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:* så snällt
Id like to say you are sweet, but I have never met you so it'll have to do with cute. I hope its ok because both mean the same thing in swedish Du har otroliga ögon förresten
heh, it's okey sir. Thank you. oj, så snällt
freverxoxoF31 från Stockholm - 2010-11-19 20:34 - Svarasjukt fin bild!
Tro_och_Tvivel F33 från Falun - 2010-11-19 20:34
:* så snällt
Krillez P - 2010-11-18 02:08 - Svara
Id like to say you are sweet, but I have never met you so it'll have to do with cute. I hope its ok because both mean the same thing in swedish
Du har otroliga ögon förresten
Tro_och_Tvivel F33 från Falun - 2010-11-18 02:08
heh, it's okey sir. Thank you.
oj, så snällt