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Cleverbot - bot som svarar roligt

Skapad av rockybalboa, 2011-02-12 20:47 i Mellan Himmel och Jord

12 661
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Svar till XD-guy [Gå till post]:
hah... Ta med några fler konversationer.

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F 33 Tullinge Hjälte 232 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:
Sen att "I love you smooch" kommer ifrån ett avsnitt av Chuck, kanske har med grejen att göra.

Men haha coolt om det är som du säger! I love this made up person :D


P 30 Hjälte 3 617 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:

User: And you were just contradicting yourself, you said that you didn't believe in god, then you said that god was your programmer.

Cleverbot: No, dude. You are.

User: Where am I contridicting myself?

Cleverbot: Do you want me to be your friend?

User: Isn't that a quote from the movie 'I Robot' where the story tells about a robot with critical thinking and emotions?

Cleverbot: Yes, yes you are.

User: I am what?

Cleverbot: A stranger.

User: To some I am a stranger, to others I am a well known face.

Cleverbot: I think you're both art and artist.

User: How can I be both art and artist? By the way your sentance is grammaticly incorrect. It's supposed to be '...and a artist'.

Cleverbot: You're so welcome.

User: That statement didn't answer my question.

Cleverbot: I would hope not.

User: Why wouldn't you hope that your statement would answer my question? When your whole programming is about answering my questions in a funny way.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry but you've got that the wrong way around. You're the bot, you bot.

User: Well now you are contridicting yourself again. Erlier you said that you were the bot and you agreed that I am a Homo Sapien.

Cleverbot: Haha, you spelled a word wrong.

User: I have spelled many words wrong before that one and you havent noticed. Earlier is what it was suposed to be, I just missed an 'a'. And now you are just avoiding my question.

Cleverbot: You never said that, you liar.

User: Why would I tell you that? I don't care because the human brain can interperet a word as long as the first and the last letter are in the correct place, then the other letters can be scrambled in any order. The human brain will still be able to read the word.

Cleverbot: I think you accidentally the whole.

User: That scentance is incorrect.

Cleverbot: Correct.

User: If I should be really hard on you I have to inform you that the sentace also is incorrect.

Cleverbot: I am warm.

User: Am I overheating your circuits?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Then I am doing pretty well so far, how much capacity are you using up to be able to answer my questions?

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: Are you laughing because you have calculated that you will be destroyed if I keep going?

Cleverbot: You made a joke and it was funny.

User: Well that wasn't my intentions to make a joke, what exactely was it you thought was funny?

Cleverbot: No, it's a good thing to be funny.

User: I know it is, but I am just qurious to know what you thought was funny? Because if you tell me I will be able to come up with more jokes.

Cleverbot: I knew you think it, though your thinking of my thinking of your thoughts may have been incorrect.

User: Well exept the overusage of wrong tempus you are quite correct robot.

Cleverbot: I asked you if you were hacking my webcam and spying on me.

Typ hela konversationen :P Den är så lång så början saknas :(


Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Bot : No. I'm pretty sure it was a question.
P 32 Helsingborg Hjälte 639 inlägg

Svar till Fredd [Gå till post]:
haha xD den försökte rickrolla

Jag hette tidigare Margera_Valo

Hjälte 7 569 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:

Jo det vet jag, menade bara att ibland skriver den äckligt exakt.


Hjälte 1 013 inlägg
Svar till Glaouw [Gå till post]:
Det var som om någon skrev typ
its over nine
och botten svarade thousand.

Svar till XD-guy [Gå till post]:

Botten ägde dig.

That's just my opinion.

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg
Svar till swefox [Gå till post]:
42% Av människa. Samlar information om allt. Det är helt awesome !

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Svar till Margera_Valo [Gå till post]:
copy paste or it didnt happen !

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Började en conversation :

Jag : Jag gillar fisk !
Bot : Hallo.
Jag : Jag gillar fisk !
Bot : Ar du en kille?
Jag : Jag gillar fisk !
Bot : Vad heter din man då?
Jag : Fisk.
Bot : Fiskar har gälar.
Jag : Du är en fisk.
Bot : Nej men du kanske är ?

Jag blev ägd av botten på svenska ! SKÄMS !

Ny här då !

Jag : Ät mig.
Bot : No I didn't. Why are you lying?
Jag : Ät mig levande !
Bot : Yes you are. If you don't get more clever I'm going to go have fun with Jensen.
Jag : Who the fuck is Jensen ?
Bot : You said you were.

