![Forum image](http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8266/vikingel.png)
Och så lite text.. Copy/paste, till för ett annat forum (/pol/) men jag litar på att de flesta här kan Engelska någonlunda bra.
... "The result of this was, as we know, that Northern Europe defended itself against the cultural and religious imperialism of the Christians, with all the means they possessed. Superior ship technology and contempt for death was not enough, though, when 250.000 Scandinavians had to face the tens of millions of Christians in Europe. However, they burnt the few monasteries already built in Scandinavia, slew or threw out the few Christians already here, and fought courageously against the rest of Europe for about 250 years (!) before the resistance was broken and the Scandinavians finally agreed to pretend they accepted Christianity.
Paganism didn't fail as a religion. Paganism simply failed to remained the official religion because it is not a religion for the masses. It is a religion for healthy communities made up of a few individuals living in harmony with nature. It is a religion for the strong, the pure, the beautiful and the healthy, and to these people it is still the only religion worth practicing. "
""Pic related is history, what you might not know is that after failed missionary crusades, they found vice kings, rulers over small patches of land (small, one 20th of the country (sweden&norway; at the time) and bribed them.
The disgusting jews bribed the morally weak and made us slaughter our own people and spit on our gods.
The Cunts they managed to bribe they fought for, and made kings. Their puppets.
For centuries we were under direct Christian - they ruled alongside the kings they allowed to rule - which extends the Vatican since roman times (created to cull the romans "FEAR GOD OR ELSE").
- As i said, they conquered us through religion, put a monopoly on education and way of life, branded us christian, forced our women to indoctrinate at cloisters, its literally brain washing.
It kept us down in the dirt, complacent, culled while the Jews interbred with the ruling family, and thus proxy ruled us.
For. Centuries. Brainwashing.
And we hated it. As soon as Atheism and evolution showed up we were among the first to pick it up, unfortunately we had no morals or honor any longer, we had no strong nationalism and tradition, we no longer wanted to sail the seas, map the stars and raid the world, bringing home riches and the most fine beautiful women of whole of Europe. EuGenics on a massive scale.
What little we had the Jew eroded with his propaganda, and now hes flooding us with foreigners laughing as inferior "slave races", blacks, nigerians rape our women and live on the wellfare.
We lost the fight a long time ago, England is in the lead, second and third is Russia and China, both of which are probably proxy owned paid and taxed for.""
Mina pajkastardagar är över. Sämsta spelet någonsin.