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League of legends draft pick?

Skapad av Borttagen, 2011-09-27 22:05 i Dator- & TVspel

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P Hjälte 674 inlägg
Vad innebär draft pick i LoL?

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world." - Richard Dawkins

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P 31 Lund Hjälte 10 405 inlägg
Svar till Heklep [Gå till post]:
"1) The first players from both teams ban 2 champions each (the first one bans 1 then the other bans 2 and you ban 1 again or vice versa)

2) You pick with turns. Like the bans you pick in a 1-2-2-1 fashion. The first team picks 1 champ and then the enemy 2 and then the other team 2 and so on.

3) You can see your opponents' champion picks. Something like DotA, you can see what the enemy team picked (but you can't see summoner names or spells).

4) You can't pick the same hero as an enemy summoner (if an enemy picks Annie for example, you won't be able to pick her).

5) You can switch your champion with one of your teammate's (to help get some good champion first). In short if one summoner on your team wants master yi and you're afreaid someone else might pick him first, you can pick him instead, and then have him pick a champion of your choice and switch champions after that.

6) You also hear different background music during picks (which is kinda cool :D)."

<--- Pro // Did i ask you what you thought you maggot?!

P 28 Katthammarsvik Hjälte 1 984 inlägg

Svar till Heklep [Gå till post]:
"1) The first players from both teams ban 2 champions each (the first one bans 1 then the other bans 2 and you ban 1 again or vice versa)

2) You pick with turns. Like the bans you pick in a 1-2-2-1 fashion. The first team picks 1 champ and then the enemy 2 and then the other team 2 and so on.

3) You can see your opponents' champion picks. Something like DotA, you can see what the enemy team picked (but you can't see summoner names or spells).

4) You can't pick the same hero as an enemy summoner (if an enemy picks Annie for example, you won't be able to pick her).

5) You can switch your champion with one of your teammate's (to help get some good champion first). In short if one summoner on your team wants master yi and you're afreaid someone else might pick him first, you can pick him instead, and then have him pick a champion of your choice and switch champions after that.

6) You also hear different background music during picks (which is kinda cool )."


P Hjälte 674 inlägg

Svar till anonym215 [Gå till post]:

så det är som ranked fast inte ranked?

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world." - Richard Dawkins

P 30 Kristianstad Hjälte 636 inlägg

Svar till Heklep [Gå till post]:
Det är precis som ranked. De valde att behålla det sedan de tog bort ranked en helg och behöll draft pick. Och folk gillade det. Så nu finns det draft pick till normal också.

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P Rönninge Hjälte 3 815 inlägg
Banning draft<3

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