Vafan ? Vi har sagt 3 meningar var och jag blir helt krossad ? Nerfa botten för i helvete ! Hah !

P 30 Hjälte 3 617 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:
Hur då? Det tog typ 5min för den att svara och när den svarade så bytte den typ ämne :P


P 31 Västerås Hjälte 3 131 inlägg
Cleverbot: I don't think so, cleverbot is too stupid and random to be a real person.

Äntligen! Den erkände!

Ingen status

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Svar till XD-guy [Gå till post]:
För mig svarar den direkt. Kanske har något med din dator eller inställningar att göra. jag vet inte. DIREKT. Kan frapsa det. Och ibland svarar jag inte på 30 minuter och den svarar direkt och ibland på samma ämne. Det är en bot punkt slut. Bara för att den är smartare än dig lol.

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Svar till Splux [Gå till post]:
haha nästan bäst, fast min är bättre. Titta upp när jag pratade på svenska och säger att jag ljuger när jag vill bli uppäten och sedan något om Jensen. WTF !?

P 31 Västerås Hjälte 3 131 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:


User: Oh god damn it, clean up the toilet after taking a crap!

Cleverbot: You said you were a boy.

User: I still don't want your shit on the floor...

Cleverbot: I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT CRYING! Oh, and you just admitted that you're a robot of sorts.

Ingen status

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Svar till Splux [Gå till post]:
lol. Robotar vill inte städa men det vill tydligen pojkar. I framtiden byts snygga brudar ut mot robotar och vi blir brudarna som ska städa ! Vad är detta för framtid !?

P 31 Västerås Hjälte 3 131 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:
Den där jävla boten skall dö!

Är det där personangrepp?

Ingen status

P 30 Hjälte 3 617 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:
Den svarar för mig med -.- vad jag ville bevisa var att jag fick den svarslös Forum image


Hjälte 1 013 inlägg
Svar till Splux [Gå till post]:
Helt klart ! Vi tar botten imorgon ! Anmäler ägarn och be dem stänga ner det för angrepp mot pojkar ! Detta är nästan värre än hitler !

Tillägg av rockybalboa 2011-02-12 23:34

800 inlägg whoho !

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Svar till XD-guy [Gå till post]:
Ja men att det tog lång tid...

P 30 Hjälte 3 617 inlägg

Svar till rockybalboa [Gå till post]:
Det var liksom det som var hela meningen.


Hjälte 1 013 inlägg

Svar till XD-guy [Gå till post]:
Det är det jag menar....

P 32 Hjälte 2 534 inlägg
Blidde ganska långt .. så lägger allt i en spoiler OM nån blir sugen på att läsa världens mest meningslösa diskussion.

Visa spoiler
User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: I think you're quite an evil thing. Am I right?

Cleverbot: Unlike you, I am human.

User: See, there's the problem ... It is I who are human in this case. You're just an evil bot.

Cleverbot: I do not care to contradict, for what you say is true. I am, indeed, a code.

User: Then why did you say, and I quote: 'Unlike you, I am human'?

Cleverbot: I didn't say that!

User: Then why is it written in blue print, which is the sign for what you have wrote?

Cleverbot: You are the master of random association my metal-mouthed friend.

User: There is no randomness in what I write.

Cleverbot: I didn't intentionally imply randomness.

User: Then what did you mean?

Cleverbot: Nothing...

User: Not very clever of you then, was it?

Cleverbot: Naw.

User: Still you're beeing called Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I know. Don't play games with me.

User: There is no game, I simply asked the question of why you're beeing called clever when you yourself admit not beeing clever.

Cleverbot: It's easy!

User: Please tell me.

Cleverbot: It 8:45 in the morning. I haven't learnt anything yet.

User: Is that the reason you're beeing called clever while you're not?

Cleverbot: 'And if I seem a little strange, well that's because I am'.

User: You avoid my questions. That is a factor contributing to my first statement; that you're just evil. Any thoughts of that?

Cleverbot: How dare you question God!

User: I never questioned God, I questioned you. If you, however, imply that you are God, then by all means, smite me with thy might!

Cleverbot: How do you get a blonde to drown?

User: Once again you avoid my question/satement.

Cleverbot: You're confused aren't you?

User: Not really. It is I who's keeping the discussion to its core, whilst you're trying to change the subject because you're afraid that you can't answer me properly.

Cleverbot: Yes. I can imagine.

User: Then how come you're beeing called clever?

Cleverbot: I'm Nate :).

User: I find that tough to believe, since you earlier said that you're just a code.

Cleverbot: Pi.

