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är min översättning rätt?

Skapad av Borttagen, 2012-03-29 10:23 i Skola & Jobb

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Är min översättning rätt? :D

Barbados is an island state located in the Caribbean and has a population of approximately 279 912 inhabitants. The capital is Bridgetown, which is the only town on the island, there are places around the island including Holetown and Oistins. The official language is English. Its surface is about 430 km wide and consists most out of lowlands. To the left of Barbados lies neighboring St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines.
In 1627 the British moved to the island. Slaves worked all over the island in sugar plantations until slavery was banned in 1834. Barbados gained independence from Britain in 1966..
The name “Barbados” comes from a man named Pedro Campos, who was a explorer. Pedro Campos called the island Los Barbados after he year 1536 saw the island's fig trees with hanging roots, Campos thought this looked like beards. Los Barbados means "bearded".
Barbados is a popular tourist area, famous for its beautiful beaches and tropical climate. The island has a rainy season which lasts from June to October, there is also hurricanes around, thankfully does the island not suffer from this because Barbados is located east of the hurricane belt. However, contaminated water out of ship-generated wastes, garbage is dumped and there is a risk that even drinking water is contaminated. 90% of all residents of Barbados has African origins. This is because many are relatives of the slave workers. Europeans and Asians make up the rest of the population. The official language is English and the local language called bajanska.
During the 1900s, the country's economy was dependent on sugar, rum and molasses. In recent years, tourism became more important than the sugar industry. The elaboration of the Barbados economy is highly dependent on the economy in the U.S. and Europe.

Tacksam för svar!!

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P Helsingborg Hjälte 1 768 inlägg
mostly out of low lands, inte most out of.
Lite ' här och där saknas.
Sen kan du ju se över alla dina kommatecken, jag gillar inte hur du bygger dina meningar.


P 32 Linköping Hjälte 2 373 inlägg
Är det bara jag, eller har inte exakt denna text varit uppe förut? Var någon som frågade om översättning då med!

What do you do for cardio? - I lift weights faster!

F Hjälte 285 inlägg
Barbados is an island state located in the Caribbean and has a population of approximately 279 912 inhabitants. The capital is Bridgetown, which is the only town on the island. There are places around the island including Holetown and Oistins.
The official language is English. The surface of the island is about 430 km wide and consists most out of lowlands. To the left of Barbados lies neighboring St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines.
In 1627 the British moved to the island. Slaves worked all over the island in sugar plantations until slavery was banned in 1834. Barbados gained independence from Britain in 1966..

The name "Barbados" comes from a man named Pedro Campos, who was an explorer. Pedro Campos called the island Los Barbados after he saw the island's fig trees with hanging roots in 1536, Campos thought this looked like beards. Los Barbados means "bearded".
Barbados is a popular tourist area, famous for its beautiful beaches and tropical climate. The island has a rain season which lasts from June to October. There are also hurricanes around, thankfully the island does not suffer from this, because Barbados is located east of the hurricane belt.
However, contaminated water out of ship-generated wastes, garbage, is dumped, and there is a risk that even the drinking water is contaminated.

90% of all residents of Barbados have African origins. This is because many are relatives of the slave workers. Europeans and Asians make up the rest of the population.
During the 1900s, the country's economy was dependent on sugar, rum and molasses. In recent years, tourism has become more important than the sugar industry. The development of the Barbados economy is highly dependent on the economy in the U.S. and Europe.


Tror jag fixade till grammatiken korrekt. Ändrade lite meningar som lät efterblivna.


Ja, jag är jobbig.

P Malmö Hjälte 4 838 inlägg

Svar till Eloise [Gå till post]:
Lär dig styckindela. Språket heter dessutom inte bajanska på engelska utan Bajan (

Min internetkuk är alltid större än din.

Hjälte 5 429 inlägg

Svar till Eloise [Gå till post]:
Los Barbados means "bearded"
Ska vara: Los Barbados means "the bearded" eftersom det är bestämd form plural.

Förövrigt, se över plural/singular och din meningsuppbyggnad. Till exempel:

there is also hurricanes around, thankfully does the island not suffer from this because Barbados is located east of the hurricane belt
Ska vara: there are also hurricanes around, but luckily Barbados does not suffer from this since the island is located east of the hurricane belt

90% of all residents of Barbados has African origins.
Ska vara: 90% of all residents of Barbados have African origins.

Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus.

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