A family of cute baby ducks had to be rescued after getting their mother in a flap when they fell down a drain in Shrewsbury.
The eight ducklings, who were less than a week old, were pulled from the sewers in Hexham Way, near to the Rea Brook, by RSPCA officers yesterday.
Elaine Williams, the animal collection officer called to the scene, said the mother had apparently walked across the slatted drain cover but when her babies had followed they dropped through the gaps.
orolig123- 2010-02-12 22:39 - SvaraA family of cute baby ducks had to be rescued after getting their mother in a flap when they fell down a drain in Shrewsbury.
The eight ducklings, who were less than a week old, were pulled from the sewers in Hexham Way, near to the Rea Brook, by RSPCA officers yesterday.
Elaine Williams, the animal collection officer called to the scene, said the mother had apparently walked across the slatted drain cover but when her babies had followed they dropped through the gaps.
Nano92F32 från Sollentuna - 2009-10-15 22:10 - SvaraHahaha xD Fett söta >.<
Avie F31 från Arlöv - 2009-10-15 21:21 - Svara
Haha fan vad hemskt, men kunde inte låta bli att garva så jag satte maten i halsen ._.
xXxSeXWITHDogxXxP - 2009-10-03 14:26 - SvaraNä, fan vad hemskt =(