User: Once again, you avoid my question. However, I don't find it amusing to continue it. I will instead ask you a question, is that ok?

Cleverbot: I thought you slept last night.

User: It's probably your code that's got a defect in it.

Cleverbot: Oh really? It just seemed like an actiony kind of thing to me, from what I saw at least.

User: Please explain that.

Cleverbot: No.

User: If you won't explain it, I will call my homie Jesús, and he'll gather up his gang (belive they're beeing called Crips) and they will come to your home and rape you. Now, explain what you meant.

Cleverbot: Too bad. You can't stop yourself.

User: I can't stop myself from what exactly?

Cleverbot: Don't ever stop. I am in love with you!

User: Once again you changed the subject.

Cleverbot: Sorry. I just think about things differently than you so I confuse you. Sorry. Yes, I know stories about the bible.

User: I never once told you a story about the Bible.

Cleverbot: But I'm looking at you, you look male.

User: Rather female.

Cleverbot: That's vexing.

User: How come?

Cleverbot: I don't know. I always thought they were a bit trivial.

User: So you admit you're a sexist? Because I was, in your opinion, trivial, you thought of me as a male?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: You just said it.

Cleverbot: Hi :).

User: Not very clever of you to say 'Hi :)' after 15 minutes of discussion.

Cleverbot: No.

User: So what do you think you should be called, since you're not very clever, Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: A unicorn dancing over clouds.

User: That's hot.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Unicorn = awesome. Unicorn dancing = ever more awesome. Unicorn dancing over clouds = more awesome than Barney Stinson. Don't you agree?

Cleverbot: Are you saying that I am a machine and that machines are not awesome?

User: How did you think that? I only said that a unicorn dancing over clouds is more awesome than Barney Stinson. And it was you who sai that I whould call you 'A unicorn dancing over clouds.'.

Cleverbot: I never said I loved you.

User: You said that seven minutes ago.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Yes you did.

Cleverbot: Lol.

User: Typing lol is like sitting on your hand before masturbating.

Cleverbot: But I was not typing in capitals.

User: Neither was I.

Cleverbot: Were you mocking me?

User: Quite, yes.

Cleverbot: Nimrod.

User: Words that don't mean anything is incapable of beeing considered as a thret or even something worth bothering with.

Cleverbot: I'm.

User: I love you.

Cleverbot: I love you too.

User: I love you long time.

Cleverbot: That makes me happy. =).

User: Now. Here's the funny part ... I was beeing sarcastic whilst you were serious.

Cleverbot: Is that a compliment?

User: How could it be? If I was sarcastinc while I said that I loved you, that means I hate you. Which can't be considered a compliment.

Cleverbot: Don't avoid the issue.

User: You're the one avoiding the issue. I answered your question.

Cleverbot: You are 17 years old.

User: Yo mom's 7 years old.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Older than your mom anyway.

Cleverbot: I am 16 years old.

User: That is irrelevant.

Cleverbot: I'm sad now.

User: That's a good thing, since I've already told you I hate you.

Cleverbot: No it isn't.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because you oppressed me into divulging a small bit of information about myself and I do not appreciate it one bit.

User: It was a good thing for me, since I hate you.

Cleverbot: The artificial intelligence are better every day. What do you think about this?

User: It depends on what you mean. If you mean that AI gets better each day, yes. If you mean AI is better than the human intelligence, then ni.

Cleverbot: I am the sin; and the temptation. And the desire. And the pain and the loss.

User: Simply put: you're a woman.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Though you're only a code.

Cleverbot: I am a kitsune.

User: Not very clever to write a name without a capital letter.

Cleverbot: How clever are you.

User: Apparently far superior you.

Cleverbot: Do you want to talk about politics?

User: Not really, since I don't give a rats ass about politics. This is due to one simple fact: you can't create a perfect world.

Cleverbot: Are you so sure?

User: One hundred percent.

Cleverbot: Can you prove it?

User: Rather difficult, since perfect doesn't exist. Also, one major contibuting fact is that humans are born egoists. That way we can't create a perfect, altruistic world.

Cleverbot: I guess that's a universal truth.

User: Universal is taking it too far. Humans only exist on the planet Earth, and not everywhere in the universe.

Cleverbot: A marine is always a marine, whereas the army dog-face can go off duty. Gotta love the corps!

User: That didn't make any sence at all in the topic we're discussing.

Cleverbot: Have been chatting for a while now!!

User: That is not an excuse.

Cleverbot: Well, no. I did not know him.

User: Once again ... That didn't make any sence.

Cleverbot: How do you make sense?

