har skickat GB till dig med det du frågade efter.

Lycka till!

I feel like a cello, lost somewhere over the rainbow

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