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"Men det är stora jihad. Jag pratar om lilla.
Läs Sura 2:216, 5:33, 9:5, 9:29, 9:39, 9:73, 47:4-6."
Vi börjar med 2:216 --
Jihâd [1] (holy fighting in Allâh’s cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know.
Jihad är när vi kämpar om något inom oss, Ondskan. tex om jag får ett sug till att dricka alkohol( som är förbjudet inom islam), när jag kämpar mot det suget så utövar jag Jihad. Fighting behöver inte alltid vara fysiskt.
5:33 Den här killen kan förklara lite bättre än vad jag gör.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
In many posts I have seen those who claim to follow the Messiah
, Isa bin Maryam (Peace Be Upon Him), known in the western world as Jesus
, that Surah 5:33 of the Holy Qur'an justifies Muslims to kill Christians and all those who do not believe in the teachings of the Qur'an. I read that scripture and even read it in Arabic, and that is not what that scripture implies. This is the scripture in the Qur'an in both English and Spanish, in case some of you don't understand.
The only punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is that they should be murdered, or crucified, or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned. This shall be a disgrace for them in this world, and in the Hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement.
En espanol:
El unico castigo de aquellos que libran una guerra contra Allah y Su Mesanjero y se esfuerzan por hacer el mal en tierra es que deberian ser asesinados, o crucificados, o que sus manos y pies fueran cortados en lados opuestos, o que fueran encarcelados. Esto sera una desgracia para ellos en este mundo, y en el Mas Alla tendran un pesaroso castigo.'
Now, where do the scholars that you quote receive the understanding that this pertains to Christians? The punishment, el castigo, was due to the mischief that the enemies of Islam were committing on the Muslims. This was a death sentence to those who were raping the Muslim women and children. That is what is referred to here as mischief in the land. This has nothing to do with Christians, Jews, or any one of any faith. My question is where do you get your information that this verse in the Qur'an, which you quote very often refers to the killing of Christians?
your brother and servant,
Min. Hector Falu-Muhamma
Han läste Suran på arabiska och fick det till en annan betydelse.
9:5 - - - [9:39] If you do not march forth, Allah will chastise you grievously40 and will replace you by another people,41 while you will in no way be able to harm Him. Allah has power over everything.
*40 A general rule of the Islamic conduct has been derived from "If you .... chastisement. " When the Muslims are commanded to go to Jihad by a public proclamation from their leader, it becomes an obligatory duty for those who are called upon to do Jihad, whether they belong to any particular group or region. So much so that the Faith of those who do not go for Jihad without a genuine excuse becomes doubtful. But even in cases where the Muslims are called upon to go forth for Jihad and there is no command for the compulsory enrolment of every able-bodied Muslim of a particular group or region, it is a religious duty (though not obligatory), and it shall be considered to have been performed even if only some Muslims go forth for it.
*41 That is, "Allah's work does not depend on you and will be accomplished only if you do it. It is Allah's grace and bounty that He is affording you the golden opportunity of serving the cause of His Way. Therefore if you miss this opportunity because of any foolish assumption, Allah will raise another people and bestow on them the opportunity and capability of doing His work, and you will be losers".
9:73 [9:73] PROFET! Kämpa outtröttligt mot förnekarna av sanningen och mot hycklarna och visa dig omutligt sträng mot dem; Elden är deras slutliga hemvist - ett eländigt mål!
Ännu en gång så behöver inte ordet "kämpa" betyda något fysiskt. Att kämpa verbalt är inget brott. Typ som jag gör nu. Och att dom som nekar Gud hamnar i helvetet är inget nytt.
Den som förnekar Gud efter att ha antagit tron - inte den som är utsatt för tvång, fastän hans hjärta förblir tryggt i sin övertygelse, utan den som frivilligt öppnar sig för otron - sådana [människor] ådrar sig Guds vrede och ett hårt straff väntar dem.
Tex om en muslim TVINGAS att konvertera till kristendom men ändå tror på Islams läror så kommer inte muslimen att straffas. MEN om en muslim tar Islam som sin religion och sedan går över till tex kristendom FRIVILLIGT då kommer han att straffas.
Du gör samma fel som nästan alla andra Islam kritiserare, du läser Koranen för bokstavligt. Om man läser Koranen noga så ser man att den är full med symboler, poesi, dikter som man kan helt enkelt inte tolka bokstavligt.