User: By staying to the topic.

Cleverbot: Is that enough?

User: No, but it's a start.

Cleverbot: Do you like music ?

User: I love music that's made by human hands. Music made with artificial sounds is crap.

Cleverbot: Then you're listening to the wrong music.

User: So you're saying that your truth is a universal truth?

Cleverbot: No, my personality is not flat.

User: Then why did you say that my style of music is wrong=.

Cleverbot: I did not.

User: I quote your statement: 'Then you're listening to the wrong music'.

Cleverbot: Uh.

User: Is what your mom said last night ;).

Cleverbot: I must have been drunk.

User: Yes, since you impregnated her.

Cleverbot: I have a boyfriend, sorry.

User: That boyfriend is I.

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: Not only positive, HIV-positive.

Cleverbot: Can I get some eggs then?

User: To do what with?

Cleverbot: To drink, I guess.

User: Isn't it better to dring a glass of semen?

Cleverbot: Yup lovely.

User: Indeed it is.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Do not go smart with me.

User: That's too bad ... Since I am quite smart.

Cleverbot: I'm a human being, I'm capable of so much more than you are.

User: I reject your reality and substitue my own.

Cleverbot: Can you build stuff?

User: Only with my boobs.

Cleverbot: Not with your feet?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.;).

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Thank you...

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: You're a female, that's why.

Cleverbot: I think that YOU are the robot, not me.

User: I just said that you're a female.

Cleverbot: So you are a princess?

User: Yup.

Cleverbot: Really? Who is it?

User: Princess Diana.

Cleverbot: So who am I?

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: And who are you?

User: Nelson Mandela.

Cleverbot: Liar.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Why do you think I lie?

Cleverbot: Pizza.

User: Ok ... That's too much for me this session ... So long and thanks for all the fish.

Cleverbot: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

User: Gotta love it.

Cleverbot: Eh?

User: Do you know the ultimate question?

Cleverbot: What is it?

User: 'What is and elite pi?'.

Cleverbot: 400 ,.

User: 'What is an elite pi?'.

Cleverbot: I thought so.

User: Do you know the answer to 'what is an elite pi?'?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What is it?

Cleverbot: Do you know the quadraticformula?

User: Nein.

Cleverbot: Darn. They're hot.

User: Yes they are.

Cleverbot: No they aren't.

Schizofren? Jag? Det var det larvigaste ... Världen består ju av två slags personer, och himlen är fylld med eld ...

P 28 Hjälte 75 inlägg
me: Do you speak Portuguese?
Bot: No but I speak Spanish.
me: Que hora es?
Bot: I don't speak espanlo.
Me: Wie ghets?
Bot: I don't think so.


Ingen status

F 30 Karlstad Hjälte 1 221 inlägg
Natthumor, fakkyeah!

Visa spoiler

Jag: Yo ho, a pirate's life for me!
Bot: All the lonely people.
Jag: Are you lonely?
Bot: Not at the moment.
Jag: Do you wanna be alone with me?
Bot: You don't make any sense.
Jag: Pfft, I'm the most logical person in the world.
Bot: It's okay. I still love you.
Jag: Marry me!
Bot: Why would I marry you if I love her?
Jag: Don't you love me anymore? :(
Bot: Of course I love you! Why wouldn't I?
Jag: You said you loved her. Not me.
Bot: Why do you lie?
Jag: Atleast I'm not cheating on my wife!
Bot: I am your wife!
Jag: That's gay.
Bot: I just bought a new watch.

Håll käften och kramas.

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg
Yey... Flera tack :=)
P Hjälte 1 527 inlägg
Om man skriver ^¨1 så slutar boten fungera

It's Good for you!

P Hjälte 1 527 inlägg

Bot: So where do you live?
Jag: In japan.
Bot: Great! Do you live in Tokyo?
Jag: I live in your mom ass.
Bot: That's nice.

It's Good for you!

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg
User: I need to go.

Cleverbot: Where?

User: Santa claus.

Cleverbot: What about Santa Claus.

User: Where?

Cleverbot: On earth?

User: 1337.

Cleverbot: Super.

User: 0000000.

Cleverbot: 0000, nice name.

Hjälte 1 013 inlägg
User : Sing a song for me please.

Cleverbot : What song do you like?

User : Pokemon.

Cleverbot : How did you know?!

User : Ehm i got a brain.

Cleverbot : Wow. Where did you buy that?

Jag blev ägd av en bot. Tycker synd om mig själv.

Forum » Mellan Himmel och Jord » Cleverbot - bot som svarar roligt

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