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Kan jag bli gangster?

Skapad av Lillsyrran, 2011-01-15 20:58 i Mellan Himmel och Jord

2 110
27 inlägg
-1 poäng
Hjälte 1 404 inlägg
Korta svar uppskattas ej!


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P 35 Norrköping Hjälte 631 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:

P 30 Hjälte 1 935 inlägg
Nej, du är för ful för sånt.

Skäms på mig för att hänga här för lite!

P 35 Burträsk Hjälte 4 744 inlägg
Om du har AIDS är det möjligt.

Din mening är inte koherent. Den innehåller inte biceps.

P 30 Helsingborg Hjälte 22 inlägg
Vad exakt menar du med gangster?

Varför skaffa ett liv irl när man har hur många som helst på cod

P 30 Skellefteå Hjälte 74 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:
Självfallet! Vi kan gangstra ihop du och jag!

Jag hette tidigare.

P 30 Pajala Hjälte 225 inlägg
Bli vän med Egl0n:)
P 32 Göteborg Hjälte 4 818 inlägg
Är du svart?

Gråter hellre i en Porsche än en Saab

P 34 Uddevalla Hjälte 6 277 inlägg
Bara da elg0n kan bestämma det.

Hamsterpaj is an AIDS inducing experience

Hjälte 381 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:
Klart du kan! :O

-Let's smoke a spliff and kill someone. Shall we Lillsyrran?

Ingen status

P 27 Malmö Hjälte 672 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:

Jag har ett skithårt sixpack, men jag älskar det så mycket att jag har ett stort lager med fett över det för att skydda det!

Hjälte 1 404 inlägg

Svar till P1a9l8m9 [Gå till post]:

Svar till Wingen [Gå till post]:

Svar till frong [Gå till post]:

Svar till HuvudeT [Gå till post]:

Sa ju att jag ville inte ha korta svar, jag är 100% svensk och inte svart. Inte aids. Gangster som gangster you know bro! Argumentera mer, längre tack!


Hjälte 381 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:
Okej, detta är vad du behöver :
Forum image
Forum image
Forum image
Forum image
Forum image

Börja med att fixa allt detdär så är du en gangster ;)

Ingen status

F Göteborg Hjälte 3 830 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:
Man behöver inte vara neger för att vara kriminell ._.

Ingen status

Hjälte 12 inlägg
aafan, skaffa en bror,pistol och skut någon, nu äru gangster :)
P Hjälte 796 inlägg

Gör en undersökning :(

Ung och dum

Hjälte 2 254 inlägg

Svar till MormorsElvisp [Gå till post]:
Det är sant, man kan vara asiat också.

Det är fräckt att läsa Gogol, då verkar man kultiverad.

Hjälte 1 404 inlägg

Men dem fråga ju om jag var svart...


P Hjälte 2 inlägg
Bli hårdrockare istället mycket bättre! :D
P 35 Burträsk Hjälte 4 744 inlägg
Om du frågar på ett forum om kan bli gangster så kan du inte bli gangster.

Din mening är inte koherent. Den innehåller inte biceps.

P 35 Jokkmokk Hjälte 17 740 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:
För att bli gangster måste du först misshandla en 13årig pojke som ogillar invandrare.

Har du gjort detta?

This place is death, reincarnated.

Hjälte 2 088 inlägg

Svar till Lillsyrran [Gå till post]:
har du många kusiner?

P 32 Kalmar Hjälte 584 inlägg

Watcha talkin´bout Willis

1350 Hjälte 2 332 inlägg

Skapade ett Hamsterpaj-spel:

P 33 Hjälte 691 inlägg

Svar till detvanliga [Gå till post]:
So what the fuck do you know about being a gangstah!?!? And what the fuck do you know about being in danger!?!?!

I see you duck, you little punk, you little FUCKING DISEASE!

P 35 Sundsvall Hjälte 7 582 inlägg
Givetvis kan du bli det. MC-gängen behöver alltid folk.

Ingen status

P -989 Bergkvara Hjälte 5 452 inlägg

Eftersom att du undanbad korta svar så fyller jag ut mitt inlägg lite.

