här är det bevis på att det rör sig om riktiga pyramider
Bosnia's Sun Pyramid: The Concrete Pyramid Theory Confirmed! Friday, January 1, 2010 at 6:48PM
New laboratory analysis confirmed that Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid is made out of artificial concrete
Recent results from independent laboratory analysis achieved by Italy’s Polytechnic University of Turin (Politecnico di Torino – POLITO) confirmed that the samples of sandstone and conglomerate blocks taken last summer at Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid is ancient concrete made with artificially (man-made) aggregates.
In the new analysis made by the Chemistry Department of the POLITO both chemical and diffractometry analysis confirmed that the concrete material consists in inert material with a binding material that seems similar to Roman concrete.
The laboratory analysis also revealed that the sandstone samples collected from the covering of the concrete layers (the outer casing) of Bosnia's Sun Pyramid have the same composition of the concrete itself. The only difference consists in the inert material used for its manufacturing which results much smaller (fine-grained).
The report also says that the binding aggregates of the concrete (incl. the sandstone---casing) seem to be made by high temperature heating of clay (kaolinite and muscovite) and limestone materials (dolomite and calcite) which is typical for the chemical binding process that transforms those minerals into concrete-like binding material.
After the Kemal Kapetanovic Institute from the University in Zenica and the French Geopolymer Institute leaded by Prof. Dr. Joseph Davidovits, another independent and renown institution confirmed the use of artifical materials for the construction of the Bosnian pyramids.
Information about the chemical analysis
From: merlino@inrete.it
To: osmanagic@msn.com
Subject: Result of the chemical analysis of concrete from the pyramid of the Sun
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 03:59:16 +0100
Dear Dr Osmanagich,
Thanks for the latest news you sent us.
I would like to communicate to you a news that you may find interesting. During our visit to Visoko our team collected some sample of concrete and sandstone from the pyramid of the Sun. We brought them to the Chemistry Dept. of the Politecnico of Turin for analysis. In this dept. there is a laboratory specialized in construction materials analysis. The result of the chemical analysis and of the diffractometry analysis confirm that both the concrete and the sandstone are artificial manmade construction materials. The concrete consists in inert material with a binding material that the report states seems to be made "in a similar way of the one that the ancient Romans used to follow to make their concrete-like material". The "sandstone" that we collected from the covering of the concrete layers on the pyramid of the Sun has the same composition of the concrete itself only the inert material is smaller. The report continues saying that the binding part of the concrete (and "sandstone") seems to be made by high temperature heating of clay (kaolinite and muscovite) and limestone materials (dolomite and calcite) that transforms them into a concrete-like binding material. This report confirms your research and we thought you may find it interesting.
Congratulations for you work.
Best regards
Giancarlo Barbadoro [ Source: Eco-Spirituality ]
From: nswelim@internetegypt.com
To: osmanagic@msn.com
Subject: RE: Result of the chemical analysis of concrete from the pyramid of the Sun
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 13:10:03 +0200
Dear Dr. Semir: This result being conformed, is the beginning of important channels of research: the sources of these minerals, the transportation, where were they processed in such quantities, methods of processing, what fuel, by whom, and when. We are eagerly waiting.
Subject: Re: Result of the chemical analysis of concrete from the pyramid of the Sun
From: joseph@davidovits.info
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 13:28:17 +0100
To: osmanagic@msn.com
Bonjour Sam,
This is good news. It confirms my electron microscopical investigation sent on April 2009.
Au revoir,
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