Har du planerat att testa något nytt/fantasi under nästa år i sängen?
I så fall vad?
I feel like a cello, lost somewhere over the rainbow
I feel like a cello, lost somewhere over the rainbow
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det känns som om jag springer genom vatten, medan tiden bara flåsar mig i nacken
tyst nu din xantippa,tillbaka till köket
“I’m all outta my Bullshit Tolerance Juice, Uncle Fascist. So file those opinions under ‘shut the fuck up.’”
tyst nu din xantippa,tillbaka till köket
Never have to worry for all that we know, truth be told as we lay down low
Jag hette tidigare _Ozy_
Ingen status
Don't be a RACIST,be like a PANDA.They're Black,White,and Asian.yet not Mexican.. hmm be a panda with a TACO!
“I’m all outta my Bullshit Tolerance Juice, Uncle Fascist. So file those opinions under ‘shut the fuck up.’”
Don't be a RACIST,be like a PANDA.They're Black,White,and Asian.yet not Mexican.. hmm be a panda with a TACO!
Jag hette tidigare _Ozy_
Don't be a RACIST,be like a PANDA.They're Black,White,and Asian.yet not Mexican.. hmm be a panda with a TACO!
Never have to worry for all that we know, truth be told as we lay down low
Never give up, never back down!
“I’m all outta my Bullshit Tolerance Juice, Uncle Fascist. So file those opinions under ‘shut the fuck up.’”
Never have to worry for all that we know, truth be told as we lay down low
Don't be a RACIST,be like a PANDA.They're Black,White,and Asian.yet not Mexican.. hmm be a panda with a TACO!
“I’m all outta my Bullshit Tolerance Juice, Uncle Fascist. So file those opinions under ‘shut the fuck up.’”
Don't be a RACIST,be like a PANDA.They're Black,White,and Asian.yet not Mexican.. hmm be a panda with a TACO!
“I’m all outta my Bullshit Tolerance Juice, Uncle Fascist. So file those opinions under ‘shut the fuck up.’”
Don't be a RACIST,be like a PANDA.They're Black,White,and Asian.yet not Mexican.. hmm be a panda with a TACO!
Never give up, never back down!
Ah you think Hamsterpaj is your ally? You merely adopted the Hamsterpaj. I was born in it, molded by it.
Never give up, never back down!
Don't be a RACIST,be like a PANDA.They're Black,White,and Asian.yet not Mexican.. hmm be a panda with a TACO!
Never give up, never back down!
Hej! Innan du skriver om ett potentiellt problem så vill vi påminna dig om att du faktiskt inte är ensam. Du är inte onormal och världen kommer inte att gå under, vi lovar! Så slappna av och gilla livet i några minuter - känns det fortfarande hemskt? Skriv gärna ner dina tankar och frågor, vi älskar att hjälpa just dig!