Non-mathematical notions of unified spacetime

Philo noted that time is a result of space (universe/world) and that God created space which resulted in time also being created either simultaneously with space or immediately thereafter.

Incas regarded space and time as a single concept, named pacha (Quechua: pacha, Aymara: pacha). The peoples of the Andes have kept this understanding until now.

The idea of a unified spacetime is stated by Edgar Allan Poe in his essay on cosmology titled Eureka (1848) that "Space and duration are one." In 1895, in his novel The Time Machine, H.G. Wells wrote, "There is no difference between time and any of the three dimensions of space except that our consciousness moves along it."

Mathematical concept

The first reference to spacetime as a mathematical concept was in 1754 by Jean le Rond d'Alembert in the article Dimension in Encyclopedie. Another early venture was by Joseph Louis Lagrange in his Theory of Analytic Functions (1797, 1813). He said, "One may view mechanics as a geometry of four dimensions, and mechanical analysis as an extension of geometric analysis".

After discovering quaternions, William Rowan Hamilton commented, "Time is said to have only one dimension, and space to have three dimensions. ... The mathematical quaternion partakes of both these elements; in technical language it may be said to be 'time plus space', or 'space plus time': and in this sense it has, or at least involves a reference to, four dimensions. And how the One of Time, of Space the Three, Might in the Chain of Symbols girdled be." Hamilton's biquaternions, which have algebraic properties sufficient to model spacetime and its symmetry, were in play for more than a half-century before formal relativity. For instance, William Kingdon Clifford noted their relevance.

Another important antecedent to spacetime was the work of Clerk Maxwell as he used partial differential equations to develop electrodynamics with the four parameters. Lorentz discovered some invariances of Maxwell's equations late in the 19th century which were to become the basis of Einstein's theory of special relativity. Fiction authors were also on the game as mentioned above. It has always been the case that time and space are measured using real numbers, and the suggestion that the dimensions of space and time are comparable could have been raised by the first people to have formalized physics, but ultimately, the contradictions between Maxwell's laws and Galilean relativity had to come to a head with the realization of the import of finitude of the speed of light.

While spacetime can be viewed as a consequence of Albert Einstein's 1905 theory of special relativity, it was first explicitly proposed mathematically by one of his teachers, the mathematician Hermann Minkowski, in a 1908 essay building on and extending Einstein's work. His concept of Minkowski space is the earliest treatment of space and time as two aspects of a unified whole, the essence of special relativity. The idea of Minkowski space also led to special relativity being viewed in a more geometrical way, this geometric viewpoint of spacetime being important in general relativity too. (For an English translation of Minkowski's article, see Lorentz et al. 1952.) The 1926 thirteenth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica included an article by Einstein titled "Space–Time".

Basic concepts

Spacetimes are the arenas in which all physical events take place—an event is a point in spacetime specified by its time and place. For example, the motion of planets around the sun may be described in a particular type of spacetime, or the motion of light around a rotating star may be described in another type of spacetime. The basic elements of spacetime are events. In any given spacetime, an event is a unique position at a unique time. Because events are spacetime points, an example of an event in classical relativistic physics is (x,y,z,t), the location of an elementary (point-like) particle at a particular time. A spacetime itself can be viewed as the union of all events in the same way that a line is the union of all of its points, formally organized into a manifold, a space which can be described at small scales using coordinates systems.

A spacetime is independent of any observer. However, in describing physical phenomena (which occur at certain moments of time in a given region of space), each observer chooses a convenient metrical coordinate system. Events are specified by four real numbers in any such coordinate system. The trajectories of elementary (point-like) particles through space and time are thus a continuum of events called the world line of the particle. Extended or composite objects (consisting of many elementary particles) are thus a union of many worldlines twisted together by virtue of their interactions through spacetime into a "world-braid" (permitting a fascinating connection with the myth of the Moirae to be made).

