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Bokrecension på engelska

Skapad av Borttagen, 2012-02-22 17:04 i Fritid

10 044
7 inlägg
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P 29 Hjälte 147 inlägg
Leta upp så många gramatikfel som ni kan och säg vad ni tycker :)

Twilight Av Stephenie Meyer

An book review of Joakim Wingeskog TE11

Stephanie Meyer was born December 24th, 1973 in the city Hartford. But she grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. Stephanie grew up with five siblings: Seth, Jacob, Heidi, Paul and Emily. Meyer met her husband at the age of 4, his name is Christiaan. At the age of 21 they got married. They got three sons: Seth, Gabe and Eli. Stephanie is mostly known for her Twilight novels. And she has sold over 100 million copies.

Twilight is known for a romance, there is some action in the book as well. And it’s a pretty easy book to understand. I think Twilight reminds me of a book I’ve read, called “skuggvandrare”. It’s a Swedish book where a werewolf and a human fall in love.

A girl named Isabella Swan is moving to Forks, because her mother and stepdad is going to travel around the world. So Isabella decides to go live with her father in Forks. She doesn’t have any high expectations of her new home, she thinks it’s just a grey, boring town. Isabella starts a new school and meets a couple of new friends, but there is a guy Bella finds herself fascinated of.
The thing Bella doesn’t realize is that the closer she gets to him, the more she is at risk, and could be too late to turn back.

The main character is Isabella Swan, she’s called Bella by her friends. We get to know Bella in the first pages of the book, and she seems depressed. The first line of the book is “I’d never given much thought to how I would die”, and by reading that I get a feeling that she’s considering suicide or such. When she meets Edward she gets happier. Bella is nice to her parents and friends. She seems pretty scared in general.
There is another main character named Edward Cullen, he tries to make as little attention as he can. He is careful and always trying to stay safe.

There is a lot of forests and it rains a lot. Bella describes it to be green, she misses the brown logs, in forks, there’s only green on the logs. Phoenix gets described as a perfect place “It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue.”(Twilight Stephanie Meyer p.3)
Stephanie Meyer have successfully built up the story, it comes in a perfect order to the reader. And according to me this book is very easy to understand, and it’s not extremely long and boring. She describes the characters very good, it’s almost like being there.
The language Stephanie is using is very realistic, it’s exactly like the language people like me uses. She uses many words to describe settings and characters.
The thing I really liked in this book was the quote “and so did the lion fall in love with the lamb.” Because it’s so true in this book, Edward is a strong, fast and dangerous creature, just like the lion. Meanwhile Bella is an regular human. And I think the starting of this book was really cool, a chapter from the bible “But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17” (Twilight Stephanie Meyer p.0)
There wasn’t anything I really disliked, I enjoyed reading this book a lot.

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P 32 Linköping Hjälte 3 334 inlägg

Svar till musicforlife [Gå till post]:
Alltså... Det var inte alls bra rent språkligt (enligt mig). Orkade bara läsa första stycket, sen gav jag upp.

För det första heter det a book review/report, sen så undvik alla former av "got" så långt, påbörja inte meningar med "and".

A book review of Joakim Wingeskog TE11

Stephanie Meyer was born on December 24th in 1973 in the Hartford, but she grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. Stephanie grew up with five siblings: Seth, Jacob, Heidi, Paul and Emily. She met her husband at the age of 4, his name is Christiaan (ska det vara två a?). They married when they were 21, and together they had three sons: Seth, Gabe and Eli. Stephanie is most famous for her Twilight triology, she has sold over 100 million copies.

Så mycket orkar jag ändra nu.

Tillägg av oskkan 2012-02-22 17:56

Ska självklart vara "A book review by Joakim Wingeskog TE11" och inget annat..

Tack Klas-Kenny för att du upptäckte det felet!

Shaving is only for men who swim in the olympics.

P 32 Falun Hjälte 8 307 inlägg

Svar till musicforlife [Gå till post]:
Nu orkade jag inte läsa igenom hela, men om jag var du skulle jag försöka undvika att skriva på svengelska redan i rubriken... ;)

"Twilight Av Stephenie Meyer" borde vara Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.

"Din mamma spelar keyboard i Hammerfall." - Sharlee D'Angelo

P 31 Växjö Hjälte 12 128 inlägg

Svar till oskkan [Gå till post]:
Fast du failade lite också,
"A book review by Joakim Wingeskog TE11"
Borde det väl ändå vara.

