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Scumbag tjej 31 Senast 2013-03-10 01:45

Jag har inte höga krav, jag gillar bara dyr whiskey och söta flickor

Medlem sedanSpecialstatusFödelsedag
ForuminläggGästboksinläggAntal vänner
593494 3
Miljöpartist Jag är med i Amnesty Jag är med i Djurens rätt Satanist Humanist Vegan/Vegetarian Punkare Mitt land: Sverige Mitt land: USA Homosexuell / Bisexuell / Transsexuell Jag är musiker! Man ska ha husvagn Colaberoende Nihilist
Någon på denna sida tycker tydligen det är kul att använda mina bilder.
Få inte för er någonting folks, jag är Scumbag och har aldrig bytt användarnamn.

Om du funderar på att skriva någonting i stil med "tja fin, va händer ikv?"

You had me at "The Gaslight Anthem"

"There are so many bands who have no substance. [...] They're not saying anything, there's no effort put in and they have no soul. It just sounds like some guys with a million dollar record deal, a funny hair cut and not a lot else. I have no interest in what they say at all."
— Brian Fallon

"It's better to burn out than to fade away"
— Neil Young

"I change during the course of a day. I wake and I'm one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I'm somebody else"
— Bob Dylan

"A man without a moustache is like a woman with one."
— Nick Cave

"Enthusiasm over skill."
— Florence Welch

“I will always believe in punk-rock, because it’s about creating something for yourself.
Part of it was: ‘Stop being a sap! Lift your head up and see what is really going on in the political,
social and religious situations, and try and see through all the smoke screens."

— Joe Strummer

"Its a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win"
— Bruce Springsteen

"Now everybody ever born knows that the blues is not the white man's, it's too awesome for any pale skinned man or woman to have come up with."
— Brian Fallon

"Every single line that you write, you hang on every single word and you hang on every single moment and for Jesus Of Suburbia, when people are singing it back to you they’re not just reflecting what you’ve… the things about the song that you’re wrapped up in but it’s also what they’re lives are wrapped up in too. It’s too much of an emotional moment, it’s one of the most emotional moments in a song I’ve ever written. That’s the only way you can look at a song like that, it’s like you can’t sit here and look at it and say ‘oh this is a catchy number’ , this is y’know… ‘oh god i love to dance to this song’. For a song like Jesus Of Suburbia, there’s too much emotion at stake to just simply say it like that, you can, you don’t even have to say you love that song, I don’t even think that’s a way to describe it, it’s not about… it’s… it’s about all the emotional baggage, that you come with and that you are just.. you finally have an outlet for. That’s what Jesus Of Suburbia is to me and when it’s reflected back at you by 65 thousand people, it’s uh… I don’t know, it’s a feeling you can’t even describe."
— Billie Joe Armstrong (On Jesus Of Suburbia)

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