As the heavens divide,
many minds astound.
The radiant light,
the thunderus sound.
When doors begin to fall,
the irony of it all.
Thy slammed the ground,
the thunderus sound.
The righteous cause,
the pathetic blame.
No power holds the forlorn laws,
thy ashes spawned from hatreds flame.
Deep into the void you were peering,
agonized voices you heard tearing.
When man looked down,
only to see his jagged crown.
Praise to your father,
blessed by the water.
In him I see,
the freedom reign.
Man needs to be put with terror squeals,
where justification and limits are revealed.
Thus the heavens divide,
justice has been applied.
A thousand voices lift,
while ashes like tiny snowfall drift.
Hans penis klöv vågorna likt en isbrytare klyver smör, när han seglade över regnbågen.