2010-04-11 16:16
Band [redigera]
Visa spoiler
* Frankrike
o Aghast
o Amanda Woodward
o Belle Epoque
o Celeste
o Daïtro
o Mihai Edrisch
o Sed non Satiata
* Italien:
o La Quiete
o Raein
o The Death of Anna Karina
* Japan:
o Envy
* Kroatien:
o Analena
* Norge:
o Angora Static
o Catena Collapse
o JR Ewing
o Kaospilot
o Snöras
o The Birds are Spies, They Report to the Trees
* Polen:
o Gas Chamber Melodies
* Portugal:
o Mary Reilly
o Suchi Rukara
* Ryssland:
o Marschak
o Optimus Prime
* Schweiz:
o Iscariote
* Singapore
o My Precious
* Spanien:
o Corea
o Enoch Ardon
o Reaction-Reaction!
* Storbritannien:
o Army of Flying Robots
o The Mock Heroic
o What Price, Wonderland?
o Yelp of Sords
o Yossarian Is Drowning
* Sverige:
o Amalthea
o Anemone
o Children of Fall
o Followed by 37 Seconds of Happiness
o Meleeh
o Suis la lune
* Tjeckien:
o Thema Eleven
* Turkiet:
o Noisy Sins of the Insect
* Tyskland:
o A Case Of Grenada
o A Fine Boat, That Coffin!
o Arsen AKA König Der Monster
o Calling Gina Clark
o Danse Macabre
o Collin Kramer
o Francis Brady
o Ghostchant
o June Paik
o Kill.Kim.Novak
o Killed By Malaise
o Kobra Kahn
o Louise Cyphre
o Mallory's Last Dance
o Petethepiratesquid
o The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra
o Tristan Tzara
o Yage
o Zann
* Ukraina:
o Swallow! Swallow! Splinter!
* USA:
o ...Who Calls So Loud
o Ampere
o Angel Hair
o Balboa
o Bravo Fucking Bravo
o Cease Upon The Capitol
o Circle Takes the Square
o Comadre
o Combatwoundedveteran
o Cowboys Became Folk Heroes
o Daniel Striped Tiger
o End Of The Century Party
o Funeral Diner
o Hassan I Sabbah
o Her Breath on Glass
o Hot Cross
o I, Robot
o I Hate Myself
o I Would Set Myself On Fire For You
o I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook
o L'antietam
o Loma Prieta
o Love Lost But Not Forgotten
o Neil Perry
o Off Minor
o Orchid
o Pg. 99
o Please Inform the Captain This is a Hijack
o Portrait
o Portraits of Past
o Reversal of Man
o Saetia
o Spirit of Versailles
o The Khayembii Communique
o The Saddest Landscape
o Textbook Traitors
o Twelve Hour Turn
o Usurp Synapse
o Wolves
o Wow, Owls!
Ganska träffsäker lista. Jag är int säker på kategoriseringen, men de populära banden i denna genren brukar vara :
Amanda Woodward, Raein, Followed y 37 seconds of happiness, Suis la lune, meleeh, i would set myself on fire, i wrote haikus about cannibalism in your yearbook, orchid, pg. 99, saetia, the saddest landscape och city of caterpillar.
Där har du screamo to last you a lifetime.
Glo Cap'n Jazz med.