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As hard as a rock and dumb as a brick Lol xd
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haha windows ce window me windows nt, = windows cement lol
lol ce ´me nt = cement :d
eh? wtf? fattar inte lol
SimSim F28 från Uppsala 2011-03-27 22:17 - Svara
As hard as a rock and dumb as a brick Lol xd
uwbymannen 2010-03-18 14:18 - Svara
vilket skämt
trollding12010-03-01 11:38 - Svarahaha windows ce window me windows nt, = windows cement lol
Patrikp P28 från Karlskrona 2010-02-26 11:11 - Svara
lol ce ´me nt = cement :d
EmilO_oP27 från Västerås 2010-01-31 20:44 - Svaraeh? wtf? fattar inte lol