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Hjälp med engelsk text

Skapad av turken, 2012-09-19 18:41 i Skola & Jobb

1 694
23 inlägg
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P Hjälte 655 inlägg
Tjena :D

Undrar om det finns någon gullig liten hamster som skulle kunna hjälpa mig att hitta fel i en engelsk text som är början på en uppsats som ska handla om vad en perfekt kropp kostar och varför folk gör plastik operationer.

Kakor till den som hjälper mig :D

Some people are born with physical defects that haunt them over the years. Others get a disease or get involved in an accident. They feel ugly, and that feeling takes away from their self-confidence. Some of these people might avoid situations where they will be the center of attention, or they might pass up social or employment opportunities because they think that other people think that they are ugly. Plastic surgery can correct many defects and help patients feel good about their appearance-sometimes for the first time in their lives, In these cases I think plastic surgery is okay. If you have for an example had a very crooked nose and feel very bad about it I think it is right to do a plastic surgery to correct your nose.
Other people want to look like they did when they were young. Age and childbirth can do a lot of damage to the face and body. There are many plastic surgery procedures that can bring back the young you. Liposuction and breast augmentation are popular choices for women who want to look like they did before their pregnancy. Facelift and wrinkle fillers can erase the lines that come with age. People who do this kind of plastic surgery´s only want to look like they did when they were young. I don’t think it is really right to do these kinds of plastic surgery´s. But if you are very inconvenient with your older body and feel bad about it I think it is accepted to do a surgery.
The last group is entertainers, models and other who have a highly visible profession. Lots of people in this business have had a plastic surgery made. Because attractive people tend to be more successful in this kind of job. Off course is there difference between what people do to them self in this category. A news anchor that has received little botox in his/hers face is a classic. And surgery´s like that fall in under the last category. And then we have another classic. An actress/model who actually is pretty and beautiful do a plastic surgery to become more beautiful. In the beginning maybe they do a successful boob job. And after the first surgery there is more surgeries and it´s too much. An example of that is Heidi Montage. She was really cute before all her surgery´s, now she just look terrible.

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F 30 Hjälte 6 138 inlägg
Använd något annat ord än "haunt".

I'm practically floating in English.

P Hjälte 655 inlägg

Svar till hutcherson [Gå till post]:
Okej :) Var det bra annars?

Ingen status

P 28 Smålandsstenar Hjälte 1 761 inlägg

Svar till turken [Gå till post]:
Surgeries, inte surgery's.

"I want our kids in Mercedes' and BMWs, not those little commie mobiles." ~Peter Schiff om Trabant

P Hjälte 655 inlägg

Svar till Glonk [Gå till post]:
Okej :) Tack för hjälpen :) Är den bra annars?

Ingen status

P 28 Smålandsstenar Hjälte 1 761 inlägg
Svar till turken [Gå till post]:
Ser hyfsat bra ut, det enda jag "stör" mig på är meningen "They feel ugly, and that feeling takes away from their self-confidence.", skriv istället "They feel ugly, and that feeling give themselves low self esteem".

"I want our kids in Mercedes' and BMWs, not those little commie mobiles." ~Peter Schiff om Trabant

P Hjälte 655 inlägg

Svar till Glonk [Gå till post]:
Då ändrar jag på det och tackar för hjälpen :D

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F 31 Eskilstuna Hjälte 297 inlägg
Svar till turken [Gå till post]:
1."I don’t think it is really right to do these kinds of plastic surgery´s."
borde ändras till
"I do not really think that these kinds of plastic surgeries are right/justifiable"

2."But if you are very inconvenient with your older body and feel bad about it I think it is accepted to do a surgery."
borde ändras till
"However, I think that it is acceptable to do a surgery if you are uncomfortable with your body"

3.I meaningen: "Lots of people in this business have had a plastic surgery made" borde du ta bort ordet "made"

4."Of course" stavas med ett f.

5. Ändra "Off course is there difference between what people do to them self in this category." till "Though,in my opinion, there is of course a difference in what people do to themselves in this profession"

6. skriv "iclassic example" istället

7."A news anchor that has received little botox in his/hers face is a classic. And surgery´s like that fall in under the last category. And then we have another classic. An actress/model who actually is pretty and beautiful do a plastic surgery to become more beautiful. In the beginning maybe they do a successful boob job. And after the first surgery there is more surgeries and it´s too much. An example of that is Heidi Montage. She was really cute before all her surgery´s, now she just look terrible."

jag förslår att du ska ändra till

"A news anchor that has put in a little botox in his/hers face is another classic example. Surgeries like that fall under the last category mentioned. We also have another classic example of plastic surgery, the actress/model who is good looking from the beginning and goes into surgery in the hopes of impoving his/her looks. There are some good examples and bad examples in these cases. A couple of surgeries might be successful in the beginning but when number of operations becomes too much it often leads to bad results. An example of an actress/model who has had excessive plastic surgery is Heide Montag, which now, after numerous operations, looks terrible compared to before in my opinion.

Tillägg av Linn3aJ 2012-09-19 21:50

*6. classic example

F 30 Hjälte 6 138 inlägg

Svar till turken [Gå till post]:
Vem vet? Jag pallade inte läsa längre.

I'm practically floating in English.

F 30 Hjälte 6 138 inlägg

Svar till Linn3aJ [Gå till post]:
Way to do his work!

I'm practically floating in English.

F 31 Eskilstuna Hjälte 297 inlägg

Svar till hutcherson [Gå till post]:
Jag är uttråkad :D

Hjälte 265 inlägg
Svar till Linn3aJ [Gå till post]:
Du verkar kunna din engelska men är det inte lite fel med:

"A couple of surgeries might be successful in the beginning but WHEN NUMBER OF OPERATIONS becomes too much it often leads to bad results"


Du ser vad jag CAPS:at

Tillägg av Fairplay 2012-09-19 22:15

"when several operations have been made ....." kanske?

Äre här de' är party?

P -989 Bergkvara Hjälte 5 452 inlägg

Svar till turken [Gå till post]:
Tycker det vore bra om du berättade vilken nivå vi ska ligga på.

P Hjälte 655 inlägg

Svar till Snopp [Gå till post]:
Jag går i ettan på gymnasiet :)

Ingen status

F 31 Eskilstuna Hjälte 297 inlägg

Svar till Fairplay [Gå till post]:
Jaa, jag hade problem med den meningen fats jag glömde sätta dit ett "the"
man kanske ska skriva det här istället:
"A couple of surgeries might be successful in the beginning but when the number of operations becomes too many it often leads to bad results"

Hjälte 265 inlägg

Svar till Linn3aJ [Gå till post]:
Där satt den nog, "The":et gjorde susen! ;D

Äre här de' är party?

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