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Mw2 problem - snabb hjälp tack

Skapad av Borttagen, 2010-07-22 23:33 i Mellan Himmel och Jord

1 193
15 inlägg
0 poäng
Hjälte 523 inlägg

Ska lira MW2 med en polare men allting fungerar inte riktigt som det ska... När jag startar spelet kommer jag in på startmenyn. Jag kan röra muspekaren i 5 sekunder sen så fryser sig hela skiten. Jag slängs ut ur spelet och får error:

Visa spoiler
['settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_plant_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_defuse_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_round_switch' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_bomb_timer' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_plant_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_defuse_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_hq_hold_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_hq_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_round_switch' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_bomb_timer' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_plant_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_defuse_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_add_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/patch_mp_menus.txt' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Waited 839 msec for asset 'ui_mp/menus.txt' of type 'menufile'.
Huffman Took 12 Milliseconds
Working directory: c:program files (x86)steamsteamappscommoncall of duty modern warfare 2
Using profile source cloud (l:0 c:0)
NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to
NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes
NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to
NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes
NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to
NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes
NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to
NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/_animatedmodels.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/_utility.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/perks/_perkfunctions.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_killstreaks.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_airstrike.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_helicopter.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_airdrop.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_class.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_missions.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_music_and_dialog.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_rank.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/koth.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_damage.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/dd.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
NAT-PMP: error -7 reading response
UPNP: Got a response from a device!
Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0
Clearing migration data
Clearing migration data
Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 1
Clearing migration data
Clearing migration data
Waited 151 msec for asset 'mc_l_hsm_r0c0d0n0s0' of type 'techset'.
Successfully read stats data from IWNet
UPnP device :
st: upnp:rootdevice
Ran out of UPNP devices to query
Setting our NAT to Open
Steam auth server ID is 0x140087391d1a00a
Internal and external ports match, setting nat type to Open
Setting our NAT to Open
******************Set External IP******************
Our external IP is
Our internal IP is
Sent to LSP: HELLO: LSPXUID 110000100535780 - GT "I like puddin'" - MID 0 - HD "yes" - WS "no" - BTN "buttons_default" - STK
Steam denied login, reason 5
Ignoring asset 'airdrop_marker_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'airdrop_sentry_marker_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'airdrop_mega_marker_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'model1887_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'model1887_akimbo_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'model1887_fmj_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'model1887_akimbo_fmj_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'muteplayer' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_texture' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_defaults' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_multi' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_advanced_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'apply_picmip_popmenu' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_audio' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_controls' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'team_marinesopfor' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'class' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'vision/' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'animtrees/destructibles.atr' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp

Cheat detected.

Det står "Cheat detected" plus massor av annat skit?! Jag har aldrig fuskat och det fungerade perfekt igår. Jag har inte blivit hackad heller... :S

Någon med samma problem? Hur löste ni det?

Tillägg av whatup 2010-07-22 23:40

Vill bara poängtera att jag VERKLIGEN inte har fuskat.

Tillägg av whatup 2010-07-22 23:42

Skiten kommer ju också upp INNAN jag ens försökt joina ett game :S

Ingen status

Är reklamen ivägen? Logga in eller registrera dig så försvinner den!

P 31 Bromma Hjälte 5 291 inlägg

Svar till whatup [Gå till post]:

Har du prövat att installera om det?

"Boo-fucking-hoo. Tänker inte tycka synd om dig, din lilla elaking." (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Hjälte 523 inlägg

Svar till Myssen [Gå till post]:

Nej, inte än. Vill se om det finns en annan lösning först. :)

Ingen status

P 38 Göteborg Hjälte 6 450 inlägg
Googla på det, det finns ett antal sidor som listar de 60 vanligaste problemen med MW2 och hur man löser det!

One pill makes you larger, one pill makes you small, but the pills that mother gave you don't do nothing at all

P 31 Bromma Hjälte 5 291 inlägg

Svar till whatup [Gå till post]:

Med tanke på att det tar max en timme och du förlorar INGENTING alls på det så är det ju bara att installera om, det är väldigt stor chans att det blir bra då

"Boo-fucking-hoo. Tänker inte tycka synd om dig, din lilla elaking." (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Hjälte 523 inlägg

Svar till Myssen [Gå till post]:

Installerar om det as we speak.

Men vafan... Ofta dom bannar en bara sådär? Jag har aldrig fuskat :S

Ingen status

Hjälte 1 081 inlägg

Svar till whatup [Gå till post]:

Testat på annan dator?

Ramslösa Mongo

Hjälte 523 inlägg

Svar till Scrap [Gå till post]:

Skall testas!

Ingen status

Hjälte 1 081 inlägg

Svar till whatup [Gå till post]:
Gör det och rapportera sen:)

Ramslösa Mongo

Hjälte 523 inlägg

Svar till Scrap [Gå till post]:

Fick samma sak på annan dator... Dom verkar ha bannat mitt acc... Vafan liksom? Jag har ALDRIG fuskat...

Ingen status

Hjälte 1 081 inlägg

Svar till whatup [Gå till post]:
Så det var kanske din kompis som fuskat? Jag tror inte dom skriver du fuskat utan anledning.

Ramslösa Mongo

Hjälte 523 inlägg

Svar till Scrap [Gå till post]:

Min kompis? Ingen annan har tillgång till mitt acc.

Ingen status

Hjälte 1 081 inlägg

Svar till whatup [Gå till post]:
Och det är du HELT säker på? Inte en liten Trojan eller något som näslat sig in i datorn? :)

Ramslösa Mongo

Hjälte 523 inlägg

Svar till Scrap [Gå till post]:

Jag är helt säker :)

Ingen status

Hjälte 1 081 inlägg

Svar till whatup [Gå till post]:

Då har jag inte en blekaste aning :(

Ramslösa Mongo

Forum » Mellan Himmel och Jord » Mw2 problem - snabb hjälp tack

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Hej! Innan du skriver om ett potentiellt problem så vill vi påminna dig om att du faktiskt inte är ensam. Du är inte onormal och världen kommer inte att gå under, vi lovar! Så slappna av och gilla livet i några minuter - känns det fortfarande hemskt? Skriv gärna ner dina tankar och frågor, vi älskar att hjälpa just dig!

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