Tjenare! Ska försöka göra en lång sak kort, har ett arbete om WW2 och valt att skriva om Warszawa och behöver hjälp med att översätta denna biten till svenska med bra grammatik och inte för svåra svenska ord... Förstår om ni inte orkar men fan im in need of serious help! (Nej Google translate funkar inte pga dem har inte ordförråd till att täcka det och grammatiken är ju rent åt helvete."
All hjälp uppskattas och framförallt
Tack på Förhand!
"Why did the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 begin?
- The Home Army's attempt to free Warsaw before the entry of the Red Army was prompted mainly by political and ideological reasons. The Uprising was expected to be short, a week long at the most, and have the character of a mopping-up operation. The main reasons for starting the Uprising:
Liberate the City Most of the underground believed that a Polish London-based government-in-exile had to be established in Warsaw before the newly created Russian-sponsored Committee of National Liberation would take charge. Military developments on the Eastern and Western fronts appeared to have created a singular opportunity to wrest control of Warsaw from the collapsing Germans shortly before the entry of the victorious Red Army. At the same time, the Soviet-controlled radio Kosciuszko issued appeals to Warsaw inhabitants to raise up against Germans. [ kosciuszko ]
German Collapse During the Spring east front offensive, twenty five German divisions had been destroyed. Red Army and Russian-commanded Polish troops reached the Vistula river. Disorganized front Wehrmacht troops were withdrawing through Warsaw and German civilians, in panic, were evacuating from the city. At the same time, the attempted Hitler assassination was announced. On the western front, victorious Allied troops were breaking through Normandy defenses. [ map ]
Call for 100,000 Men On July 27, the German Governor of occupied Poland Hans Frank called for 100,000 Polish men between the ages of 17–65 to arrive at several concentration places in Warsaw. They were to be employed as laborers constructing German fortifications around the city. The Home Army interpreted this call as an attempt to neutralize and destroy the underground forces and urged everybody to ignore it. At the same time, expecting German retributions, the Home Army commander ordered mobilization in the Warsaw region. "
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