Svar till musicforlife [Gå till post]:
Med tanke på hur pass dåligt det verkar vara nu tror jag inte du förtjänar det betyg du kanske kan få om alla fel rättas till, så i alla fall jag tänker inte hjälpa till. Och jag tycker inte någon annan heller bör göra det, det är trots allt FUSK det rör sig om.

Rätt verktyg till rätt arbete - Makaroner äts med sked.

P 32 Linköping Hjälte 3 334 inlägg

Svar till Klas-Kenny [Gå till post]:
Du har så rätt så rätt, såg inte det..

Får ändra det!

Shaving is only for men who swim in the olympics.

F 31 Superdupersnygg sexpert 3 304 inlägg

Svar till musicforlife [Gå till post]:
Nu vet jag ju inte hur lång den ska vara men jag tycker att den känns ganska kortfattad. Lite väl kort på sina ställen kanske, t.ex. i slutet när du skriver om språket och miljön. Sedan är inte språket särskilt bra heller, det blir nog bättre om du inte försöker klämma ihop allt på en sån kort text.

Jag har hjälpt en del här på forumet med sina engelska texter, men dig hjälper jag inte då du verkar skrivit texten, inte läst igenom den igen utan bara slängt upp den här och säger att vi ska rätta den åt dig. Läs igenom den själv så lär du märka vart du har gjort fel.

Det är ingen dålig text, men den kan förbättras.

Jag älskar doften av makt på morgonen.

F 30 Hjälte 6 138 inlägg
An book review of Joakim Wingeskog TE11

Stephanie Meyer was born December 24th, 1973 in the city Hartford. But she grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. Stephanie grew up with five siblings: Seth, Jacob, Heidi, Paul and Emily. Meyer met her husband at the age of 4, his name is Christiaan. At the age of 21 they got married. They got three sons: Seth, Gabe and Eli . Stephanie is mostly known for her Twilight novels. And she has sold over 100 million copies.

Twilight is known for a romance, there is some action in the book as well. And it’s a pretty easy book to understand. I think Twilight reminds me of a book I’ve read, called “skuggvandrare”. It’s a Swedish book where a werewolf and a human fall in love.

A girl named Isabella Swan is moving to Forks, because her mother and stepdad is going to travel around the world. So Isabella decides to go live with her father in Forks. She doesn’t have any high expectations of her new home, she thinks it’s just a grey, boring town. Isabella starts a new school and meets a couple of new friends, but there is a guy Bella finds herself fascinated of.
The thing Bella doesn’t realize is that the closer she gets to him, the more she is at risk, and could be too late to turn back.

The main character is Isabella Swan, she’s called Bella by her friends. We get to know Bella in the first pages of the book, and she seems depressed. The first line of the book is “I’d never given much thought to how I would die”, and by reading that I get a feeling that she’s considering suicide or such. When she meets Edward she gets happier. Bella is nice to her parents and friends. She seems pretty scared in general.
There is another main character named Edward Cullen, he tries to make as little attention as he can. He is careful and always trying to stay safe.

There is a lot of forests and it rains a lot. Bella describes it to be green, she misses the brown logs, in forks, there’s only green on the logs. Phoenix gets described as a perfect place “It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue.”(Twilight Stephanie Meyer p.3)
Stephanie Meyer have successfully built up the story, it comes in a perfect order to the reader. And according to me this book is very easy to understand, and it’s not extremely long and boring. She describes the characters very good, it’s almost like being there.
The language Stephanie is using is very realistic, it’s exactly like the language people like me uses. She uses many words to describe settings and characters.
The thing I really liked in this book was the quote “and so did the lion fall in love with the lamb.” Because it’s so true in this book, Edward is a strong, fast and dangerous creature, just like the lion. Meanwhile Bella is an regular human. And I think the starting of this book was really cool, a chapter from the bible “But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17” (Twilight Stephanie Meyer p.0)
There wasn’t anything I really disliked, I enjoyed reading this book a lot.

Kursiva delar; konstiga meningar... alternativt onödigt korta meningar som du egentligen kan smälla ihop med den innan.

Feta delar: Typ grammatiska fel.

Försök klura på dem själv, fråga annars.

Tips; Man får faktiskt skriva längre meningar... Och många meningar var ganska konstiga. Tillsist: I engelska arbeten är det awesome om man särskriver alla förkortningsgrejer såsom it's, haven't, don't osvosv. till it has/is, have not, do not.

I'm practically floating in English.

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