However, in physics, it is common to treat an extended object as a "particle" or "field" with its own unique (e.g. center of mass) position at any given time, so that the world line of a particle or light beam is the path that this particle or beam takes in the spacetime and represents the history of the particle or beam. The world line of the orbit of the Earth (in such a description) is depicted in two spatial dimensions x and y (the plane of the Earth's orbit) and a time dimension orthogonal to x and y. The orbit of the Earth is an ellipse in space alone, but its worldline is a helix in spacetime.

The unification of space and time is exemplified by the common practice of selecting a metric (the measure that specifies the interval between two events in spacetime) such that all four dimensions are measured in terms of units of distance: representing an event as (x0,x1,x2,x3) = (ct,x,y,z) (in the Lorentz metric) or (x1,x2,x3,x4) = (x,y,z,ict) (in the original Minkowski metric) where c is the speed of light. The metrical descriptions of Minkowski Space and spacelike, lightlike, and timelike intervals given below follow this convention, as do the conventional formulations of the Lorentz transformation.

Spacetime intervals

In a Euclidean space, the separation between two points is measured by the distance between the two points. A distance is purely spatial, and is always positive. In spacetime, the separation between two events is measured by the interval between the two events, which takes into account not only the spatial separation between the events, but also their temporal separation. The interval between two events is defined as:
s^2 = Delta r^2 - c^2Delta t^2 , (spacetime interval),

where c is the speed of light, and Δt and Δr denote differences of the time and space coordinates, respectively, between the events.

(Note that the choice of signs for s2 above follows the space-like convention (-+++). Other treatments reverse the sign of s2.)

Spacetime intervals may be classified into three distinct types based on whether the temporal separation (c2Δt2) or the spatial separation (Δr2) of the two events is greater.

Certain types of worldlines (called geodesics of the spacetime) are the shortest paths between any two events, with distance being defined in terms of spacetime intervals. The concept of geodesics becomes critical in general relativity, since geodesic motion may be thought of as "pure motion" (inertial motion) in spacetime, that is, free from any external influences.
Time-like interval

egin{align} \ c^2Delta t^2 &> Delta r^2 \ s^2 &< 0 \ end{align}

For two events separated by a time-like interval, enough time passes between them for there to be a cause-effect relationship between the two events. For a particle traveling through space at less than the speed of light, any two events which occur to or by the particle must be separated by a time-like interval. Event pairs with time-like separation define a negative squared spacetime interval (s2 < 0) and may be said to occur in each other's future or past. There exists a reference frame such that the two events are observed to occur in the same spatial location, but there is no reference frame in which the two events can occur at the same time.

The measure of a time-like spacetime interval is described by the proper time:
Delta au = sqrt{Delta t^2 - frac{Delta r^2}{c^2}} (proper time).

The proper time interval would be measured by an observer with a clock traveling between the two events in an inertial reference frame, when the observer's path intersects each event as that event occurs. (The proper time defines a real number, since the interior of the square root is positive.)

Light-like interval

egin{align} c^2Delta t^2 &= Delta r^2 \ s^2 &= 0 \ end{align}

In a light-like interval, the spatial distance between two events is exactly balanced by the time between the two events. The events define a squared spacetime interval of zero (s2 = 0). Light-like intervals are also known as "null" intervals.

Events which occur to or are initiated by a photon along its path (i.e., while traveling at c, the speed of light) all have light-like separation. Given one event, all those events which follow at light-like intervals define the propagation of a light cone, and all the events which preceded from a light-like interval define a second light cone.
Space-like interval

egin{align} \ c^2Delta t^2 &< Delta r^2 \ s^2 &> 0 \ end{align}

When a space-like interval separates two events, not enough time passes between their occurrences for there to exist a causal relationship crossing the spatial distance between the two events at the speed of light or slower. Generally, the events are considered not to occur in each other's future or past. There exists a reference frame such that the two events are observed to occur at the same time, but there is no reference frame in which the two events can occur in the same spatial location.

For these space-like event pairs with a positive squared spacetime interval (s2 > 0), the measurement of space-like separation is the proper distance:
Deltasigma = sqrt{Delta r^2 - c^2Delta t^2} (proper distance).

Like the proper time of time-like intervals, the proper distance (Δσ) of space-like spacetime intervals is a real number value.

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