apparently you morons didn't understand me the first time. i cannot take time off from work. i'm not putting my familys wellbeing at stake to participate in this crap. i don't believe in our "justice" system and i don't want to have a goddamn thing to do with it. jury duty is a complete waste of time. i would rather count the wrinkles on my dogs balls than sit in a jury. get it through your thick skulls. leave me the f**k alone.
BinBin P35 från Uppsala 2010-04-21 19:04 - Svara
old shit is old :) sen är den inte så rolig.. inte ens då den kom.. gå hellre in på :)
KristofferP32 från Saltsjö-duvnäs 2010-04-21 17:39 - Svarahaha, jävligt härligt svar :p undrar om han fick gå ändå xd
Rippe P34 från Örby 2010-04-21 17:39 - Svara
apparently you morons didn't understand me the first time. i cannot take time off from work. i'm not putting my familys wellbeing at stake to participate in this crap. i don't believe in our "justice" system and i don't want to have a goddamn thing to do with it. jury duty is a complete waste of time. i would rather count the wrinkles on my dogs balls than sit in a jury. get it through your thick skulls. leave me the f**k alone.
EyeAttack F31 från Lund 2010-04-21 15:56 - Svara
:d jag gillar honom.
walothP32 från Västerås 2010-04-21 15:48 - Svarakan någon förtydliga vad som står där? för jag har svårt att läsa den handstilen
poppeP32 från Göteborg 2010-04-21 15:25 - Svarafint.