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Tragikomik tjej 28 Senast 2017-08-09 17:57

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Anti P12-skylt

Anti P12-skylt

Om denna rutan är synlig betyder det att jag INTE vill ha jobbiga gästboksinlägg ifrån okända omogna människor, till exempel inlägg där någon frågar om jag vill ha camsex eller om jag vill lägga till personen på msn “Hej msn? puss”. Jag känner inte dig så varför skulle jag vilja det? Är du en pedofil? Är du en camsexare? Är du en groomer? Vill du äckla dig på msn och störa tjejer och killar och mobba, prata om din lilla snopp eller dina bröst och visa dem för pengar? Pssst, det är emot reglerna!

Det äcklet som skriver och frågar om sex och sådant kommer att bli rapporterad, uthängd, granskad, borttagen och bannad. Ansvariga på Hamsterpaj komma att hänga ut äcklet som skriver och pussar, smeker, ber om msn och camsex, och de frågande äcklen kommer inte att vara välkomna tillbaka. Vill du lära känna mig som har denna skylt aktiverad, lär känna mig, sen får du kanske fråga. Frågar du med en gång så är du borta ifrån pajen och därmed punkt slut.

Inlägg: 3435
  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:21 Borttagen P30

    Actually, I noticed quite a few.
    And your plan doesn't exist, remember?

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:17 Tragikomik F28

    That's because I do not make mistakes. All I do is a part of the very existing and divine Plan.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:15 Borttagen P30

    Hey, I'm tired, okay?
    And I haven't corrected any of your typos since we began this conversation.

    And no, it doesn't exist. Face it.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:13 Tragikomik F28

    Oh, but what is that I see..? Could it be?
    You've misspelled "You're plan...". It should have been 'Your plan', 'cause last time I checked I wasn't a plan...
    Nevertheless, my great Plan exists, but it's too big for you to understand.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:09 Borttagen P30

    No. It's. Not.
    You're plan (with a small p) doesn't fucking exist. Accept it.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:07 Tragikomik F28

    It's all a part of my brilliant Plan.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:05 Borttagen P30

    Wel, I find that hard to believe, since I did two other tests that showed basically the same thing.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:04 Tragikomik F28

    Those who made the test... I belive that they made it show the opposite of your real IQ, therefore making you incredibly stupid.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:02 Borttagen P30

    They as in those who made the test or they as in those who commented the pic?

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 20:01 Tragikomik F28

    Hahaha :) Well, I can tell you one thing, they were being sarcastic.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:59 Borttagen P30

    Hey, that's not nice!
    And I tell you, it's not that small yet. made it grow.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:56 Tragikomik F28

    Now it's so tiny Henrik Pontén's intelligence can look down upon it.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:55 Borttagen P30

    Well, it doesn't amuse me.
    It makes me sadsad

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:54 Tragikomik F28

    Your shrinking e-penis amuses me.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:53 Borttagen P30

    A very sadistic 12 year old, apparently, to remind me of that.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:52 Tragikomik F28

    Yes, and by a 12 year old.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:51 Borttagen P30


    I think I just got kinda pwnedsad

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 19:50 Tragikomik F28

    You told me that I was the best, and now you're calling me a fucktard... Well, if I'm the best and I'm a fucktard, that means you're worse than a fucktard kolonD

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 16:54 Borttagen P30

    Well, maybe you're the retard. Like I told you, I'm so awesome that I'm even more awesome than awesomeness itself. In other word, I'm really awesome and you're just a little fucktard.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 16:52 Tragikomik F28

    You're a real retard. I've already explained that you can't be more awesome than awesomeness itself... Just fucking get it already!

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 13:11 Borttagen P30

    Well, I don't give a fuck about your pressure. And yeah, obviously I'm good at it, I'm good at everything, and of course you won't be able to match anything I do. And sure I can, if I want to. You see, I'm so awesome I can do whatever I want, even if I want to be more awesome than awesomeness. Thus, everything I've created (the brainwashingmachines, for instance) are as awesome as me, and you've got absolutely nothing to say about them.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 02:51 Tragikomik F28

    Well I can't fuck myself 'cause the pressure's too big sad I mean, you're so good at fucking yourself and I'm not sure I'm able to match your skills. You can't be more awesome than awesomeness itself. I am awesomeness and I decide who gets to be awesome and how much, and your so called brainwashingmachines don't live up to my requirements so they're not even remotely awesome.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 02:42 Borttagen P30

    Yeah, well, fuck you. My brainwashingmachines are so awesome they're even more awesome than awesomeness itself, so you WON'T be able to figure them out. And I know I wouldn't fucking eat a rock, but I'm definitely able to, and that Superbunny McFat was NOT able to do it. And of course I haven't seen it, it's never happened. That's why carrots fantasize about it.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 02:38 Tragikomik F28

    Yeah, well I am awesomeness. I am not awesome, I am awesomeness itself. Therefore I am able to figure out how your little brainwashingmachines work, so I am able to and I will fucking brainwash you. I don't really think you would eat a rock either, I mean, they're pretty hard to swallow. And by the way, have you ever seen a carrot eating a bunny?

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 02:28 Borttagen P30

    Well I say fuck you fucking my rights!
    I'm going to do it revolutionary style and fuck your upshuting so won't be able to shut anyone up and everyone will question everything that you do. And since the brainwashingmachines are fucking INVENTED BY ME and I'm the only one who knows how to use them, you won't be able to brainwash me. And Superbunny McFat? Seriously? I met that guy a while ago, and seriously, he wouldn't even be able to eat a fucking ROCK, even if it thought it was a carrot. And you're wrong, carrots dream of EATING bunnies, not getting eaten by them.

    And that's how you eliminate a rival planner trying to eliminate you.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 02:22 Tragikomik F28

    Well I say FUCK YOUR RIGHTS! I'm going to do it government style and shut you up so you'll never question whatever 'questionable' thing I do or say. I'll also go ahead and fix the problem at it's roots and simply brainwash you, and then when I'm finished I'll make you belive you're a giant carrot. As you may know, bunnies likes carrots so you'll probably be eaten by one of my friends, Superbunny McFat (he eats a lot...). You won't mind though, 'cause every carrot in the world dreams of being eaten by really fat superbunnies.

    And that's how you eliminate your rival planner.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 02:13 Borttagen P30

    Well, no.
    And I've got all the rights in the world to question whatever the fuck I want, so you just shut up. But you're right, I've only won this battle. But you know what? I'll win every other fucking battle as well, until you're nothing more than a wet spot on ground, and I'll take that spot and put it in a photo-album and that photoalbum I'll give to your mom!
    And FYI, I'm planning on planning a plan to plan to kick the fucking shit out of your plan (with a small p) and then kick the fucking IDEA of a plan to pieces til no plan can ever exist in your mind.

    Mwihihihihihihhi! <-- The most evil laugh of them all!

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 02:04 Tragikomik F28

    The Plan lives on, I tell you.
    Don't you dare questioning my authority...! Even though you think you've won the war, you've only won this battle. I plan on having the Plan plan another plan to make you shove all your plans up your ass.
    Bahahahahahahahahahah <--- Even more evil laugh.

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 01:59 Borttagen P30

    It does NOT.
    'Cause you see, I planned for this victory... AND I PLANNED KILLING YOUR PLAN!

    MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA <-- Evil laugh!

    Historik Gå till

  • Visningsbild
    2009-09-06 01:57 Tragikomik F28

    You may have won this battle... BUT THE PLAN LIVES ON!

    Historik Gå till

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