alltså , kan du inte förstå att du kan tro hur mycket du vill att dina urföräldrar var apor och djur, mina urföräldrar var inte det.
förstå det en gång för alla, jag kommer aldrig tro att jag härstammar från apor om du gör det. du får förnedra dig hur mycket du vill med sådana tankar att du är ett däggdjur och att dina ur föräldrar var apor.
herregud, vad djävulen leker med människan, förnedrar den totalt.
Djävulen säger , "människa du är ett däggdjur, dina förfäder var djur, alltsp apor, trust me" ok, my friend, we believe you, we trust you :D
men när någon säger Gud skapade dig, med ett syfte, NEEEEEEEEEEEK FÖR HELVETE, VI ÄR DJUR, VI HAR INGET SYFTE HELLER, joo, vi ska äta, sova sexa runt allat som rör sig och död, that is it.
just det, fakta stödjer big bang teorin, alltså att det hände verkligen så, och koranen stödjer Big bang, och jag tror på det.
Svar till MidnattMannen [
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Vi har tonvis med bevis för att evolutionsteorin stämmer.
DNA är en av dessa. Det finns inget naturligt sätt för arvsmassa att sprida sig på detta vis annat än genom evolution.
Självklart så kan du påstå att allt det är Guds verk för att förvirra och vilseleda oss, men det är tyvärr inte fakta.
Fakta är dock att det är bevis för evolution, och att vi har tusentals andra bevis för det.
nej jag tror inte det, jag kan posta massor av fossiler där skelleten är detsamma nu som för många miljoner år sedan
50 miljoner år gammal fossil
[img] 01-2.jpg[/img]
[img] Swimming Reptile from Brazil.jpg[/img]
dagens trollslända
ingen skilland, var är evolutionen här ????
Age: 54 to 37 million years old
Size: 39 centimeters (15.3 in) in length; matrix: 29 centimeters (11 in) by 40 centimeters (15 in)
Location: Lincoln County, Wyoming
Formation: Green River Formation
Period: Eocene
Hundreds of garfish fossils that have been collected give evidence that these still-living fish have remained unchanged for millions of years. The garfish pictured, between 54 and 37 million years old, is no different from those living in our seas today. This exact similarity is an inexplicable situation for Darwinists and once again proves the fact of creation.
Age: 54 to 37 million years old
Size: 9.3 centimeters (3.7 in)
Location: Kemmerer, Wyoming
Formation: Green River Formation
Period: Eocene
"Living fossils" reveal that species have not evolved, but are created. Species have not attained their present body structure by chance, as evolutionists claim. They are all created flawlessly by Almighty God and have lived throughout their existence in the form they were created.
The herring fossil pictured also proves this. Herrings have remained the same for millions of years, preserving the form and structure with which they were initially created. Like all other fossils, this herring reveals that the theory of evolution is based on lies.
Age: 30 million years old
Location: Lusk, Wyoming
Formation: White River Formation
Period: Oligocene
30-million-year-old fossils that are identical with creatures living today refute the theory of evolution. Fossil discoveries reveal that rabbits have always been rabbits.
Age: 54 to 37 million years old
Size: 17.2 centimetrs (6.8 in)
Location: Kemmerer, Wyoming
Formation: Green River Formation
Period: Eocene
Seas in our day have many species of sunfish. The fossil pictured shows that sunfish have not evolved. For millions of years their physiology has remained the same. The appearance and structure of sunfish that lived about 55 million years ago are the same as those alive today.
Period: Cenozoic Era, Eocene epoch
Age: 48 to 37 million years old
Location: USA
As with all other species, stasis observed throughout the course of crane fly's existence is proof that evolutionary claims are false. The theory of evolution was proposed under the scientifically primitive conditions of the 19th century, adopted merely by ignorance, yet collapsed in the face of the 20th- and 21st-century science
Age: 145 million years old
Location: Eichstâtt, Bayern, Germany
Size: matrix: 10.5 centimeters(4.1 in) by 15.2 centimeters (5.9 in)
Period: Jurassic, Malm Zeta
The shrimp is an arthropod belonging to the sub-phylum Crustaceae. Its body is covered in armor composed largely of calcium carbonate. Various species of shrimp live in both salt and fresh water. The earliest known shrimp fossil dates back some 200 million years.
The fossil shrimp pictured is around 145 million years old. Shrimps, which have maintained their structure for millions of years with no change, are proof that living things never underwent evolution.
Age: 10 million years old
Size: 42 millimeters (1.6 in) by 35 millimeters (1.3 in)
Location: Vittoria d'Alba, Cuneo, Italy
Perio: Upper Miocene
Age: 156 to 150 million years old
Size: 1.5 centimeters (0.6 in) (leg to leg ), 0.7 centimeters (0.28 in) (body )
Location: Beipiao, Liaoning Province, China
Period: Upper Jurassic
The oldest known fossil spider is of a water spider, 425 million years old. The fossil pictured is 156 to 150 million years old. Such fossils show that spiders have been the same for hundreds of million years. Darwinists have no consistent and scientific answer for these findings.
Age: 20 million years old
Size: 25 centimeters (10 in)
Location: Asia
Period: Miocene
Fossils of mammals also deny evolution. The fossil wolf skull pictured is 20 million years old. Wolves have preserved their structures for 20 million years, proving that the theory of evolution is invalid
Age: 120 million years old
Size: 18 centimeters (7 in)
Location: Sihetun, Shangyuan, Beipiao City, Liaoning Province
Formation: Lower Yixian Formation
Period: Lower Cretaceous
Age: 20 million years old
Size: 29 centimeters (11.5 in)
Location: Asia
Period: Miocene
The tiger is a mammal of the Felidae family. 80 percent of the tiger species live in the Indian Peninsula.
The fossil tiger skull in the picture is 20 million years old and displays the same features as tigers living today. For millions of years, their bone structure has remained the same, refuting the theory of evolution
Age: 73 million years old
Location: Dai Lin, Yun Nan, China
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 73 million years old
Location: Qi Pan, Yun Nan, China
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 65 million years old
Location: Meng Gu, China
Period: Cretaceous
JAG SER INGEN EVOLUTION HÄR, du får fortfarande tro att du härstammar från apor och förnedra dig hur mycket du vill, ;)