OBS: Engelska förekommer i tråden.
"Since May 28 Turkish citizens have been protesting the demolition of Taksim Gezi Park. The Erdogan-run AKP government is planning to build a large shopping mall housed in replica Ottoman-era army barracks on the scene. The Gezi Park protests are quickly evolving into something much bigger and the genie seems to have escaped the bottle as Aljazeera is calling it “the fiercest anti-government demonstrations the country has witnessed in years” "
"Though the protests started from an ecologist point of view, mainly the police’s response has transformed the motivation of many filling the streets of Istanbul. Local activists mention that the fight has now gone beyond saving trees. To them, this is about a government mentality that “not only suppresses but attacks its own people”. The main issue seems to be the increasingly authoritarian and uncompromising tendencies of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his third successive term in office."
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