1 jag har aldrig varit där så det kan inte stå kvar, och jag kan inte skriva exakt som han så hjälp mig skriva något bra typ..
I'm from Sweden and want to go to your camp for three reasons and that is to learn English, make new friends and learn a lot new stuff on my bike. I really like to speak to new people and make new friend and that why I think I will be an great asset for the camp. Last year when I was a camper I meat allot of new friends and I told them about Sweden and they really appreciate it. I also like to help people when they hawed hard to learn a new trick on the bike, I did that last year and people seems to like that to. A well-run camp can mean allot fore children and they can talk about it all the summer. It would be an honor for me to work at camp Woodward and I really hope I can get this work because I think I can learn allot of it in so many ways. I saw that it will be an Woodward Europe camp so I will probably amply fore that next year but If I get this job now it would be very helpful. I would prefer to work oust 3 weeks straight because I can't afford more and the dish dog work in weeks #3 to #5. But if that is imposable I'll take whatever you hawed bemuse I really want to go to camp Woodward.
it's when you give up you would have succed